HTML Dune – Breeding a Dynasty [v0.2.1] [lmno]

4.60 star(s) 14 Votes

what side content would you like to see *prioritised* for the next major update?

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Active Member
Dec 8, 2020
I have genuinely zero idea what you are talking about. Maybe that happened in the mini-series?
hmm, maybe it was. i just remember seeing it on TV or movie format a LONG time ago and thinking it was stupid as shit. however the smugglers in the recent dune spice wars has their gas ship thing in it. so i at least know i didn't dream it up. lol (or at least not all of it)

I don't think it was ever mentioned how shields interact with each other and I'm pretty certain that they don't merge, but that's a really good idea! It wouldn't just explain the use of melee weapons but also the use of short weapons specifically.
hmm, i wonder if it's possible to make merging special to military or nobility class personal shielding or something. like the shield generator also has a attuner or something to it that would still protect the user from external forces (physical or energy) but allow the user to 'penetrate' or bypass their target's shielding upon contact.... but that could be weaponized too on bullets or something right? maybe that could be what a modified stunner used to kill would do. :unsure: idk just spit balling atm.

If you say so, tough guy.
hell yeah i say so! :KEK: i wanna see it go mainstream as an actual competitive sport! however i would HATE it if it did so in it's current form and tap to win point system. they REALLY gotta train the foot work more to get some potential actual power behind them. and point systems that enable and encourages ridiculously bad footing utterly defeat the purpose (or desire) of learning good form.

If anything like that was ever mentioned it would completely explain the lack of armor. But alas, no. All the blades are just normal blades, as far as we know.
hmm... how annoying.

What are your thoughts on the Jessica situation, being a love interest of the MC (her son Paul), while at the same time being married (to Duke Leto, father of the MC)? Honest question.
to me that's distasteful. it speaks a lot about the character of paul, and jessicia if she accepts those advances without consulting duke leto it at all. from porn perspective it's nitori which is a form of NTR. which is subjective and a gray area. to people that 'self insert' as paul in a (duke leto's not me) only i can have the wamenz, it works fine most people are fine with this in porn. (i can do this though i like not needing to) however to a character oriented paul that has his own thoughts morals etc, you'd have to make him a bit of a scum bag having no empathy for his father. (could still work seeing as pual still weaponizes fremen religion, thus prone to greed/need than staying firm on his morals)

i have an idea. probably a bad one. paul could be a flirt. not intentionally romantically flirting with jessica, but he decided his mom would be a good casual practice partner. his hot momma who paul wouldn't mind sharing a bed with if she were single... even though she's his mother. this leads to jessica somewhat misunderstanding and possibly believing he's serious about her. and she goes to leto for advice. leto thinks his 'virgin' (maybe game never specifies and it's left to player imagination, or he went to a brothel and after sex was advised by the hooker to learn to flirt) son suddenly becoming a flirt with his own mother is indeed concerning... but not nearly as so as the family line possibly ending with paul due to hang ups on sex and romance. so he encourages jessica to go as far as she's comfortable with and give him sex ed and romance lessons. but he forgot to say he would not be comfortable with being hole brothers with his own son, and left it to common sense that she wouldn't go THAT far... right? :KEK:

this effectively enables paul to become a sexual deviant, alia to (player choice) be paul's daughter, quashes most of the scumbag like issues so that paul can stay as his own character, and lastly tones down a lot of the nitori elements that could impact people self inserting as paul.

that being said. one of the biggest things about behind the dune i liked in the early versions was actions and consequences. paul being a porno perv making moves on jessica early was being set up to actually have repercussions with leto. and i kinda wish that idea was kept tbh. it should be player choice to be a perv, romantic womanizer, etc.

last point, some people are into the swinging aspect of it. my probably bad idea, would also enable that. from what i know swingers want sex and no problems afterwords. so a form of father son 'bonding' though sharing jessica would intrest them. (i swear swinging seems to be more about the relationship between men than it does the men with the woman... though you could say simiarly with women in harems often times.)


