What everyone should note about this update is the escalation of the psychological impact of the separation and the general outline of the story. What makes Dual Family distinctive to any other adult games out there is how it realistically approaches the scenario of a broken family on a brink of incest. Spoilers ahead.
- Karen already confirms the death of her friend, the girl on the balcony who committed suicide by some other means. Meaning, a bittersweet or perhaps a full depressive ending that ends with murder or perhaps suicide if not complete breakdown is not only possible but probably is where the story is aiming at. (Although the most depressive scenario is Kyle abandons the game.)
- It's the first time Dad showed pathological, psychopathic manifestations previously known only to Son. Funny as it was, it's surprising he lays blame on Mom and not to his Son.
- It's also the third time Son showed his abrasive...potentially abusing behavior. If the intended story is followed. He first almost killed Isaac, rapes his Aunt and chokes Maddy. This maybe the result of his aggressive Oedipus Complex but it worries me that if his relationship with Mom escalates. He might end up hurting her at some point. Remember, he's already invasive concerning her private space and pairing with his psychopathic skeleton friend manifestation, he's slowly rolling into a sweet, loving violent psychopath.
What's new to the story is Karen's scheming to acquire Dad's attention even to the point of framing Mom & Son. Damn it Karen, you missed the opportunity on Son squeezing Mom's instead of putting his arm around her. Jesus. Story-wise, Karen and Aunt scenes have far greater story potential than the boring melodrama the Dual Family (that's right, their surnames are "Dual") offers.
But at least we didn't get to see that stupid fucking skeleton, right?
I think the image I posted ... Summarizes what happened in Chapter 9.
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In popular language:
Wife - Mother (Sandra to me):
In this chapter she is already showing the frustration and sexual need to have a man around. Without the father (Robert) the relationship between them will reach the peak where everyone wants. It will not be long. Act 2 promises.
Son (Kyle): This is starting to show your abusive and domineering side
... It seems that the hormones are stirring with it ... We can see that the skeleton is out. He is alone.
Robert (father): He went into a hole and we do not know how he's going to get out of it. At the beginning of the game it was okay ... Enduring the problem everywhere.
If you had your son choose between Karen and the sister, perhaps the psychological pressure would fall on the child and not on the whole family.
Aunt (Marie) - Seems to be taking advantage of the situation as confirmed in the last chapter.
Irma (Kitty / Kathlen) - Totally handing over to her father's arms to help her become a woman.
What's happening in part 9 ... The functions in the family are changing:
Dad becomes Father
Irma becomes the woman
Aunt and cousin the vultures for what it seems
Woman becomes sexually frustrated teenager.
Father coming out.