
Active Member
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Apr 14, 2021
I actually kind of hate how all these sex scenes with LIs are in "game" and not in "reality". I undestand that the game is like reality but it's still weird.
Yeah, can you imagine waking up from Eternum and still feeling aroused because it wasn't real? :(. But just you wait, wait till they get pregnant accidentally because they think they don't need to use protection in game. They are in for a rude awakening.


Dec 2, 2018

You mean this song?
Check this channel, there is playlist "Eternum" with all soundtracks, if I'm not mistaken.
Someone provided us with link to this channel, but I dont remember his name. So all the respect goes to that gentleman.
Thanks man ;)


Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
hey guys i have a doubt, in the coin scene, what is the right answer and what is its consequence? heads or tails ?
The sequence was always head. Where you distracted by our gracious lounge host? :D Understandable. She threw the coin several time. I counted more the 4, i believe it was 6 over all and she always got head. I took an interest becasue shots 3 or 4 is when you expect to have head at last 1 different outcome because the chance become very narrow. Let's say she took 6 shots. To have all heads is a probability of 1 on 64, rather narrow. The sense of the scene, i think, is that something is off with statistcs at that moment. Rigged if you wish. But somehow adding Orion in the equation promotes the change that breaks the rule, somehow. If he makes the right choiches.
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Apr 18, 2021
Uhh, correction. Calypso can travel to any world she's been to before, not to worlds that she hasn't been to. The exceptions to that is emergency portal jumping (which she has no control of as far as the destination is concerned) and opening portals leading to people whose presence she has tracked/is familiar with (which made her crucial in the Heist, as it got Alex, Annie, and Orion (MC) out of their predicaments without issue). It's likely that the latter has limitations (that being that she could track people she knows WITHIN Eternum, not outside its boundaries (more on that later)) given that she's still not at full strength though. Later on in the story though? Well, weirder things have happened.

Also, it's highly likely that exit portals only work on player avatars, not natives of Eternum like Calypso. It's possibly designed that way to prevent anything from tracking down the realm/dimension where the players are coming from (thereby preventing what I would like to call an "Astaroth" event).

Or Eternum IS another name for the Astral Plane, player avatars are actually magitech-made astral projections/souls, and excommunication basically cuts off one's consciousness/soul from the body, leading to brain death and having said consciousness/soul trapped within Eternum and becoming brainwashed into an NPC. The Syndicate is able to track Orion down because of his perfect compatibility rating, and start trying to communicate with him through various means (mostly dreams, because as the Space Station audio logs have implied that seems to be one method of travel between Eternum and our world...which is also similar to the information mentioned regarding travel between the Astral Plane and the Physical/Material Plane).

Jury's still out as to what Orion's backstory really is. I originally was on the camp that believed (well, I still am I suppose but I'm willing to be proven wrong) that he and Thanatos were Ulysses lab rats who got experimented on as kids, with the findings of said experiment leading to the creation of the neural implants. With the hints from 0.4 though, another possibility seems likely (and is theorized by some in this thread): that somehow somewhere, Orion died but was brought back to life. Originally I dismissed this because I thought it meant that he somehow got himself killed and was brought back (maybe through magical/necromantic means) and Annie and Chang and even Orion's dad never knew about it. Now though...I'm thinking that maybe it's less of that and more of "he got into an accident - possibly back when he was a kid - and went clinically dead for a moment and got so far as to travel through Eternum and to the pearly gates of Acheron...but before he could really cross over he got yoinked/kicked back into the living and walked it off before anyone could ID him."

This of course is another possible explanation to the compatibility rating. I theorized a while back that it's the rating that dictates how attuned you are to Eternum itself (either through exposure or bloodline-related, hence the thing with Alex's compatibility rating and Calypso originally mistaking her as a half-elf...maybe there is some truth there), possibly meaning that Orion was at some point exposed to Eternum, possibly through Ulysses experimentation with the neural implant. Now though, there's another possibility: his brief brush with death and stay in Eternum has marked him as someone that's basically an "honorary native," maybe even marking his soul as something similar to the members of the Syndicate/NPCs.

As to how said explanation ties with Orion meeting the Founder when the former was a kid...the most outlandish theory I could think of is that Orion met the Eternum (0.4 seems to hint the possibility that the Founder doesn't exist in the Physical/Material Plane). That is, Orion basically bumped into him while he was traversing through Eternum on his way to the afterlife (or, while he was looking for a way back into the Physical/Material Plane). The Founder then either wished him luck and sent him on his way...or was the person that sent him back into his physical body, possibly marking him as a future ace-in-the-hole that he could use in his schemes later on.