Textwall Jackson
Game Developer
Dec 11, 2018
but that could be weaponized too on bullets or something right? maybe that could be what a modified stunner used to kill would do. :unsure: idk just spit balling atm.
Good point. If shields could merge, that would be exploited by having shielded projectiles. But that sort of ammunition surely would be expensive. Not such a big issue in the case of rockets and big caliber weapons. But in the case of small arms? I think shields would still be a limiting factor in that case, to almost the same degree as with lore-correct shields.

to me that's distasteful. it speaks a lot about the character of paul, and jessicia if she accepts those advances without consulting duke leto it at all. from porn perspective it's nitori which is a form of NTR. which is subjective and a gray area. to people that 'self insert' as paul in a (duke leto's not me) only i can have the wamenz, it works fine most people are fine with this in porn. (i can do this though i like not needing to) however to a character oriented paul that has his own thoughts morals etc, you'd have to make him a bit of a scum bag having no empathy for his father. (could still work seeing as pual still weaponizes fremen religion, thus prone to greed/need than staying firm on his morals)

i have an idea. probably a bad one. paul could be a flirt. not intentionally romantically flirting with jessica, but he decided his mom would be a good casual practice partner. his hot momma who paul wouldn't mind sharing a bed with if she were single... even though she's his mother. this leads to jessica somewhat misunderstanding and possibly believing he's serious about her. and she goes to leto for advice. leto thinks his 'virgin' (maybe game never specifies and it's left to player imagination, or he went to a brothel and after sex was advised by the hooker to learn to flirt) son suddenly becoming a flirt with his own mother is indeed concerning... but not nearly as so as the family line possibly ending with paul due to hang ups on sex and romance. so he encourages jessica to go as far as she's comfortable with and give him sex ed and romance lessons. but he forgot to say he would not be comfortable with being hole brothers with his own son, and left it to common sense that she wouldn't go THAT far... right? :KEK:

this effectively enables paul to become a sexual deviant, alia to (player choice) be paul's daughter, quashes most of the scumbag like issues so that paul can stay as his own character, and lastly tones down a lot of the nitori elements that could impact people self inserting as paul.

that being said. one of the biggest things about behind the dune i liked in the early versions was actions and consequences. paul being a porno perv making moves on jessica early was being set up to actually have repercussions with leto. and i kinda wish that idea was kept tbh. it should be player choice to be a perv, romantic womanizer, etc.

last point, some people are into the swinging aspect of it. my probably bad idea, would also enable that. from what i know swingers want sex and no problems afterwords. so a form of father son 'bonding' though sharing jessica would intrest them. (i swear swinging seems to be more about the relationship between men than it does the men with the woman... though you could say simiarly with women in harems often times.)
Yes, it's technically nitori, but I think that most people don't care so much about that side of NTR. I mean, we haven't had a single complaint so far, and neither did BtD in its 8 years of existence. Plus there's the fact that Leto will be out of the picture soon.
Still, it's true what you say about the moral implications and what that says about Paul and Jessica's character. In my head, their actions are justified though. Their initial motivation isn't purely lust, but compulsion from a third party (Bene Gesserit). This is made more clear in Programmed to Breed in the scene between Jessica and the Reverend Mother. Jessica does what she does in order to secure the BG's support once shit hits the fan. I will have to make this more cloear in the game as well. Of course Paul doesn't have more than a hunch of what the BG are up to. He trusts his mother enough to do something clearly immoral, but he's also noticeably led by his lust. I don't want to turn Paul into the typical porn MC scumbag. But to some degree that is unavoidable. Jessica and Paul's actions that lead to a full-blown sexual relationship I have more or less planned out completely and I think it all works out well. The thing I need to work on is that they need to show more guilt (about the cucking specifically).
I can't imagine Jessica telling Leto, and consequently sharing between father and son. Leto just doesn't have enough time left for that to be worth it.
Last edited:


Lisan al Gaib
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2020
In order to keep some clarity for all of you guys, here's a little preview of what we have cooking...

Devblog #02

This game has had multiple updates now, with the first part of Chapter 2 being the latest release. We are pleased at the reception these updates have had, despite the slow development times. Let's go over some of the development and decisions being made

~Hi ho, hi ho, off to the dunes we go...~
So far the game has been mostly a VN with some exploration mechanics. We always planned to expand this for later chapters and now development is fully underway for the spice mining game mechanic. This gameplay feature is inspired by both Cryo's Dune game and Balsa's Behind the Dune game, albeit with more depth and consequences. Although we can't show too much yet, we currently have mechanics for troops, sandworms, sandstorms, spice blows, upgrades, and more! We plan on this being a core gameplay loop for the rest of the game, with the in-game currency and quests depending on progress in this mode. More info about this feature wil come soon!

