I checked around a little for file-name spelling:
$ files=`sed -n -E 's/.*src="([^&]+)".*/\1/gp' index.html | grep "^[.]/"`
$ for f in $files ; do [ -f "$f" ] || echo "$f" ; done
This is because the yoga folder is missing. Or maybe I'm blind.
The above is after I checked for
PNG vs
png and fixed the folder name for
Park /
$ find . -name '*.PNG'
I didn't know how this could be a Windows/Linux thing, I always thought that the web, in general, is case-sensitive. All URLs are, aren't they?
Surely, once you make this game available online somewhere all the links will break because the server will have a case sensitive file system. So, it's probably worth it to nip this in the bud.