if you think about whether or not this game is ntr you will literally break your brain. Playing both paths totally short circuits your subjectivity and the bulk of the sex is women raping men who are either drugged or inebriated like Lot's daughters or something. Both protagonists have more in common with each other than they will care to admit. The two paths seem to weave a story that neither of the protagonists is indeed the main character. Rather, the most important character is the Niece, who is the only one in the family whose name is hardcoded. In addition, it is heavily implied that Karen is the biological daughter of MC Dad and that his ex-girlfriend the aunt has regularly drugged and raped him throughout the years with his own dubious consent. This might be why MC dad dreams of his daughter raping him while he is drunk off his ass. PTSD flashbacks. There is a 50/50 chance that the dream was real, but I go with re-experiencing past trauma. Karen drives and the action like a dynamic character and all the other characters just kind of react to situations like a static character. Both protagonists can end the narrative in a very similar way, with the father kissing and bedding his secret daughter and the son kissing his mother while they are dancing, with the implication that the next stop is pound town. Both women are incredibly drunk. This fucking family certainly has bigger problems than a looming divorce.