Goblin or Dragon?
Being a sequel, there are things that should be compared between Goblin and Dragon Conquista in order to understand more what Dragon Conquista gives as a sequel.
The things that Goblin Conquista did better was the battlefuck system, though at the cost of a rock-paper-scissors type of battle system. However, Goblin Conquista had ideas and more interaction within it’s H-scenes.
So, what did Dragon Conquista delivered?
To put it simply, in what Dragon Conquista lacks, it makes up for it by improving everything what Goblin Conquista did.
- A change for a more refined battle style, albeit with some exploits.
- A more varied bestiary, with the majority of them that have their own H-scenes.
But most of all, the story.
Obviously, it’s best to play Goblin Conquista beforehand to fully appreciate Dragon Conquista’s story. Seeing how old characters coming back were used. The many plot twists and different plot points (The Church and Prison arcs being my favorites). But most of all how the consequences of Goblin's story affected Dragon's story.
Without spoilers; the story in Dragon Conquista’s biggest strength but it comes with a cost that I’ll point out further below.
The story was very engaging and the fact each plots have their own environments was never tiring for me. And seeing new characters interacting with characters from the previous game were used more than just fanservice was the cherry on top.
The difficulty
This game’s challenge can be a pushover. Especially if you cheese out the casino sections, get the final sword and amass enough money to buy books to boost your stats. The only time I had trouble was the bird monster boss. But that’s just ONE somewhat tough boss fight.
H-scenes aren’t really worth it
From a first play-through perspective, I don’t see the need to collect do the H-events. This is a similar issue that I had with Goblin Conquista, at some point I just felt no wanting to bother collecting the CGs since I cared more for the story. (Especially there were very few scenes in Goblin Conquista that I felt like were endearing)
Overall; I had a good time playing Dragon Conquista but the irony that I didn't bother with the H content.
However, don't let it discourage you. (Especially when it comes to people who needs a video essay to explain to them the most basic story plot line, lord have mercy..)
I want to see BanameiR make a game that has the level of story writing, even much better than Dragon Conquista, as well experimenting and daring for a more interacble battlefuck system, improving Goblin Conquista's battle fuck system.