This review is for vNov 3rd (not even a logical version number)
TLDR: this thing is a long way away from being playable, let alone good.
It's not often I rate a game so negatively after playing for literally less than 5 minutes, but this game managed to earn it with the terrible controls alone in that timeframe.
This game uses the most random and insane control scheme I have ever experienced in a pokemon clone to the point that literally less than one minute into the game the first time around and I got stuck in an info screen that I could not for the life of me figure out how to get out of when using the standard control layouts for the majority of games.
It's not Z to confirm and X to cancel, it's fucking R to select, F to cancel, I to open an info screen, M to open a map, tab to open a menu, and god help you if you accidentally open something because some of these things don't close when you press F, they close when you press ESC, but not all of them will close when you press F or ESC, some of them will only close when you press the exact same button that opened them in the first place.
To top that clusterfuck off, you can open multiple menus at the same damn time!
So you wind up looking at your map while also looking at your inventory while also looking at a detail screen, each of which is overlaying the others, so rather than getting what could and should be a nice and simple layout, you are suddenly playing pop-up virus simulator where you have to try to figure out how to close everything or just take the easiest route, which is to literally just close out of the game entirely.
For a game that has been in development for exactly a year now, having the basic controls not be an absolute mess should have been resolved before it even released to an alpha demo, let alone focusing on adding shinies to the game.
I can't speak to anything else in the game really because the controls and terrible UI designs by themselves prevented me from actually even experiencing the gameplay.
The only other thing I can speak to is the tiny amount of stuff in the menu and in the first few moments of the gameplay, and I don't have anything nice to say about that either.
The main menu is the only place to look at the ridiculous control scheme, so if you can't remember one of the insane controls, you have to go back to the main menu or have a screenshot of the main menu at the ready.
You cannot change the controls in the settings, so you are stuck with the garbage controls.
Starting a new game, you are given no explanation about anything, you are just told to pick a "scouter" which is a random thicc as fuck chick with some creatures at their disposal, and then you are told to pick the singular starting area, and then you are able to start the game.
That menu is extremely barebones, not really telling you or showing you anything important and not even having anything more than just a few actors on a blank black screen and navigating it is clunky as fuck too with a bunch of empty slots you have to cycle through and the only way to go from one selection to the next is by mashing left or right.
Once that is done, you just spawn into the middle of an empty field with no direction, instructions, or any clue as to what is going on.
If I were to give this game an accurate version number based on what I could experience with this absolute mess, I would have to put it at v0.00.01 because it is a long way from actually even being playable as a demo, let alone something that has been in development for a year.
I would advise just looking through the screenshots on the main post and then moving along unless you like the idea of having to constantly reference a cheat sheet or starting completely over because you put a monster in the stables but can't get them back out because apparently there's no stables nearby. Like, how the fuck am I able to put a monster away into the stables but not be able to take them out if there are no stables.
Where's the stables Mansley!?