HTML Dune – Breeding a Dynasty [v0.2.1] [lmno]

4.50 star(s) 12 Votes

what side content would you like to see *prioritised* for the next major update?

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Active Member
Mar 29, 2017
It limits you severely - especially if your focus is breeding.
The Bene Gesserit canonically got up to some super shady shit to do with breeding, so it shouldn't be much of a problem if there's some Bene Gesserit-y reason behind it. They were into honey-pot traps for surprise incest, for instance. :oops:

Don't call it inbreeding, call it 'strengthening useful recessive traits'.
Jan 29, 2018
Still, it's a bad idea to depict a supposed to be a MILF character as if she is 18-20 years old. She looks like Paul's sister of girlfriend, not like his mother. Balsamique did much better job creating his version of Jessica.
At the start of Dune 1, Jessica is between 35 and 36 years old...
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Jan 29, 2018
Le Bene Gesserit a canoniquement fait une merde super louche à voir avec l’élevage, donc cela ne devrait pas être un gros problème s’il y a une raison Bene Gesserit-y derrière cela. Ils étaient dans des pièges à pots de miel pour l’inceste surprise, par exemple. :eek:ups:

Ne l’appelez pas consanguinité, appelez-le « renforcer les traits récessifs utiles ».
Effectivement, les soeurs du Bene gesserit peuvent choisir le sexe de l’enfant qu’elles porte et, dans une certaine mesure, les caractéristiques génétiques qu’elles veulent transmettre... il n’y a donc pas de risque dû à la consanguinité.
Jessica est la fille de Mohiam et du baron Harkonen. ses instructions était de donner une fille à Leto (Alia) puis, une fois devenue soeur du Bene Gesserit, Alia devait s’accoupler avec Feyd Rauta Harkonen (son cousin) pour donner le kwizats Haderach.

En effet, les sœurs du Bene Gesserit peuvent choisir le sexe de l’enfant qu’elles portent et, dans une certaine mesure, les caractéristiques génétiques qu’elles souhaitent transmettre... Il n’y a donc aucun risque de consanguinité.
Jessica est la fille de Mohiam et du baron Harkonen. Ses instructions étaient de donner une fille à Leto (Alia) puis, une fois devenue une sœur du Bene Gesserit, Alia devait s’accoupler avec Feyd Rauta Harkonen (son cousin) pour donner les kwizats Haderach.


May 10, 2023
Yes, I'm the writer. lmno does the coding, AI wrangling and all that technical stuff.
Are you guys planning to stick with HTML throughout development? In my experience, longer or more complicated games can easily become a buggy mess in HTML, and it seems like this game is meant to be both long and complicated. Are you planning to move to another engine eventually, or break it up into smaller games to keep it playable as the story becomes more and more unwieldy?


Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
So long as you don't lose the material on the knife, looks like it could be fun.

Dune adaptions are welcomed, as the books really dropped off after the 2nd and 3rd. My own opinion.


Engaged Member
Jan 4, 2017
The Bene Gesserit canonically got up to some super shady shit to do with breeding, so it shouldn't be much of a problem if there's some Bene Gesserit-y reason behind it. They were into honey-pot traps for surprise incest, for instance. :oops:

Don't call it inbreeding, call it 'strengthening useful recessive traits'.
Whatever gets them the Kiwsatz Haderach is all that matters.


Oct 26, 2017
Well, not bad, feels a bit too linear though, it would be nice if you could make some decisions on how Paul reacts to thing, like when he finishes on his mom he is all excuses and acts really scared, would be nice if you had like a choice to say that it looks good on her or something. Similar as when she waits for him to jerk off and then decides to help, I'd be happy for a choice of asking her to help instead of just waiting and then she decides to do so. I don't remember the books that well, but from what I seem to recall, Paul was quite cocky and curious at the start of the book, so it wouldn't be too weird either, but I might be wrong on that one.
Jan 29, 2018
Due to taking spice, and some genetic engineering / selection, people in Dune can live like 300 years old (if they have the money / resources). Jessica will probably look 35 when she's 90. :p
C'est vrai ;) mais il y à une chose à ne pas oublier, Les sœurs du Bene Gesserit ne consomment pas toute de l'épice... En générale elles en consomment lorsqu'elles possèdes un don irremplaçable pour la communauté (le plus souvent c'est pour leur préscience). Où pour passer l'épreuve de "l'agonie de l'épice" et devenir une révérende mère.
Pour rester jeune et en bonne santé elle ont leur technique « Prana Bindu »

That's true ;), but there's one thing you mustn't forget: the Bene Gesserit sisters don't eat all the spice... In general, they use it when they have an irreplaceable gift for the community (most often it's for their foreknowledge). Or to pass the "agony of the spice" test and become a reverend mother.
To stay young and healthy, they have their "Prana Bindu" technique.
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Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
This one seems an ambitious and promising project. It will be hard to beat Behind the Dunes though.
4.50 star(s) 12 Votes