I'm on the camp that believes that the Syndicate are former NPCs who somehow managed to get their neural implants fried somehow, which led to them becoming free but then find out that they couldn't cross over into the afterlife, and now they're trying their best to find anyone that could help them achieve said goal (maybe someone that they can a person with a perfect compatibility rating, perhaps?).
But Calypso said that she tried to travel to our world and wasn't able to. I'm inclined to understand it like there is some kind of difference between our world and Eternum ones (remember that we don't travel to Eternum, is more similar to Astral Projection in D&D but she travels using her own body, so if they rules differ that much I'm inclined to believe our world isn't the same as Eternum worlds/servers).

About Exit Portals, she said she tried to interact but nothing happened, so it's not like she can travel through them but without controlling the destination, she is just bound to different rules than ours.

And this is why I feel like she will not be able to travel to our world even if she is at full power. But as you said, stranger things have happened. If I have to guess an "ending" I believe we will go to live to Eternum (being it a "real" but different world) or something like that, where everyone will be able to live full adventures all the time.

About Syndicate communicating with us I'm with you. There is just one thing that bothers me: the sign about "Join the Syndicate" like if they were some kind of rebel group. Because if there wasn't a sign, it could be a mystic form of communication like dreams or visions, or even the little girl (even if they give you something no one saw them). But they even send a member to help you solve the mystery with Luna.
Si, are they in our world? The phone made it look like it, but they are in Eternum too. And they hacked your implant to send messaged. So it's hard to see the vision abd nightmares as related to them.

I think this will have a mystic explanation and there are a lot of "time travel" clues.

But about the MC being with The Founder in some point... Maybe MC is the Founder, but in some way he got stuck or reset everything while inside Eternum to save someone and ended leaving a spirit signature there.
Another possible explanation could be MC being Founders sun because if you gray MC hair they look kind of similar (hard to say sometimes).
Your theory about them being experiments or something related to that it's possible. But it's strange that we don't have already some flashback about that. But I like it.

The Syndicate being nps? Really interesting idea. It reminds me of Log Horizon anime, but here they probably are not npc, or maybe IA going rogue??


Apr 18, 2021
hey guys i have a doubt, in the coin scene, what is the right answer and what is its consequence? heads or tails ?
She smiles if you say Tails. It's like the Syndicate message, you can read it (probably bad idea) but we still don't know the consequences.
I'll go with Tails, I don't want Idriel to become her darker version
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Apr 18, 2021
The sequence was always head. Where you distracted by our gracious lounge host? :D Understandable. She threw the coin several time. I counted more the 4, i believe it was 6 over all and she always got head. I took an interest becasue shots 3 or 4 is when you expect to have head at last 1 different outcome because the chance become very narrow. Let's say she took 6 shots. To have all heads is a probability of 1 on 64, rather narrow. The sense of the scene, i think, is that something is off with statistcs at that moment. Rigged if you wish. But somehow adding Orion in the equation promotes the change that breaks the rule, somehow. If he makes the right choiches.
I think that she threw the same style everytime but at the last she took it before. So maybe she wanted to see if you believe destiny can be changed just by changing a little action or not?
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Templar Knight

Active Member
Feb 2, 2018
I don't remember but it's the opposite of what she got all the time before.
No consequences so far.
Should be tails because she smirks, consequences are unknown or maybe there arent any.
The sequence was always head. Where you distracted by our gracious lounge host? :D Understandable. She threw the coin several time. I counted more the 4, i believe it was 6 over all and she always got head. I took an interest becasue shots 3 or 4 is when you expect to have head at last 1 different outcome because the chance become very narrow. Let's say she took 6 shots. To have all heads is a probability of 1 on 64, rather narrow. The sense of the scene, i think, is that something is off with statistcs at that moment. Rigged if you wish. But somehow adding Orion in the equation promotes the change that breaks the rule, somehow. If he makes the right choiches.
She smiles if you say Tails. It's like the Syndicate message, you can read it (probably bad idea) but we still don't know the consequences.
I'll go with Tails, I don't want Idriel to become her darker version
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thanks guys for the answers, I was wondering what's going to happen because I had chosen tails.
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Templar Knight

Active Member
Feb 2, 2018
She smiles if you say Tails. It's like the Syndicate message, you can read it (probably bad idea) but we still don't know the consequences.
I'll go with Tails, I don't want Idriel to become her darker version
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I don't remember seeing this scene, so I probably chose tails. (I'll redownload the game just to be sure e.e ).


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
But Calypso said that she tried to travel to our world and wasn't able to. I'm inclined to understand it like there is some kind of difference between our world and Eternum ones (remember that we don't travel to Eternum, is more similar to Astral Projection in D&D but she travels using her own body, so if they rules differ that much I'm inclined to believe our world isn't the same as Eternum worlds/servers).

