Okay, I knew it wasn't really my genre, but since you requested feedback. I gave it a try.
It looked like a competent attempt for a first VN. Nice HS2 work. I didn't see any issues with the English that needed to be mentioned. And I thought the menu looked really good. The intro for it was very nice too. That's a keeper.
Yazzy reminded me of Michael Jackson too. The prologue with her worked well, it was a bit like the old
Rainy Day. The other scene was an incest scene without context, I can't say the writing impressed me, but incest isn't a kink I care about and I didn't see anything that was bad for the genre. So I think you're good there. I don't know how much you plan to add for the first release, but I think you need 15 min of content more
at the minimum.
I'll prolly check in again once there's bdsm. See if I like how that's done. Good luck.
xmilteach actually has around 300 posts that aren't "thx"... and most of those still say "Thanks.."

Probably a KISS approach to communication.