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AI is (still) kinda shit, actually
Yep, Ai still sucks to use and we're getting tired of it, fast. We constantly find that the AI models just aren't good or consistent enough to create artwork that passes our internal quality checks. That's why in the last update, there we noticably less images (or at least less frequent) than in Chapter One. We have also heard your complaints regarding either our use of AI in general or your dislike of our artstyle/designs and we're taking this all into account. To top this all off, F95zone's rules regarding AICG content are quite restrictive, which is fine but it just puts another layer of restrictions on this game.

That's why we've decided to drop AI art completely.

Replacing AI
So with us removing AI art and with no artist in sight, we have decided to go ahead with Daz3D. Currently, I am learning more and mor each day when it comes to Daz and 3D posing and lighting. We're confident that we can produce some quality work with Daz that both us and all of you guys will be happy with. Obviously, this may increase development time as we replace the old AI images with 3D versions but it should be a drastic improvement for the game as a whole. Yes, yes, I can see you typing "that's another year of development time... wah wah wah..." so please be patient with us and we hope that this will eventually speed up development time later down the line.

For now, here are some in-progress teaser images for you guys. Please give any feedback as it will be most helpful.

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A little extra

Rather than an update on the story itself, which shall remain a secret, here's a little extra content that won't make it into the game, but is too good not to share: A test render of Emperor Muad'Dib and some of his worshippers + a scene written by reynold inspired by this render.

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What's Next?
So, that should have you all caught up to speed regarding the state of development. Please leave any comments or feedback you have regarding anything I've said here.

Once again, thank you for all your kind words and support

- lmno & team
Sep 12, 2024
I'm not an artist myself and I still didn't play this game, but reading the situation, I can add that I know this trade (CGI) from the inside, my take is:

-Don't worry if you can't draw, the people who can actually draw, actual lifelong professionals but which lack CGI skills are begging on the streets, while many not-so-skilled dummies who learned a few tricks with a certain CGI software have much better job conditions. It shows that good drawing isn't harder to find than good CGI artists.

-If you are good with geometry, try Maya/Blender and if you are good with code then try Houdini FX. Their learning curves are staggering but when you overcome them, you can create professional looking pieces. If you want to really stand up from everyone else, 3 years of Daz3D just to do what everyone else is doing, might not be worth it compared to 3 years learning those other tools.

-In the CGI centipede, animating is the hardest and most time consuming of all the stages. No Abominable Intelligence can replace actual human knowledge, and the difference between good and bad is absolutely massive. I would recommend to either stick to the tools which include animation, or to avoid it altogether. Good animating requires mastering geometry, spatial ability, anatomy and scripting among others, and even for the masters of the universe it takes a lot of time to make natural looking animations.

-I would consider to stick to 2D before using the same stock animations than everyone else, but don't take this last phrase seriously because it's purely a superficial and subjective impression which I haven't fully nor deeply considered. Dune 1 was 2D, except for a few fake 3D prerendered videos and I think Dune 1 gameplay and graphics is what you are trying to replicate, isn't it?


Lisan al Gaib
Game Developer
Sep 25, 2020
I'm not an artist myself and I still didn't play this game, but reading the situation, I can add that I know this trade (CGI) from the inside, my take is:

-Don't worry if you can't draw, the people who can actually draw, actual lifelong professionals but which lack CGI skills are begging on the streets, while many not-so-skilled dummies who learned a few tricks with a certain CGI software have much better job conditions. It shows that good drawing isn't harder to find than good CGI artists.

-If you are good with geometry, try Maya/Blender and if you are good with code then try Houdini FX. Their learning curves are staggering but when you overcome them, you can create professional looking pieces. If you want to really stand up from everyone else, 3 years of Daz3D just to do what everyone else is doing, might not be worth it compared to 3 years learning those other tools.

-In the CGI centipede, animating is the hardest and most time consuming of all the stages. No Abominable Intelligence can replace actual human knowledge, and the difference between good and bad is absolutely massive. I would recommend to either stick to the tools which include animation, or to avoid it altogether. Good animating requires mastering geometry, spatial ability, anatomy and scripting among others, and even for the masters of the universe it takes a lot of time to make natural looking animations.

-I would consider to stick to 2D before using the same stock animations than everyone else, but don't take this last phrase seriously because it's purely a superficial and subjective impression which I haven't fully nor deeply considered. Dune 1 was 2D, except for a few fake 3D prerendered videos and I think Dune 1 gameplay and graphics is what you are trying to replicate, isn't it?
Hi there,

Not sure why you have jumped to the assumption that we are animating anything. We are planning on simply replacing the AI (that wasn't good enough and annoying to use) images with Daz3D static renders. We don't plan on adding animation as that will require way more skill that we currently have when it comes to CGI.

