VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Dusklight Manor [Final] [Daniels K]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion this is the best VN Daniels K has created so far. We will have to see about Nursing Back to Pleasure, I enjoy it very much up to this point. But I regularly think back to Dusklight Manor and wish there was a sequel. Generally I don't think Daniels K is very good with wrapping up games and give them a proper ending that does the characters justice. Dusklight Manor was the exception from that rule and that is why I rate it so highly.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    At first (up to episode 8-10 approximatvely and the "final" departure of Lizzie) i was clearly into the game: good visual, intriguing story, good girls, good animation.

    Then the story hits the "i don't have a story" wall.

    It's something common for me to watch in tv series; in game i'm not so used to it and i took more time to notice it.

    But clearly all the bullshit about
    - Lizzie final departure with a random girl
    - vampire hunter Julia
    - vampire girl in cellar
    - crashing the possible harem ending i was hoping (i'm not against having no harem, but clearly this game feels like it creates a harem setting with his "everyone ignores what the other is doing")

    The enjoyment went from a solid 4 to a only 2 stars game.

    Positive fact : there is music, something the other games i was playing before had not.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    As usual, a pleasant experience delivered by Daniels K, with an attempt for a story.

    I am glad to see that the actions that you take have an impact on the story. Mostly it will impact your relation with one of the girls but it is what it is. As some other people mentioned it sucks at moment that due to your previous actions you can only select one option, making the selection panel useless..

    A story about vampires that are good and try to blend in our society. That is a cool idea and the implementation of it could have lead to some tension moments (vampiric instinct kicking in and Lady Clara make some mistake, or
    an old foe/friend appear, etc). Even so nothing big really happen in this direction.
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    For the girls I apreciated that you have a mixture of boobs and types, even if Clara, Cora, Andrew were not my tipe. Having them there made me apreciate Lemon, Lola, Marry and Lizzie more.

    The intro music, while short was interesting enough for me. The animations were fine also.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Dusklight Manor [Final]

    Probably the most correct rating would be 3 stars, but it pleasantly surprised me and for that I want to award it.

    constant of the games of this developer is to get lost on the way after starting from interesting premises, here it does not happen, the premises are not exploited to the full, but at least the whole story makes sense, and the choices really make a difference (although it is a game easy and without traps)

    the story could have been better, but it wasn't that bad at least.

    from the aesthetic point of view instead confirms the good things done so far, as a non-native English speaker it seems to me there are several mistakes also quite tacky
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    a lot of plot,story from start i thought its like bit weird then on the mid story became intersting but on the end of story i think its like bit silly, cuz what firsts of mc first impression was he shocked then he keep pretending will escape fromthe manor but like hell icant was the sex infront of me lol, dunno my expresion grammbar is correct or not

    quality i got 3 different firsts quality of char development, dam is superb but theres one thing like miss i means not completely miss the char i meantion is mary, cuz first of i like her personality shy, but when times goes became more dirty but i love it this way i means where the mistake is when u proach mary ending n she got preg n then the look on her face look like much cringe dunno but just dont like it
    second quality is model n also the quality of graphic cuz is really smooth n i also i really love the model char mary lemon, lizzy and last my beloved audrey lol
    and the third is dunno what name is but i love when one of the girls talk they got the blurri affect
    well just like that, oh n i really bad at english n those grammar lol
    forgot one last think i love the humor inside this game
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I really don't know.
    The dialogue doesn't flow right. Or just was some kind of wrong.
    And it's a bit of a chore to find the motivation to pick this game to play out of my downloaded alternatives.
    I suppose I'll need to add word count. And hope I can edit this if I ever do finish the game.
    I played some more and came to my verdict.
    Fuck this shit!
    Me and Daniel are clearly not in the same brain wavelength. Some scenes where a choice is required only have a few choices, among which none are the alternative that came to my mind.
    I guess this is because making the game is hard. So it is what it is, but I got tired of so many of those. This might be a good game for some. Just not for me.
    I know that the game has tags. But make some of the content extra avoidable!. I've given up on avoiding anal scenes as that somehow becomes a part of plot. I still don't like them and would prefer avoiding them. And the fisting scene was so far away from any of my kinks. I'm not compromising on either avoiding them or me leaving.
    Yeah, I'm done with this.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    i want to give 2.5 stars, but i can't, so i'm going with the 2.

    the game had great foundation, but then build a shack on top of them.
    the worst thing is it's kind of boring. i'm not sure if i can even finish it. if it wasn't for the "completionist" in me, i would have dropped it a long time ago. (i'm at the part where Audrie learns about Lemon)

    nothing in the game is REALLY bad, but basically nothing (except the art) is particularly good.

