Honestly i think people Blow this AI art thing a little way out of prorpotion. Renember the old saying? Don't blame the gun blame the shooter? Same goes for AI art, most of the copied stuff and bad AI art content that we see nowadays comes from people that don't care and just copy and paste real artist wich is a real shitty move.
But i honestly think AI art is a interesting thing, especially for H-game development, yes it still is on his infancy but with some overtuning it would make wonders, people like for example who can barely make a deformed stickman, maybe one day will have a shot at making a game. (keyword: maybe) It would be with the help of this tool, but i can be being too hopeful too, either way i agree with this art style being awful. Wish AI art had more drawing style (wich it has, but the others are also not that good) and yeah, this system cleary requires more feedback, 6 fingers? pfft (though i will admit, i have seen real people artists, doing character with less fingers and sometimes even more fingers, why? Don't know...)