From the vast number of comments about NTR, I have to wonder.
Skosha is it even worth adding it in?
I get the idea of a 'fail-state' for losing at a challenge, but it could literally be anything negative. why does it have to be NTR? (and that's, not me whining, it's an honest objective question). I can even understand that you didn't realize it was such an explosive topic (though, I struggle to understand how someone who has spent any time on F95 didn't know this).
What makes NTR your choice for 'go-to' punishment mechanic for a fail-state?
And given the reaction here, is it really worth whatever benefits you perceive from the NTR?
If you are a fan of NTR or you're wanting to add it, to attract those types of players, that's one thing. However, NTR players have one thing in common with 'harem' (if you can call them the opposite) type players. That is that they will always want 'more' of the content that they like.
So, if you are adding NTR to attract those players, be prepared to add more (or at least be bombarded with constant messages asking for more. I have a friend who is a Dev of adult games and have seen some of the sent PMs they are sent on Discord, stating that they would review bomb the games unless NTR was added ).
Both sides are very passionate about their fetishes and pretty much anything less than full inclusion or full exclusion is going to have the potential to set off another NTR-Shitstorm.
So if you are adding it purely as a 'fail-state' punishment mechanic (because let's be realistic, no 'Anti-NTR' player is going to accept losing a bet, having their girl be sexual with another male, and then keep playing from that point), If it is purely a punishment mechanic, then there must be another 'punishment' that can be used in this place (one less volatile).
If you, the Dev is really in favor of NTR then add it (with appropriate tagging), and accept that many will choose to 'not play'.
If you, the Dev are adding it purely for 'punishment mechanics' I would strongly suggest you reconsider as it will very likely have a negative impact on your $upporters and player base.
Either way, best of luck.