    the art is great. the girls are cute and beautiful. but that's about it.
    when it comes to the actual scenes and the animations, they are nothing special.

    the story and character - well we have that great premise, living in a vampire's manor. but the story is not doing anything with that premise. we can pluck the vampire and magic thing from the game and it wouldn't actually change that much. but not because the fantasy elements are light or something, simply because for the most part the story is non existent. from time to time they do something, and you think "oh, maybe they are starting to do something with the story, this is kind of mysterious!" and a bit later you are like "ok, that didn't end anywhere.... they took something mysterious and finished it in the most boring and generic way there is". imagine a story where the MC's father get killed in mysterious circumstances, you think maybe he was part of some conspiracy and then it turns out it was a mere robbery by a random punk on the streets. anticlimactic.
    the characters are kind of generic and onedimentional from what i can tell so far. the dialog with them is extremely boring, even if they start talking about something interesting, it finishes with one or two sentences.
    the MC talks to himself like he is 13 or something, meaning like he lacks general understanding of the world around him and especially women. i mean at his age, even if he was a virgin, which he isn't, he would have better understanding on the things he is wondering about.

    when it comes to the action - again boring. the animations are very generic, with no "rhythm" to them, they feel like you are sliding two pieces of paper with pictures of the characters, back and forth. and then the explanations - they don't bring anything to the table also. boring to read, not sexy, nor exiting. and they could use some (a lot actually) "show, don't tell" methodology in them. for the most part the characters are just saying things like "it feels so good", and "you can't beat this experience". i mean, ok, i guess i have to take your word for it, since i can't tell from anything else. you know, we should reach to that statement ourselves, explain what they are doing, their body language and things like that. it's like trying to explain a good action scene from a movie, and saying "it was great, big explosion, the villain almost killed MC, it was very exhilarating", instead you should say how the explosion was shattering the windows of the nearby buildings, the main character was thrown like 10m away and his air was pulled out of his lungs but managed to come to himself in the last second and with every muscle in his body strained from exhaustion managed to dodge by a hair the slash the villain was aiming at his head.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I started this not knowing it was a vampire game. Not very many of those that I've seen. But it didn't overly push it. It was a major part of the plot, but the story around it was actually good.
    Hope to see more from this Dev.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Why did Cora ask you to buy cigarettes???!?! This plot point never comes up again!!!?! AHHHHHH

    But seriously, game is pretty good, I had fun. I only wish a certain ending was longer, and let the MC explore his new situation.

    The story had a lot of potential heights it could have reached but didn't. But whatever. Doesn't matter, had sex.
  10. 3.00 star(s)

    Fortuna ღ

    This AVN... starts off decently but quickly devolves into something nonsensical. The MC is quite childish and naive, and his actions are objectively stupid throughout the entirety of this novel. I will not spoil the plot of this AVN, but this MC is much more foolish than most. I am not sure if he was meant to be such a way, but he is.

    Plot: 4/10 - Not bad, but also far from good. It seems as if this developer was just bringing things up as it went on. There was no real direction throughout most of it, until the last 2-3 chapters where things were rushed only to bring an unsatisfying ending.

    Art: 7/10 - The models are beautiful, especially the MC. There's not much that I can objectively criticize about the models here, due to this AVN having been out for more than 2 years at this point. I am sure that the models were superb at the time.

    Dialogue: 3/10 - The dialogue was bad, plain, and simple. It's not the worst I've seen, but it's extremely far from the best. The dialogue for Mistress Clara and the MC was horrible. The MC sounds like a hormonal teenager(depending on who you pursue) throughout most of the novel. It's infuriating and a bit hilarious to read. Had it not been for the character Lola, I'd have left this AVN almost immediately for the dialogue alone.

    Characters: 4/10 The only decent characters in this AVN are Lola, Lemon, and Lurch/Nicholas. Everyone else was either inconsistent or static. Quite sad really. The MC was the worst character in all of this.

