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New Member
Jul 15, 2020
I don't mean to sound like the odd one out here, but am I the only one who thinks that Clem in Fair Played was asking for it and ended up in the situation she ended up in because of her actions? I couldn't help but get those vibes from it. I'm not into rape stuff at all, but, seeing her actions made me think opposite of how I think drills3D (SelfDrillingSMS) might have been intending.


Jul 2, 2020
I don't mean to sound like the odd one out here, but am I the only one who thinks that Clem in Fair Played was asking for it and ended up in the situation she ended up in because of her actions?
Ended up in the situation because of her actions, yes. She should've been more careful - it's a dystopian world and she should not be expecting people to treat her nicely (in real life - same applies) - you protect yourself first. I believe a level of personal responsibility is important, so don't expect the world to be nice to you, if anything prepare for it not to be. No, she was clearly not 'asking' to be raped (who the fuck does), based purely on her reaction after things got rougher...

'thank you raping me good fellow, to show my appreciation, I will now kill you' - in a nutshell


New Member
Jul 15, 2020
Ended up in the situation because of her actions, yes. She should've been more careful - it's a dystopian world and she should not be expecting people to treat her nicely (in real life - same applies) - you protect yourself first. I believe a level of personal responsibility is important, so don't expect the world to be nice to you, if anything prepare for it not to be. No, she was clearly not 'asking' to be raped (who the fuck does), based purely on her reaction after things got rougher...

'thank you raping me good fellow, to show my appreciation, I will now kill you' - in a nutshell
To be fair, she was teasing him quite a bit and I think she knew what she was getting into to a point.

Westside Juice

New Member
Jun 13, 2019
I don't mean to sound like the odd one out here, but am I the only one who thinks that Clem in Fair Played was asking for it and ended up in the situation she ended up in because of her actions?
You're definitely not the only one. The plot of Fair Played honestly ruined it for me, and a porn plot has to be REAL bad to do that. Probably one of the best 3D porn scenes out there in terms of quality, but holy hell was it weird. Everything is framed in a way to try and make you feel bad for her, but I'm just sitting there confused like, "uh, the fuck did you think would happen"?

Imagine a scene of a parent telling a kid not to touch the stove top because it burns, then they excitedly touch the stove right in front of them to piss off the parent, then you get sad music and slow zooms and all that movie magic to try and make you feel bad for them, only the comedic timing is missing and you realize it's trying to be serious.

You can't have a character deliberately provoke someone with good intentions, then try and make me feel sad when they get exactly what they asked for but find out they didn't really want it after all. That isn't sad, that's exactly the expected result of a very childish way of acting. The most depraved tentacle porn doesn't make me feel nearly as weird as Fair Played. It's the first porn with a plot so distracting I couldn't fap to it. Drills is a great animator, but I think they should maybe stay far, far away from writing in the future. It's simultaneously their best and worst work, IMO.


Active Member
Nov 21, 2017
Thanks for pointing this out, I kept thinking this as well and was surprised amount of people defended and said it was because she was getting raped when Ellis was trying to deescalate the situation and being a nice guy and she kept pushing it further.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2018
Imagine a scene of a parent telling a kid not to touch the stove top because it burns, then they excitedly touch the stove right in front of them to piss off the parent, then you get sad music and slow zooms and all that movie magic to try and make you feel bad for them, only the comedic timing is missing and you realize it's trying to be serious.
I didn't get that impression at all. Sure she got herself into that mess, but because she assumed her 'game' would be an easy win, so she gets some supplies and some fun for free. Things obviously didn't go as planned, she starts struggling, and gets punished for it. The only places music comes into play is at the end of the sex, when it has gotten a bit rapey, and when she's trying to collect herself after killing him. Neither bits felt like they were trying to make me feel sad or sorry for her. All in all, it feels very real. She made a mistake, and it had big consequences. She won, but at what cost, and et cetera.
5.00 star(s) 6 Votes