interesting as a proof of concept, not really any game to it yet.
Hopefully the focus will be more on story than just a torture, rape, murder thing.
Obvious problems needing attention were:
Rape scenes tend to become hung and just go on endlessly or for super excessive periods of time.
Pregnancy seems to last about 1 second, with woman occasionally giving birth while the sex scene was still ongoing?
Tried playing with the pregnancy duration slider, but it seemed to have no effect?
All female models are identical. Not really any point to collecting a bunch when they all look the same, and you can't keep any pregnant...
Babies just spawn on the ground and then disappear? Should be able to raise them, and ideally get mixed-race babies, breed for traits, not just human ones that disappear... Ideally populate an army or assistants with your daughters.
The torture / murder aspect has no bearing on me, but i did test out a set of stocks just to see the interface... clicking on or using the E button, per the H key instructions, had no effect to remove the captive.