    All in all, it seems interesting at first glance, but it's not that much better than the average AVN on this site. It's not horrible, but it's not great either. I'd recommend this only if you are very bored and want something to pass the time. Do not go into this expecting a great story with wonderful character journeys and a spectacular ending. If you are looking for that, I'd recommend skipping this AVN. In the end, it's more average than anything else.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I do not like mystical genres in general, but this game has taken this genre to a completely different level in my opinion. Here all the games are about porn and the main focus is on this, where every porn story is very refined, varied, long lasting and exciting. I think the whole story is a bit more refined, so the individual stories are very good. The graphics are very cool and therefore 5 stars from me.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    A very good game by Daniels K. The story was interesting and the characters were well drawn and well written. I've played the final version of the game once without walk-through and was able to find out almost all the simple/single endings. I am certain that I missed few endings because of my choices in the game, but that's where the re-playability comes into picture, which is also well thought out. In the Dev's previous games, I had trouble with the game's endings, as they always felt a bit rushed and not well complete as such, but I definitely saw the improvement in this game. It's still not there yet, but its a step in the right direction I feel. So, congratulations to the Dev team and hope to see more good content from them. Cheers!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great VN. I was expecting this VN to be like most of the VNs floating around. The story is good, girls are hot, and the sex scenes kept me drooling. I hope to see more from this VN creator.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Visually, this game is great. The women are attractive, the renders are great, and the sex scenes include motion that is really done well.
    However, I became bored with the story and characters about halfway through the game. I feel like the characters were not that interesting and there wasn't enough tension to build up to the climax of finally having sex with each of them. Once the deed was done, subsequent scenes with each character were simply not that interesting. My advice to the creator would be to draw out the seduction of each character, make them a little more hard to get, and perhaps space out the interaction with each one so that it doesn't seem like you're just taking turns in a harem. Every other aspect of the game is great.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I rounded down to a 3 on this one as I enjoyed parts of this game but the writing really got to me after awhile. This game has some great sex scenes with hot models that look great. The biggest downfall is that the writing during the sex scenes just doesn't hold up that well. I would be up for giving this a 4 if that was improved, but there are just some bizarre things going on in the sexy time writing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    great game love the story , the graphics , characters and the scenes .. even i have some problems and complains .. but its not gonna change how fun the time i spend with it .. and how great job and hard work it was by the Dev.

    things i love in this game
    - lurch ( great character with great personality .. i love having him in the game & keeping me accompany in the house ..and talking with him .. realyyy ...soo much fun ) :)
    - lemon ( the best ) love this girl ..yummy as fuckk
    - audry ( super hot ) ..alwayss ;)
    - lola (lovely and sexy together)
    - lady gina and coras mother (yep sexy milfs)

    things i hated in the game ( but its still a great game though )

    - having soo many girls & characters but still most of the sex scenes is with only 2 or 3 girls .. if u give 1 or 2 sex scenes to every character in the game it would be much better than giving 100 scene to only 2 or 3 characters and ignoring the others ..
    i realy like the side characters .. but some how most of the sex scenes goes to cora .. she has like 5 or 6 scenes maybe .. and then audry and then lemon .. most of the time .. why is that ???
    core is not even my favorite ( she is skinny and annoying ) i was hopping to have at least one more scene again with Gina or even Pamila .. but they just given 1 uncompleted scene only .. and Cora gets all the cake again & again .. it should be 2-3 sex scene to every single character so it will not get boring .. some people like me might like Cora's mother more than Cora her self .. but the mother also got only 1 uncompleted sex scene for some reason.
    its like (
    Cora approach .. then sex ..then audry approach then sex .. then lemon sex .. then audry again.. then Cora sex .. again .. then Mary sex .. then Cora againnn ?? where are the othersss .. there are still more side characters (girls) out there in the story for god sake .. so why is the repetitive ?

    -some characters left untouched ( why the nurse in the hospital didn't got any sex scene ? ( she should be the one who have the sex scene in the hospital from the first time instead of cora ) .. cora is going to be with me in my house later on .. i will have 1000 scene with her any way .. but the nurse in the hospital .. that was my only 1 last chance left to fuck her .. and where is the sex scene with the visitors ( the former students ) Elena and Leanna ?? where is the SEX scene with Jackie ?? where all those sex scenes .. i was waiting for them .. instead of repeatedly fucking Cora & Lola always

    - repeating the forest events ( when i have to go to the forest with the girls for a swim , walk or play games .. it could be fun if its happened 1 or 2 times in the game .. to take a break from the main story .. but more than 5 times then that's a wast of time .. & to be still playing a children games like hide & seek , tag & swimming is not even fun .. & its not important for the story what so ever .. i wish it was optional so that i can atleast send them away .. or let them go alone without me when ever they ask .. i rather stay home working with lurch ..i already started to skipping this forest events already when ever it happened after the third time .. and i started to get disappointed when ever i see Mary's face in the morning & i kinda wish that i can avoid her because i noticed that this bitch is the key .. shes the one who is mostly triggering these forest events every time by simply inviting me .. the only 1 time i enjoyed the forest walk is at that time when Cora came with me to pick the flowers was funny & different & most of all it was actually important to the story .. at least ..and they got lost .. not just hide and seek .. true or dare bulshi..t

