
Jun 3, 2019
All the sex scenes going to be written in first person? Not a fan myself of first person sex scene dialogue. A game that tells you how "you" feel kinda ruins the self insert potential for me even with a male MC, but it's especially bad for female MCs.
Mmmmm.. that's fair. We plan in the future to move to more visual heavy H scenes in future games like 3D animations. So that should solve that. For our first, game we wanted to focus on the story of Avina.
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Jun 3, 2019
Yes, animated. But not many. I remember only one, but I may be wrong, played it quite long ago (when 0.15 was released at
Any combat h-scenes?
Yes or trying to. I'm also the main animator, so it's been hard to spend too much time on the grapple animations when I have to code. I'm placing place holder art until I can fire up after effect and animate. Every monster (Or most) will have a grapple scene that will try to grab the player. Currently only the goblin and the slime has art. The goblin is the only one animated.
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Jun 3, 2019
thank you for responding

i know this is much to ask but is it possible in some of future updates to choose your starting class?
Well we wanted to make the game more like blank slate and you choose what "class" you want to be in the new world. We could add in starting items you can choose. Might add that as part of the tutorial. So... maybe!
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Jun 3, 2019
are they all opponents? not counting the red slime, for which the same scenes with green
Oh good job! You almost got them all. The slums has a goblin group which has a different scene and then your missing the sea port scene! In any port city(they spawn near the coast.) there is a chance to find the port area of the town. You can find fish and well a new enemy. After that you got them all. (There's also the boss but we have a bug where he might not spawn at the end and he's only in the Patreon build.)


Jul 26, 2021
Oh good job! You almost got them all. The slums has a goblin group which has a different scene and then your missing the sea port scene! In any port city(they spawn near the coast.) there is a chance to find the port area of the town. You can find fish and well a new enemy. After that you got them all. (There's also the boss but we have a bug where he might not spawn at the end and he's only in the Patreon build.)
Thank you so much for such a detailed answer, I will definitely follow the project and support it if possible. You are doing a quality project, there are not many of them now, unfortunately. Yes, the budget and quality of graphics, polishing is still far from ideal. But this is not the main thing, the main thing is the idea and the idea. And this is in the game, I'm sure you will be fine!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Mmmmm.. that's fair. We plan in the future to move to more visual heavy H scenes in future games like 3D animations. So that should solve that. For our first, game we wanted to focus on the story of Avina.
Ight thanks for the answer, guess I'll pass on this and check out future stuff. Goodluck with the development anywho.


Jul 26, 2021
Oh good job! You almost got them all. The slums has a goblin group which has a different scene and then your missing the sea port scene! In any port city(they spawn near the coast.) there is a chance to find the port area of the town. You can find fish and well a new enemy. After that you got them all. (There's also the boss but we have a bug where he might not spawn at the end and he's only in the Patreon build.)
I found a werewolf! for offering a pumpkin (Apparently pumpkin is not his taste!)
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Jun 3, 2019
I found a werewolf! for offering a pumpkin (Apparently pumpkin is not his taste!)
Ah yes! That's a hidden event I added in during last Halloween to test out the event system with quest items. In the current build, I believe it's much harder to start the quest since we added some more lore only items. We plan on adding more quests like that into the game after our current task. (Combat items are taking a little longer than we want it to. woo...)
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Jun 3, 2019
Thank you so much for such a detailed answer, I will definitely follow the project and support it if possible. You are doing a quality project, there are not many of them now, unfortunately. Yes, the budget and quality of graphics, polishing is still far from ideal. But this is not the main thing, the main thing is the idea and the idea. And this is in the game, I'm sure you will be fine!
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it.


New Member
Oct 30, 2022
Gave the latest public build (0.0.15) a try last night after finding this game when it was JUST the OP, was gonna subscribe later today, come back today and find that Lusterwolf has seen it and is responding in a healthy way!

Wont comment on bugs and such cuz yeah, it's an early game and I'm sure a lot of them have been pointed out already. The game certainly has potential, and I do like it so far. I suppose my main feedback atm is that a lot of things aren't explained, like what the little bar with three dots is (and why at one point one of them turned pink), or why a broken heart/mind symbol is there beneath it and what that means, or why a body part may change from green, or what it means if there's cum on part. The buffs/debuffs section didn't seem to really explain, nor was there any informtion when hovering over them. All that said, there could be something I missed.

Something that may also be a good addition in the future is showing the numeric value for how much of a stat (hunger, thirst, etc) an item restores/takes away.

