You can spend all the money in the world to upgrade your tools etc. But end of the day, it will boil down to your own creativity and time availble as well. If you have x hours a day to work on something, that wouldn't change. Also, if you set as goal if you get a certain level of income you will go full time into development, that is easy to say when you start out, but once you reach that goal and have to consider the consequences. Maybe not easy to execute. I don't know his family situation, if he got wife, kids whatever. How many hours such activities take. I don't know if you got a job, or what you work with if etc. But would you in his situation give up on a real job at the mercy of Patreons? I know I wouldn't. It's easy to judge people, but you can't really without walk in their shoes.
btw, you voted with your money and used your strongest argument

anything else is just sticks and stones, and hardly make difference at all.