Unity - Completed - Escape From The Mansion [v2024-01-04] [KonekoBokushi]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    A genuinely very boring game. The third-person camera does the player absolutely no favors when aiming at things, especially things closer to you, and the sheer shortness of the game is itself a turn-off. Thankfully, if you use the scroll wheel, you can force yourself into a first-person perspective which works a lot better for the gunplay.

    Also, any time you get up from a scripted scene, like crawling through a hole or getting pinned by an enemy (the game gives you no clue how to struggle out, by the way—you have to wiggle your mouse side to side), it unequips your gun. And the spread of the guns is insane, which would make sense if you were just hip-firing it; but seeing as how you can only attack while aiming down sights with RMB—including your knife, for some reason—the kickback on your firearms is too strong and causes you to miss 80% of your precious bullets unless you take your sweet time.

    There are a lot of things that'd make this better... for one thing, a better-lit environment, because half the time, shit just blends into the floors and walls because it's so damn dark. The ability to retain or toggle clothing damage would be great, too—the full-body suit gives way to a nice bondage harness when it's fully torn. A better final fight would be nice, too; alternate grab animations instead of just "step on your head" would make it a bit more engaging, and also because it can potentially throw you out of bounds and soft-lock you in certain areas, cough cough. The tall mistress could use her height to grab you by the arms and suspend you in the air, or she could bend you over her knee and use her crop on your ass... but the fight as is, is boring as hell. Hell, the ability to use her crop in NG+ would be fun, but we don't even get that.

    Honestly? Just pass on this one. If you use the patched-in cheat menu, you can beat the game in ten minutes with no fuss; if you don't, prepare to punch your monitor from all the cheap jumpscares and occasionally super-tanky enemies.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Good real time 3D graphics, stiff animations, third person shooter-survival type gameplay. The game is fairly easy and extremely short (as february 2024).
    Interesting to see if it will be expanded in any way.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple game, but it'll get the fetishes of some folks with clothing destructions and gun slinging sexy babe. Hope they create new games just like this with more features,locations or stages, clothing, enhanced genital physics, guns, enemies and stuffs to do.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Not too sure why this has so many stars, as the so called game is crap.

    Controls are sluggish and odd as hell, as to attack you have to first hold down the left mouse button, then use the right mouse button to actually do anything, even then the actual hit location seems to be somewhat on and off as to whether you even hit anything, shooting is crap, sure the pistol does have a laser sight, which seems to do nothing in so far as actually hitting anything.

    I got to the first fight where the dog was and pretty much gave up, the controls pretty much put me off the possible game, and as others have said no options, so you can not change sound volume or anything like that, which is even more annoying.

    I played about ten minutes or so before giving up and deleting it, not worth the time or effort.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This has potential to be a really good shooter game, if there were more weapons and actual cutscenes, it would feel more immersive. Another thing I would suggest are more bosses, types of enemies, puzzle rooms, and underwater rooms along with swimming mechanics. Other than that and the H content, really cool game!
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a shame this is "completed"

    With a little more work on some of the H-amins this game would be pretty decent. Some of the enemies are a little spongy, but it's a decent time killer. The graphics are good, the gameplay is decent. I don't know if the dev created them himself, but the outfits are prettygood both in the selections and in the texture dept
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm about to criticize the Hell out of this game despite the 4-star rating, which says more about 3D porn games as a whole than it does about this game. This game is not good, but it's ahead of most 3D porn game trash.

    To start, none of the controls are ever explained. There are no options. DPI too high? Sound too loud? Controls don't work with your layout? Too bad. There is no story beyond whatever is implied by the title. The gameplay is extremely simple and linear: kill rapists before they rape you; open consecutive doors with keys dropped by said rapists or found nearby; use coins dropped by aforementioned rapists to upgrade stats and buy items (but the only thing worth buying is an upgrade to your otherwise abysmal damage). It's extremely short. You can easily see everything within 30 minutes. The enemy AI is super simplistic. The shooting mechanics are terrible but at least consistently functional.

    So, why do I like this game considering I just wrote a paragraph shitting on it? The graphics are pretty decent as far as this kind of stuff goes. The physics are nice. There are a variety of outfits and enemies. There's weapon variety and resource management. The porn is somewhat integrated with the gameplay. All in all, it's not a glorified "walk around a 3D model and watch it get raped" simulator like so many other games on this site. There is actual gameplay there along with pretty decent porn. You might as well install mods for Skyrim or Resident Evil for a significantly improved gameplay experience, but if you want to play a dedicated 3D porn game, this is among the more decent options.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: Update 2023-12-31 from DLsite (includes built-in cheats and fixed save bug)

    Expect basic but finished gameplay with good visuals, good controls, costume unlockables, and disappointing animations. It's not going to wow you but it's still worth a play.

