at first glance game doesn't look so bad - there are definitely much, much worse games up there, but...
writing is sluggish - it takes actual effort to get through it, constant circles around "chosen one this", "chosen one that" without any actual fucking explanation of anything gets old really fast, all this come back to main story - which game, despite taking long ass prologue trying to set up, still fails to do so and remains some ambiguous half-assed mess, even by isekai low standards
characters are unlikable - either act like absolute cunts or just plain as fuck without any personality... if that a main LIs cast - might as well do a virgin run, but not like game will give any choice here (or any at all), based on what was available so far
MC is non-existent, empty space - no personality, no character, no powers, no spine, no nothing... combined with current LIs cast - i'm guessing main focus of this game is lowkey femdom, cuz there can't be anything else if you playing as a doormat
eh... deceived by a harem tag again, twice this week