Tutorial Enabling Console in Renpy games.

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Dec 22, 2018
So I just received a notice while trying to save the game. I received an "exception has occurred" on my screen and I noticed a trackback.exe. thing. Don't know what that is or means but I don't have the option to go back, skip, etc. on the bottom. Any idea how I can fix this and get those options back?


New Member
Nov 24, 2021
[QUOTE = "johny32, publicación: 2605510, miembro: 485908"]
Primero querrás encontrar la carpeta llamada "renpy", esto debería estar en la primera página después de abrir tu juego. View attachment 448904
Querrá abrir esta carpeta y hacer doble clic en la carpeta denominada "común".
View attachment 448907
A continuación, querrá encontrar un archivo llamado "00console", estamos buscando el que sea .rpy, no .rpyc.
Después de encontrar 00console.rpy, querrá hacer clic derecho y elegir la opción "Abrir con" y seleccionar el bloc de notas.
View attachment 448908
Una vez abierto, querrá presionar "Ctrl + F" para abrir la barra de búsqueda y estará buscando Falso, consulte la imagen si es confuso.
View attachment 448910
Estás buscando la parte que resalta este Falso
View attachment 448911
Luego, cambiará la línea "config.console = False" a config.console = True, consulte la imagen si es confuso
View attachment 448914
Finalmente, busque en la parte superior derecha del bloc de notas, seleccione Archivo y luego guarde.
View attachment 448915
Inicie su juego y cargue el archivo y presione "Shift + O" y esto debería abrir el símbolo del sistema de la consola. Desde aquí, podrá utilizar cualquier comando que se haya incluido en los foros de juego de su elección.
Buen día, no me aparaece el archivo


Sep 25, 2017
Una vez abierto, querrá presionar "Ctrl + F" para abrir la barra de búsqueda y estará buscando Falso, consulte la imagen si es confuso.

CORRECCION: querras presionar "Ctrl + B" para abrir buscar en bloc de notas o tambien puedes ir edicion > buscar



Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2022
Is there a way to increase the font size from the console? in some VNs, the ability to configure fonts is blocked, but at the same time the font itself is small.


Nov 17, 2018
Is there a way to increase the font size from the console? in some VNs, the ability to configure fonts is blocked, but at the same time the font itself is small.
I think you could do it using the console, but it wouldn't be permanent (You'd have to enter the command every time you start the game).
Better way would be editing gui.rpy file, gui.text_size is responsible for dialog text size. You may need to use UnRen to extract rpa packages if gui.rpy is not present in [main folder]/game
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Sep 10, 2021
No idea if anyone still monitors this thread, and I apologize if this is covered elsewhere but I couldn't even figure out what to search for, but when I try to open the console a box briefly flashes into existence and immediately disappears. I tried "run as administrator" but same thing. If anyone has any ideas please let me know...


Jan 11, 2022
I'm sorry if I done anything wrong, I'm stupid to codeing but because that worked for me I just wanted to help who's asked me. I just followed the instructions which I found here.
Sometimes a dev might think he's clever and decide to "disable" the console. There might be a line in one of the game's script files like "define config.console = True".
Like maybe in options.rpy on line 40 sometimes.
Might have to unren the rpyc files to see it.


New Member
Nov 5, 2020
Hello friends! is this still working for the current version? cant seem to open the console anymore even if I change the value to True in the console notepad.
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