HTML - Eromancer: Lust Unleashed [v0.2.3] [Eris Satori]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Where to begin...
    This project is set up to fail. No matter how many iterations you could possibly go through it will never be at a playable level. Why?
    1. Software
    The software used for this has limitations, which might be the developer's strong suit but for this kind of game, you just need either a good storyline (not there) or at the very minimum a good PvP experience (also not there) which by default is non-existent because I will never be able to challenge you, dear reader, to a duel. At most, I will be able to load in your deck and have the AI use it against me, which as of now can be beaten with a wooden spoon.

    2. Complexity
    The developer wants you to read through mountains upon mountains of text to understand and play with all the different kinds of "abilities" and "mechanics" but why? In this case less would be more because instead of just jumping into the game to play casually, I need the understanding of the developer to play the game. I'm not saying it's hard, quite the contrary, from what I was able to experience the AI is laughable to play against and you can't lose all you need to do is be good at addition and subtraction. I'm not going to use my advanced knowledge of the "councils", "abilities" and other mechanics of the game against a tough opponent like the human mind so there is no point and it's just wasted RAM in my brain to even try understanding it.

    3. Simplicity/Understanding
    The best indicator of what is going on in the window is when a card highlights, no animation, no movement, just a card highlight and sometimes 2 cards will appear fullscreen in the middle of the window. There's a bunch of static information on the screen that never changes and if it wasn't for a random highlight and cards disappearing, you would have no clue what just attacked what and since the result disappears you have less chance to understand counterplay.

    4. Attack and Defense
    Here is where you can't really blame the dev but from the get-go, they decided to make it a double battle card game. Offense and Defense, why? who knows, maybe one of those abilities I will never read might be better for offense than defense but it's just personal taste that I would like that to be combined. It would mean less complexity and a more strategic approach.

    5. Storyline
    It doesn't exist, you just open this up and you can move around images and that's it. Maybe you'd like it but it's not my cup of tea. There is nothing to fight for, nobody to fight with so I see this more as one of those tier lists you see on youtube where people place images in randomly named tiers, here it just happens to be named "support tier", "attacker tier" and "defender tier" oh and there is a "council tier" but that one is reserved.

    6. Collection
    As a CCG, you are supposed to build the collection but outright I have access to all the cards, there is no collecting, and you don't have a collection. So there really is nothing to play for.

    And the absolute nail in the coffin for me is the fact that art actually looks decent (as far as AI goes) but the "women" all look 12 and busty which I find disturbing.

    If this is all there is for version 0.2, I wouldn't hold my breath for v1.0
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    There is nothing really here (prototype version).

    It's a card battler without deck-building that has barely the most basic mechanics without the hint of anything setting it apart from other card battlers.

    the "art" is AI generated (which doesn't necessarily mean bad), but it's disjointed without any coherrent theme. It's (pun not intended) lifeless, even soulless.