If anyone have played df dollhouse tell me if there are animation in it or not,i don't have a pc so i can't.
Chummer, I have been around F95 long enough to know the time when DF started and all the things following. The only part somewhat worth playing is Part 1, currently 1.22ce.
A lot of potential wasted, you could have made a really nice game out of it if you tightened the story structure and changed a couple things, but it is a game. A family shortly before falling apart due to accumulated problems, where the main development follows the Dad-Daughter and/or the Mom-Son pairs.
Dollhouse and all other parts belonging to part 2 are what, according to the Dev, he wanted to make from the start. So far, so good. BUT!!! These parts play as a visual-textual representation of a LSD or Angel´s dust trip! You might not believe me, but this is the truth. In a certain way, kudos to gumdrop for making the "game" he wanted, but everything you´ll see in part 2 seems to stem from an addled mind or being created under influence.