On top of this, I don't think there are many CG artists that would be willing to work for free, as currently this is a free game and we don't have the spare income to finance an artist currently. All of the renders that you see in the devblog above have been made by myself after some learning and practice.

Also when it comes to 2D and "the same stock animations everyone else uses" I'm not sure what you are talking about.
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Textwall Jackson
Game Developer
Dec 11, 2018
I'm not an artist myself and I still didn't play this game, but reading the situation, I can add that I know this trade (CGI) from the inside, my take is:
Thanks for your input!
Like lmno already said, animations aren't on the agenda. We haven't even considered that option. Yeah, that might be a disappointment, but at least we can crank out lots of pictures that way. Way more than even a good 2D artist could make in a reasonable timeframe, and more than we could make with AI even under ideal conditions. Does that mean that Daz is the best option overall? Of course not. But it's something that we can work with.

I just want to add that we aren't trying to replicate the look of Dune 1 aka Cryo's Dune. You could say that that game is kinda baked into the DNA of our game, since it was the main inspiration for Behind the Dune, which in turn is our main inspiration. But there's no conscious effort on our part to stick to Dune 1's aesthetics.
Sep 12, 2024
Not sure why you have jumped to the assumption that we are animating anything.
I didn't assume that, I just said that animation is by far the hardest and most time consuming of all the CGI workflow. It's better to either avoid it altogether, or to go all in if you can get a professional looking result, because with animation there is no middle ground. For everything else, there are tons of resources, tools and textures which are already made and much easier to learn and use than animating.

I only know what you said in this thread, I read that you were going to change software for your reasons and as I said, I wanted to give you my take from a CGI insider because I worked around hundreds of people whose full time jobs are being CGI artists and I'm also technically inclined but I'm not into drawing. I know the tools they use, both programmers (with zero to low artistical skills), artists and drawers (with zero to low programming skills).

On top of this, I don't think there are many CG artists that would be willing to work for free, as currently this is a free game and we don't have the spare income to finance an artist currently. All of the renders that you see in the devblog above have been made by myself after some learning and practice.
Yes, I read you or someone from your team stating this before, so this is why I described which professional CGI software you could learn if you have the interest and time, you could do it yourself, no need for other artists, paid or free.

Also when it comes to 2D and "the same stock animations everyone else uses" I'm not sure what you are talking about.
I said that, in my opinion, it's better to stick to 2D rather than using the same 3D stock animations that everyone else reuses.

Like lmno already said, animations aren't on the agenda. We haven't even considered that option. Yeah, that might be a disappointment, but at least we can crank out lots of pictures that way. Way more than even a good 2D artist could make in a reasonable timeframe, and more than we could make with AI even under ideal conditions.
That's it, animation is by far the hardest and most time consuming from all CGI, and if you avoid it altogether you will also avoid the hardest and most time consuming parts from 3D. It's the first thing I would consider (animation yes/no) when planning to make a videogame.

Does that mean that Daz is the best option overall? Of course not. But it's something that we can work with.
If you are comfortable with Daz already and it suits your needs, then it's better you stick to it. I thought from what your team said before that you had to start from scratch, hence my idea of starting from scratch with professional tools instead, which offer many more possibilities.

I just want to add that we aren't trying to replicate the look of Dune 1 aka Cryo's Dune. You could say that that game is kinda baked into the DNA of our game, since it was the main inspiration for Behind the Dune, which in turn is our main inspiration. But there's no conscious effort on our part to stick to Dune 1's aesthetics.
Got it. I played a lot of Dune 1 and even more of Dune 2, but I didn't play any AVN version yet. In your game I immediately recognized the style (ambience, fonts, general art direction, design ideas like the spice map....) from both 1 and 2, which are in turn based on David Lynch's movie, in all it's 80s outlandish flamboyance.
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Nov 14, 2022
I thought that text based means that there is some text to read, not that there are no videos or images.
If I am wrong then I apologize.
"Text based" means that the most/all of the content is delivered through text, as in, some text based games don't have any video/images at all.
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Gorehound Gal
Game Developer
Sep 14, 2022
I didn't assume that, I just said that animation is by far the hardest and most time consuming of all the CGI workflow. It's better to either avoid it altogether, or to go all in if you can get a professional looking result, because with animation there is no middle ground.
I fully agree, that's why we decided to not incorporate animations.

