Might have stumbled upon a bug related to the Ring..
Before speaking with "Father's Partner" about her loosing the ring, I went to the Jewelry Store (Because next Yellow box was for Jewelry), out of the blue came the scene with shop clerk about the missing ring and someone bought the other one.
Found the one who bought it, she would trade it for a ruby ring, went back to store, but a ring, but could not trade it for the emerald with the girl.. she spoke of Dinner and Movie, so fine I thought..
Got the Dinner achievement with her, tried for a Movie date.. plans were made, but every time I go to the Cinema the other (first girl, Kelly) shows up instead and I already have all my movie achievements with her...
So as it turns out, I can't get the movie achievement with the girl who can swap rings and this might have broken my ring Jewelry achievement with "Father's partner"?