That said, there is still something to be said for gameplay that involves one discovering a fair bit of these things on our own, as that sort of discovery can make it fun, so I'm not exactly opposed to explaining only the very basics. How much of my above feedback is assuaged in the patreon build I'll be finding out later.

The writing was quite good overall! At worst there was a few spelling/grammatical errors, but that's to be expected from a text-heavy early-in-development game.

So, overall, it seems worth supporting IMO, and I had fun with it, and can't wait to see what it becomes!

P.S. Are all the "Bad Ends" the page describes just the sex scenes from losing a fight, or are there more permanent "Bad Ends" that would require one to reload? And will some of them involve Avina actually dying in a way aside from starving?
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Jun 3, 2019
Gave the latest public build (0.0.15) a try last night after finding this game when it was JUST the OP, was gonna subscribe later today, come back today and find that Lusterwolf has seen it and is responding in a healthy way!

Wont comment on bugs and such cuz yeah, it's an early game and I'm sure a lot of them have been pointed out already. The game certainly has potential, and I do like it so far. I suppose my main feedback atm is that a lot of things aren't explained, like what the little bar with three dots is (and why at one point one of them turned pink), or why a broken heart/mind symbol is there beneath it and what that means, or why a body part may change from green, or what it means if there's cum on part. The buffs/debuffs section didn't seem to really explain, nor was there any informtion when hovering over them. All that said, there could be something I missed.

Something that may also be a good addition in the future is showing the numeric value for how much of a stat (hunger, thirst, etc) an item restores/takes away.

That said, there is still something to be said for gameplay that involves one discovering a fair bit of these things on our own, as that sort of discovery can make it fun, so I'm not exactly opposed to explaining only the very basics. How much of my above feedback is assuaged in the patreon build I'll be finding out later.

The writing was quite good overall! At worst there was a few spelling/grammatical errors, but that's to be expected from a text-heavy early-in-development game.

So, overall, it seems worth supporting IMO, and I had fun with it, and can't wait to see what it becomes!

P.S. Are all the "Bad Ends" the page describes just the sex scenes from losing a fight, or are there more permanent "Bad Ends" that would require one to reload? And will some of them involve Avina actually dying in a way aside from starving?
Thank you for the kind words!

Yes, we got a lot of comments, but I'm okay with it. It helps me plan out what fixes should move to the front of the line. I plan on adding more tooltips to the UI to help with that problem, for the most part why things aren't explained is just because the system might not be fully ready or is waiting for a system that is currently being worked on.

Yes, we plan on adding more permanent bad ends. We plan for a game over bad end for most of the bosses, another end if you lose to many times and maybe one or two special game overs.

Thank you for taking the time to write a message. Feel free to ask anything else about the game.


New Member
Oct 12, 2022
Will this game have gallery in the future? I have collected 9 scenes yet... I don't know whether I have collected them all XD

And I haven't seen the smlie's h animate, which just like the goblin's. The smlie doesn't attack my armor and catch me... Is it a bug?
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Jun 3, 2019
We have a public poll going on to pick the next anthro animal. You should be able to view it even if you aren't a patron. Feel free to cast your vote!


Jun 3, 2019
Will this game have gallery in the future? I have collected 9 scenes yet... I don't know whether I have collected them all XD

And I haven't seen the smlie's h animate, which just like the goblin's. The smlie doesn't attack my armor and catch me... Is it a bug?
Yes, I plan on adding a gallery. I might add in a fortune teller in a later build to let you unlock lose scenes for a price. That way, you don't have to lose unlock the scenes since I know some folks don't want to lose in order just to see the good stuff.

Also not a bug. It's a placeholder. In build 0.0.15 the grapple is the same for all the monsters. Even now in the current build most monsters use a placeholder. The first one took almost a full month to make. So I had to put it on the back burner when I was working on my own. Now with the team, I do have the time to focus on that. I did get the proper place holder for the slime in. It's not animated tho. But here's the first frame for you to see. Since we had so much heavy text H scenes I wanted to make sure I balance it out some with visual one but I am not a trained animator. I'm still learning as I go, so go easy on me.
(Still haven't found an animator, if anyone knows a good one send them my way!)

Slime grappleA.png
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Jan 2, 2022
New public build 0.0.23 at (Edit: the build is completely broken for me: freezes on story, freezes on goblin attacks, freezes on escape, freezes on some victories)
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2.50 star(s) 2 Votes