Gameplay is mediocre, but somewhat fun. Super short, decent time killer if you're waiting 30 minutes for something.
Gameplay, 4/5: Simplistic, Very Easy
So, it's a very linear game. You just move left and right, and I beat the game without any upgrades, in like, 20 minutes or something. All you have to do is spam 4, and hold space accordingly. Enemy patterns aren't too hard to learn, the most difficult was... Stage 3 or 4 boss. The... Lich-thing, because his missiles can immediately be followed up with a wave attack. The whole movement thing is redundant since you can't even skip enemies.
There's just not much to say; it's... okay? Like, it can use some better balancing or more variety, or just make the basic attack the only attack (with higher values) since everything else is redundant (mostly). It's sorta fun, and it's bug free and stuff. Responsive, clear. But it's just... Basic.
Visuals, 4/5: Combat Animations and Battle Sex, meh. Lose Scenes Gud.
So uh, the animations during combat feel very stiff and basic. Like, low quality stuff you see in like, poor Unity games and stuff? Even the battle rape is mediocre at best. But the actual lose scenes are pretty good looking. Pretty snazzy. The battle effects are okay, I guess. Still pretty mediocre.
Audio, N/A: Had My Headphones Off.
Yeah, I didn't listen to anything so... I don't have any particular reason, I just had my headphones off for whatever.
Plot, 3/5: Very Generic.
Girl looks for plants to help dad's back. Touches crystal, schwoop, alt-dimension. Succ-u-bus tells her to get Magic McGuffins to fix teleportal. Does so. Succ-u-bus is sus traitor (haha funi), and I really stopped reading at this point. I don't know why she wanted the portal, but she did.
It doesn't take a mastermind to think of this plot. But I rated it 3, because it didn't make my mind go numb. At least it... "Makes sense" and follows a theme, instead of trying to basically fuck itself up.
TL;DR, 3.667/5, round up to 4/5.
Given all the other... "Games" on this site, it's decently fun. Since it's so short, it does not feel super grindy or anything. It's pretty easy. Animations are jank (kinda), but lose scenes are good. IDK about audio. Worth your 25 minutes, but really could use some work.
Maybe I'm going too easy on this game. I had fun but... Yeah, more fun than some other games.