I read that you were going to change software for your reasons and as I said, I wanted to give you my take from a CGI insider because I worked around hundreds of people whose full time jobs are being CGI artists and I'm also technically inclined but I'm not into drawing. I know the tools they use, both programmers (with zero to low artistical skills), artists and drawers (with zero to low programming skills).
Thanks for helping, it's really appreciated.

I said that, in my opinion, it's better to stick to 2D rather than using the same 3D stock animations that everyone else reuses.
If I understood you correctly, by 2D you mean static renders, right? If that's the case, yes, that's what we decided to do.

If you are comfortable with Daz already and it suits your needs, then it's better you stick to it. I thought from what your team said before that you had to start from scratch, hence my idea of starting from scratch with professional tools instead, which offer many more possibilities.
lmno feels more comfortable with Daz, and is by far who has more time to dedicate to renders right now, so we're going to go that route. Me I'm more comfortable with Blender, but I don't have much time right now. So we're aiming at creating some custom elements in Blender and exporting them to Daz, once we figure out how to do that.

Got it. I played a lot of Dune 1 and even more of Dune 2, but I didn't play any AVN version yet. In your game I immediately recognized the style (ambience, fonts, general art direction, design ideas like the spice map....) from both 1 and 2, which are in turn based on David Lynch's movie, in all it's 80s outlandish flamboyance.
Yep, the inspirations are all of those, alright. ;)


Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
"Text based" means that the most/all of the content is delivered through text, as in, some text based games don't have any video/images at all.
Yup, reminds me of the older Adrift and TADS games just as they allowed putting an image or two in the text, or the Infocom games.


Jun 21, 2024
In order to keep some clarity for all of you guys, here's a little preview of what we have cooking...

Devblog #02

This game has had multiple updates now, with the first part of Chapter 2 being the latest release. We are pleased at the reception these updates have had, despite the slow development times. Let's go over some of the development and decisions being made

~Hi ho, hi ho, off to the dunes we go...~
So far the game has been mostly a VN with some exploration mechanics. We always planned to expand this for later chapters and now development is fully underway for the spice mining game mechanic. This gameplay feature is inspired by both Cryo's Dune game and Balsa's Behind the Dune game, albeit with more depth and consequences. Although we can't show too much yet, we currently have mechanics for troops, sandworms, sandstorms, spice blows, upgrades, and more! We plan on this being a core gameplay loop for the rest of the game, with the in-game currency and quests depending on progress in this mode. More info about this feature wil come soon!

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AI is (still) kinda shit, actually
Yep, Ai still sucks to use and we're getting tired of it, fast. We constantly find that the AI models just aren't good or consistent enough to create artwork that passes our internal quality checks. That's why in the last update, there we noticably less images (or at least less frequent) than in Chapter One. We have also heard your complaints regarding either our use of AI in general or your dislike of our artstyle/designs and we're taking this all into account. To top this all off, F95zone's rules regarding AICG content are quite restrictive, which is fine but it just puts another layer of restrictions on this game.

That's why we've decided to drop AI art completely.

Replacing AI
So with us removing AI art and with no artist in sight, we have decided to go ahead with Daz3D. Currently, I am learning more and mor each day when it comes to Daz and 3D posing and lighting. We're confident that we can produce some quality work with Daz that both us and all of you guys will be happy with. Obviously, this may increase development time as we replace the old AI images with 3D versions but it should be a drastic improvement for the game as a whole. Yes, yes, I can see you typing "that's another year of development time... wah wah wah..." so please be patient with us and we hope that this will eventually speed up development time later down the line.

For now, here are some in-progress teaser images for you guys. Please give any feedback as it will be most helpful.

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A little extra

Rather than an update on the story itself, which shall remain a secret, here's a little extra content that won't make it into the game, but is too good not to share: A test render of Emperor Muad'Dib and some of his worshippers + a scene written by reynold inspired by this render.

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What's Next?
So, that should have you all caught up to speed regarding the state of development. Please leave any comments or feedback you have regarding anything I've said here.

