Whoever program this doesn't deserve to be paid, OMG. While there're a lot of good stuffs coming from this as an adult game, there're too much shit they're doing wrong. I've never ever stumble upon a worse movement mechanic in a game (and hope I won't find anything worse). Ofc, alongside the massive performance troubles.
It's basically gaming 101, avoid delaying your user input. Just be snappy. We don't need a few ms waiting the chars to pull their legs up. Also, "Hey, you jump from a 1cm higher platform? How about we play roll animation." That's fine and all if they understand how incompetent they are, until they shove you with platforming levels (extra mission) which is just plain frustrating.
For anyone looking to get money without cheating: Play the extra mission. Those balloons give you a great amount of cash if you pop many of them. So find the mission with a lot of them (it's mission 7). The main mode is just way too grindy to get a substantial amount.