    Overall the visual quality is excellent. There's no area that's too dark or too light and the lighting effects are good in general. The textures are good too. There is some occassional clipping but nothing to ruin it.

    Someone else described it best when they called them robotic. If you're looking to play this for the animations then you'll be severely disappointed.

    You have a free cam around the character except when aiming. You can also zoom in to a first-person POV but it's not immersive because you'll see clipping in the body. Aiming any of the weapons is done from the side of the character so if you're not hitting your target, you have to think about it from where the character is standing, not where the camera is. Once you figure it out, it's easy to defeat everything with just the knife except the boss. The goal is to escape the mansion but you have to unlock doors to proceed further. So you have to find the key for the next part. There's not much to pick up, just the guns, ammo, keys, coins, health potions, and costume pieces. Everything else is a prop. The coins are used at terminals to level up your skills or buying items (including some costume pieces). You also save your game only at the terminals. The save file is just a JSON so you can easily edit it if you want. There's also a new game plus after you finish it so you can go back and collect anything you missed.

    There isn't anything explicity told to the player so there's no story other than what's in the game's description.

    Level Design
    You gain access to new areas by finding keys and unlocking doors. The new areas always expand from what you already have unlocked and you can backtrack freely (except temporarily during one section). Overall the mansion isn't big enough to get frustrated with being lost, but it's also not too small either. I only wish it had more levels to play.

    I gave it 4/5 because it looks good, is finished, and delivers what is promised. It's a bit lacking in content which is why i won't give it 5 stars, but it's also not suffering from bad design or bugs so it's better than 3 stars.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    ...And yes, it could have been even more, given the fact that the game is too short, the enemies ...mmmm ...a few differences during the game, the very few and poor sexual animations, could have been summarize more, because this game, developed as a graphic engine, has enormous potential, where you put the way to sweat in the sexual act is a huge asset in the immersion of the game.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This was a pretty decent hour long game, it's worth trying out but there's not a lot of content. This game had so much potential but it ended a bit too quickly.

    Sometimes there's a null error bug where you won't be able to save but other than that it runs smoothly. I recommend getting it, using cheat engine to get money, and spam click the damage upgrade and check out the content.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Very mid....
    It's hard to pick up stuffs and the animation are only a few of them repeatedly played. They're fairly ok though...

    1/5 gameplay
    3/5 animation & visual
    1/5 control
    2/5 creativity
    overall 2/5

    I'd download it, play it for a few min, and delete.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Wish it had more, was longer, slightly better animations (they're okay at least), had an issue with saves as I could only save once then never again, even in different slots.

    I'd give it a better rating if it was longer because the quality of stuff is pretty fine. But I just accidentally speedran the thing in like 3-5 minutes.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The game runs well, which is probably the best thing you can say about this. You pretty much run around a mansion where none of the furnitures are the right size or height and there's AoT type naked guys in each room that try to assault you. The controls are decently fluid though the camera's a mess and you can end up clipping through things or otherwise become blinded in combat due to camera issues. Other than that there's like 5/6 enemy types, 3 weapons, couple outfits and that's about it, though there is new game plus for some reason.

    Also there's no real story, dialogue or any real reason why you're in this mansion to begin with, there's eerie music throughout and some random sound effects, but nothing ever comes of it.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    New game+ with the blindfold is a nice challenge. Physics and aiming are pretty ok. If it wasn't so bare bones I'd play it again. The clothing options are pretty solid and liked the little easter eggs
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This is more like a 3.5, I had fun.

    Its a very short game with decent shooting (for a porn game), an excellently modelled MC and a very nice clothing system. The sex scenes are passable, but its typical rape shit which I generally hate, thankfully it's so robotic and emotionless I didn't feel bad for the MC (I feel like this should be bad, but its an upside for me).

    My enjoyment 90% came from seeing the good looking MC running around dressed like a slut, (btw press "F" to have her reveal her tits). Its a good proof of concept, I would elevate this to 5 star if the game had a story (in which the MC isn't a pathetic punching bag, otherwise a story would makes it worse).

    SAVE OFTEN, game is pretty buggy, if you can't save anymore, exit the game and load back in, that fixed it for me.