Once again, thank you for all your kind words and support

- lmno & team
Very sad that you didn't succeed with Stable Diffusion and decided to use DAZ.
There was a certain charm in your 2D artwork. Perhaps you should have expanded your knowledge by studying ControlNet and ComfyUI in conjunction with FLUX. But it is your choice and I have no right to criticize it.
In general, your shown renders from DAZ look not bad, especially the one that will not be included in the game. In this regard I have a question, will the other site have the full version of the game, or now all versions will be the same with the same images?

Really looking forward to the next version to this game, I enjoyed reading the story, whoever wrote it is a great author, it felt like reading a good book.


Textwall Jackson
Game Developer
Dec 11, 2018
Very sad that you didn't succeed with Stable Diffusion and decided to use DAZ.
There was a certain charm in your 2D artwork. Perhaps you should have expanded your knowledge by studying ControlNet and ComfyUI in conjunction with FLUX. But it is your choice and I have no right to criticize it.
In general, your shown renders from DAZ look not bad, especially the one that will not be included in the game. In this regard I have a question, will the other site have the full version of the game, or now all versions will be the same with the same images?

Really looking forward to the next version to this game, I enjoyed reading the story, whoever wrote it is a great author, it felt like reading a good book.
In the case of 3d graphics, f95 allows underage, but not pre-pubescent characters. We've never intended to include the latter anyway, so now there's no longer any need for us to age up any characters or censor the game in any other way.
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New Member
Sep 6, 2020
In order to keep some clarity for all of you guys, here's a little preview of what we have cooking...

Devblog #02

This game has had multiple updates now, with the first part of Chapter 2 being the latest release. We are pleased at the reception these updates have had, despite the slow development times. Let's go over some of the development and decisions being made

~Hi ho, hi ho, off to the dunes we go...~
So far the game has been mostly a VN with some exploration mechanics. We always planned to expand this for later chapters and now development is fully underway for the spice mining game mechanic. This gameplay feature is inspired by both Cryo's Dune game and Balsa's Behind the Dune game, albeit with more depth and consequences. Although we can't show too much yet, we currently have mechanics for troops, sandworms, sandstorms, spice blows, upgrades, and more! We plan on this being a core gameplay loop for the rest of the game, with the in-game currency and quests depending on progress in this mode. More info about this feature wil come soon!

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AI is (still) kinda shit, actually
Yep, Ai still sucks to use and we're getting tired of it, fast. We constantly find that the AI models just aren't good or consistent enough to create artwork that passes our internal quality checks. That's why in the last update, there we noticably less images (or at least less frequent) than in Chapter One. We have also heard your complaints regarding either our use of AI in general or your dislike of our artstyle/designs and we're taking this all into account. To top this all off, F95zone's rules regarding AICG content are quite restrictive, which is fine but it just puts another layer of restrictions on this game.

That's why we've decided to drop AI art completely.

Replacing AI
So with us removing AI art and with no artist in sight, we have decided to go ahead with Daz3D. Currently, I am learning more and mor each day when it comes to Daz and 3D posing and lighting. We're confident that we can produce some quality work with Daz that both us and all of you guys will be happy with. Obviously, this may increase development time as we replace the old AI images with 3D versions but it should be a drastic improvement for the game as a whole. Yes, yes, I can see you typing "that's another year of development time... wah wah wah..." so please be patient with us and we hope that this will eventually speed up development time later down the line.

For now, here are some in-progress teaser images for you guys. Please give any feedback as it will be most helpful.

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A little extra

Rather than an update on the story itself, which shall remain a secret, here's a little extra content that won't make it into the game, but is too good not to share: A test render of Emperor Muad'Dib and some of his worshippers + a scene written by reynold inspired by this render.

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What's Next?
So, that should have you all caught up to speed regarding the state of development. Please leave any comments or feedback you have regarding anything I've said here.

Once again, thank you for all your kind words and support

- lmno & team
You already mentioned that the quality is not the only reason why you want to switch to 3D, so please, just take it as an Information, maybe for future games:

I made pretty good experiences with transitioning anime/ hentai images to realistic ones and vice versa with Automatic1111 img2img (I am sure that there is something similar in the other UIs). When you choose img2img set the denoising strength to 0.3. Select the loopback script and set the loops to a value above 8 (I usually use 12). Depending on how unrealistic the anime or comic style is, you may want to increase the final denoising strength. This way, you could render the scene in 3D and give it the artistic touch you want with a great consistency.

By the way, I am a huge fan of the Dune books myself and I really like the game so far, cannot wait for the next update!
4.60 star(s) 14 Votes