This game was very engaging and captivating at first but then things started to become so unrealistic not only storywise but even more so in dialogues and character behaviour.
Like what loving wife and mother would say she has to think about exhanging sexual favors for career advancements to the man who constanly drools over her, atleast in my playthrough she did not appriciate the attention but nevertheless she acts as if that whole conversation never took place afterwards, and the whole deal about the exclusivity of her contract and not reading through it whatsoever is beyond stupid, I get that this action is probably to further the plot but it's stupid still.
So many actions and inner dialogue on the wifes part does not fit atall with the character on the "solo route" atleast.
As I said before that doesnt fit the character and just makes her out to be naive and unappreciative of her husbands loyalty, and that she might be okay with cheating since she did not turn down any of the creeps advances and justify this with not wanting to lose her job and letdown her family, like wtf.
I think they raghter have her safe and sound then whatever she imagine his speech about having her pay for his services and contacts.
(The whole conversation made is pretty clear, but then again maby she is stupid and naive)
I personally did not like having to make choices for several characters as it breaks immersion, especially when you have no choice in vital moments as the whole ordeal woth sebastian from the wifes POV.
Altough that would be somewhat better imo, Id raghter their actions be determined by score, the MCs previous actions or even having no choice in the matter over having choices for multiple characters.
More choices for the MC and less unimportant ones for the side cast.
I also dont see the point of building points with a character you will just kill off, Don't get me wrong this is a big part of the plot but it just strikes me as odd.
There's even some insanity choice that adds further relation points with the dead character?
Theres alot going on in this story and while this can be a good thing it can become pretty messy going forward and already is when certain things seemingly being forgotten and overlookes such as Marcus obvious concern about the wifes workplace and no one remarks on this further and he never brings it up again altough it probably is of importance concidering the situation.
Same with the husband asking the friend on the police force to look into the wifes boss out of concern, but he doesnt do so even after saying he will.
And this is an overarching theme in most encounters the wife has with sebastian.
She either does not mention anything to the husband or even makes up lies about it.
Certainly does not fit the characterisation of their relationship especially if the husband is forthcoming about everything, and she even says how much she appriciates this and his constand support as mentioned over and over during her inner dialogue.
At some point she states that if she had to leave her job for the husband she would, but still she does not tell him anything beyond the boss is a "creep"..
Which is just scratching the surface of their encounters, one would think he would not be so indifferent about all their dates and going away on trips for several days had she mentioned just a portion of his behaviour and their conversations.
All this made me resent the wife and while there seemingly is no "better" love interest imo, and they supppsedly have this strong relationship I just don't see it in her actions atall.
Sure they have some sex and she says some sweet things then she goes on lying and negleting him after the car crash, even if that is somewhat understandable nothing fits the character that I felt the story was presenting to me.
Had I constantly lied to, cheated on the wife and taken her for granted I feel lile the story would make more sense almost.
A breif rating on my overall experience:
Graphics 5/5 it's really solid beutiful renders and good animations altough they did not run so smoothly my android device..
Story 3/5 Alot of mystique and drama but also a ton of plotholes that felt somewhat frustrating and it's all made wprse by the following two aspects.
Characters 2/5 Most strike me as pretty stupid and their actions often contradict their persona, almost like it all is made up as the story unfolds.
Dialogue 1/5 While it's somewhat engaging at times there is too many obvious oversights on things that should be adressed but isnt due to plotarmor.
It would be better if it all was a mystery, raghter then all of it being presented to the player but everyone dances around the elephants in the rooms.