Unity - Completed - Elf Girl Pinball [v0.9.2] [OWENO]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Version Played: December 2022

    It's pinball but you slam the ball into the elf girls breasts and butt, with interactbles causing more stuff to touch the girls and get more coins to buy stuff like cosmetics and scenes with Yellow Elf girl. It's a very simple game that is a good time waster, but nothing beyond that.

    I really like the animations and you can play this with one hand, so yeah thats all you really need. No story or complexity, just shut your brain off and slam the bumpers and see what happens. Some interactables will remove the girls clothes and more hearts will change their facial animations which is very nice

    Only issues I encountered were sometimes the ball would get stuck and once I had to reset because the ball vanished and kept me stuck. Most of the time you can get the ball out of tough spots with the bumpers or space bar. Also, the jiggle on the girls breasts can go wild if you hit it too hard, it's pretty funny.

    As far as I can tell there is no mode beyond "Normal Mode" and the only sex in this game is at the end with the Yellow Elf Girl, and they are only looping animations so take that what you will. Still, I enjoyed the couple of hours or so I spent getting all the unlocks so I'd say it's worth reccomending.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Genuinely enjoyable pinball game, and really nice art and animations

    Can't jerk off to it while paying attention to pinball, though. There's at least a gallery mode with the shopkeeper girl, but not the two gameplay girls
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of Final version on 12/2/2022]

    Well, it's about what you'd expect, but good for it.

    No story. Just some pinball. Two of the elf girls are stuck in the pinball machine and get abused by it as you play, and the third elf girl acts as the shop hostess whom you can buy "upgrades" and sexual actions from with the coin you earn from playing.

    The animations are fantastic and smooth. Biggest complaint is the apparent lack of cumming from our protagonist, but maybe I just suck at pinball and didn't get that far. Additionally, I'm unsure if the red hair or blue hair girls can even be penetrated by the protagonist's dick at all, which is rather disappointing.

    Still, this isn't Ren'Py, HTML, or RPGM, and on gameplay alone it stands taller, even if it's just pinball. Well done.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Was expecting it to be a steam only low quality adult game but the gameplay is very fun and controling yourself to focus on the game while the elf girls are being sexually harrased is really fun ... Overall the quality of the content is great and the amount of it is not very little.Developer is going to update it so expect more content! Great game overall!!! I would buy it but sadly I do not buy adult games on steam!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Very solid game, fun and pleasant to look at. Though sometimes the ball goes too fast to keep track with what's happening, also the ball resets its momentum after undressing and it sometimes fall right into the spot where you can't do anything and lose a life.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting and fun if you like pinball.
    Unlike the reviewer below, I got sexual content in the first 2 minutes. Hitting the bluegirls butt a bunch stripped her, and subsequent hits had a dildo penetrating her right on the board while playing. Made it damn fun tryin to focus. I think the side window shows some content to, but I was too focused on not loosing the ball!
    Looks like you can unlock scenes with the girls with enough points - but haven't gotten that far.

    Giving it 4 start for now cause it's not the deepest game - but I don't think it's trying to be and that's okay. I'll up to 5 if I find there's more than just the one board to playon and/or the unlockables are scenes and are good. WE'll see.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    this wouldnt be unplayable if it wasnt for one MAJOR flaw...
    if your ball moves too fast, it tends to go through things. including your flippers and any "safety" mechanism that are active.
    in a pinball game, i dont think i have to tell you how bad that is.
    to me it translates to this:
    imagine youre playing super mario bros and every time you start holding the B button to run, theres a chance you fall through the floor for literally no reason and die.

    ive been playing for 10min, didnt get to see any sexual content and this one issue is so damn frustrating that im done with the game.

    as always drop me a like.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Oooooooo I like it. The game is good still have a little bit bug but i can look over it. The art style is quite neet and smooth. Wish the game have more girl or update in the future. The game also sale on Steam so maybe go support creater Steam.