    - the MC's personality ( the man got hired to do a job & get payed for it ..yet he still got the nerve to complain about the mistress when she find out that he was fucking her girls .. by making a nonsense excuse such as ( we r above the legal age .. we can do what we want ) well if this guy working in my house and say that to me >> im gonna freaking call 911 .. the problem is not about the age .. he come for work .. not to fuck her girls .. if he wants to do what ever he wants then he can get the hell out of her house and do it with other people outside .. no body forced him to stay or work in her house .. he is not hired to do what he want .. he get payed to do what the mistress wants .. this is her house and her rules .. this is not the stable of his father.. lol and just because im in the legal age .. doesn't mean i can go around my boss office and fuck his secretary during the work

    any way i only say this as my opinion maybe the dev will consider it in the future games ..and again .. i love this game compared to many other game ..good story and more scenes and good characters .. and no blueballs
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    When i started the game i really wanted to give it 5 stars. I liked the models. The characters where nice and relatable. The story didn't seem very original but it was enjoyable. It seemed a very good game, and even a complete one. I thought i had found a good title. But then... The story... The story is not even bad. Bad would be something. The story is just... i don't know... not even there? What's the plot even about? Honestly, i don't even know. It's just a bunch of things that happen without any relationship among them or even conseguences. Or even, i don't know, any resolution? Every now and then there is a new plot starting and after a while... it goes nowhere and it doesn't even end. It just get dropped. Forgotten and disappeared, with no lasting impact on the rest of the "story". The timing is all over the place. About at episode 10 or 11 i just wanted it to end and be done with. But no. There are even 8 or 9 more chapters of absolutely nothing. And the LIs... Where do i even start? I picked up the one girl of two that i found interesting. The other by the way wasn't even available in my route, probably because i didn't go through some choice. I go for a monogamous route and like super early in the game she gets removed from the plot, leaving MC with literally nothing to do, since you can close all other routes in the first few chapters, and there are a tons ahead. And when she's back... There is a big random plot twist that you might like but you also might not like at all. And you either go with it or give up, with yet a lot of "story" ahead and absolutely nothing to do. So, at least one route can be "bad ending" or.... "bad ending" if you are not interest in the twist. And at that point there is really nothing to do to steer the story. How cool. Really no payoffs, no meaning, not even sex scenes for hours and hours. It can be such a huge waste of time. I don't think it deserves 1 star because there is some major effort in the project and i really wished i could give it more then 2, but the more i went on playing the more the game become annoying, repetetive and unsufferable. And damn, if i hear again someone tell me yet another time to go swim at the shack, to go run, to go for a walk, to play tag or any other pointless "plot element" that happens a million times again and again in this game, i really think i'll get hysterical. What a pity. I wish the dev, if he/she will embark in a new project, can have some better idea and a more structural plot.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I simply do not understand the appeal of this dev...ok well he has ok premises and pretty good cg sex scenes. But that's literally it, he desperately needs a writer because he cannot write. The sex scenes all sound as if a 1 year old wrote them, the dialogue is stilted and generic, soap opera levels of content exposition. The main character is about as interesting as cardboard and the story itself is underwritten to the point of barely being an outline. I keep wanting to like these games cause the models are nice and the devs games are always highly rated but there's just not much to like.

    I'm giving it two starts solely based on the the cg's and that is being very generous really, I was bored and then angry(don't even get me started on the "endings" ugh)dev desperately needs a writer and editor cause it tanks what should be a pretty fun game. Also the worst part about the writing is that the premise is always solid, he's really good at giving the girls unique and fleshed out personalities. Yet it feels like he writes a good half of a story the runs out of ideas or simply gets bored. Lancaster had the same problem of clearly running out of steam by the end and this one may be even worse in that regard. Which says to men he either needs to make his games shorter or spend more time thinking through his stories. But whatever based on the reviews he clearly had an audience, and I respect that he actually completes his games timely without the usual patreon jerking around shit you see from other devs on here.

    tldr: If you can get past the writing it's fine I guess, but honestly I'd skip.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Pacing and characterization were all over the place. Plot points drop in and out. Very inelegantly written. Solid art, fairly hot. Good soundtrack. Decent, flawed, underwhelming. Have more of an outline!
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    Hated the ending with Lizzie
    She's my favourite of the bunch
    Since the beginning she acted like a slut and suddenly a weird bitch tells her to dye her hair red and she fell in love with her and acts all lovey dovey and wants to run away without giving a single fuck about the MC?
    Honestly, it would've been a blast if there was a single Lizzie ending