Begone, ye that dost naught enjoy futa. This ist thine anathema.
This game is a good example of wasted potential.
Pretty good art, darn good game-play, and it can be repeated in different ways for multiple playthroughs.
But sometimes... the models don't have torsos, or animations break, or the sounds loop forever...
Even more so, there's a noted glitch that soft-locks the game if one of the girls uses a card that she will ALWAYS use.
I would REALLY like to play this game when it's not broken. Unfortunately, at this time, it is not.
Now it's on Steam, and who knows if the dev is going to take the money and scram or fix what's broken.
I'll update this if it is fixed, but as of May 3rd, it's got a lot of potential, but also a lot of disappointment.
The good news is, that some mad-lad already broke into the save file within an hour and has the full save on the front page. So, you can at least look at the scenes and art.