About Exit Portals, she said she tried to interact but nothing happened, so it's not like she can travel through them but without controlling the destination, she is just bound to different rules than ours.

And this is why I feel like she will not be able to travel to our world even if she is at full power.
Idriel, in her first meeting with Orion, stated she is an artificial intelligence and the creator of the three Weapon of Atlas. So if it is true (we are talking about a Caribdis' game) also Calypso, which is the most powerful Weapon of Atlas, should be an artificial intelligence.


Apr 18, 2021
I don't remember seeing this scene, so I probably chose tails. (I'll redownload the game just to be sure e.e ).
The image I showed is from another scene. You see it when you manage to control your power while fighting in the Roman server. It's a quick flash.

Idriel, in her first meeting with Orion, stated she is an artificial intelligence and the creator of the three Weapon of Atlas. So if it is true (we are talking about a Caribdis' game) also Calypso, which is the most powerful Weapon of Atlas, should be an artificial intelligence.
That makes sense. But why Calypso herself seems to not even know who Atlas is and has a personal background? And what about Eternum being more real than life itself? do you think it's like a game or a program? What I said was in the contexto of Eternum being a kind of reality (maybe another plane, or a parallel something) so it doesn't make a lot of sense Calypso being a IA, but Idriel maybe was created by others, and IA is the "lie" that they tell us so we believe Eternum is just a game.
But some npcs really act like npcs, like the one in the server with Luna, but I'm not sure if that it's just real servers (like that really being part of a game or program) and maybe some others are real worlds. Or maybe our technology allow us to create paths into this worlds with magic using the technology of Ulises as conduct. Hard to tell with the info we have right now.


Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
But Calypso said that she tried to travel to our world and wasn't able to. I'm inclined to understand it like there is some kind of difference between our world and Eternum ones (remember that we don't travel to Eternum, is more similar to Astral Projection in D&D but she travels using her own body, so if they rules differ that much I'm inclined to believe our world isn't the same as Eternum worlds/servers).
I'm only providing the possibility because OIAL (Caribdis' past game) and this game share the same setting and it's revealed in one of the endings of that game that the BBEG, Astaroth, knows about Calypso's existence. Even if we don't take that as fact the hints in this game is strongly suggesting that Astaroth is a native of Eternum, and that fucker managed to find his way into the Physical/Material Plane. So if he could do it (and even sire a kid which turns out to be the player character of OIAL), then who's to say that Calypso couldn't in the future?

About Exit Portals, she said she tried to interact but nothing happened, so it's not like she can travel through them but without controlling the destination, she is just bound to different rules than ours.
Again, it could be that Exit Portals only work for Player Avatars, not natives of Eternum. It's possible that it's designed that way to prevent, say, any sort of native from accidentally touching them and getting transported to the Physical/Material Plane. That, or natives couldn't use them because Exit Portals connect the Player Avatar to their respective bodies once they exit Eternum...and you can't use them if you don't have a corresponding body to go back to on the other side (which could be an explanation to the question of "why couldn't non-native NPCs/the Syndicate use them if they're actually former players/dead people" if, say, the theory about NPCs or the Syndicate is true).

About Syndicate communicating with us I'm with you. There is just one thing that bothers me: the sign about "Join the Syndicate" like if they were some kind of rebel group. Because if there wasn't a sign, it could be a mystic form of communication like dreams or visions, or even the little girl (even if they give you something no one saw them). But they even send a member to help you solve the mystery with Luna.
Si, are they in our world? The phone made it look like it, but they are in Eternum too. And they hacked your implant to send messaged. So it's hard to see the vision abd nightmares as related to them.
Again, this could be explained with the Syndicate just trying to recruit Orion (that being us, as the player, remember we're seeing what Orion is seeing from his POV) into their cause. Possible explanations range from his perfect compatibility rating being the cause, or he's some sort of chosen one, or just random happenstance, take your pick.

"So it's hard to see the vision abd nightmares as related to them." Have you forgotten the revelation from those Space Station audio logs that Eternum could be accessed through dreams? I mean, if that's the case, then that just makes it easier for the Syndicate to communicate with Orion through dreams/nightmares, no?

As for how they managed to communicate using the phone...that's likely a mystery that's going to be explained later on (unless of course, the simple explanation is that the Syndicate is not just composed of the living dead, but live players who are sympathetic to their cause...that or a complicated explanation involving the internet, dead spirits touching exit portals, and said dead spirits being limited in contacting people through external means using said internet (i.e. headset with communicator, phone).

That, or one of my theories is true, that Eternum is bleeding through Kredon somehow, and this allows the people from the other side to be able to send their message without having to jump through hoops to send it).
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Engaged Member
May 21, 2017
But some npcs really act like npcs, like the one in the server with Luna, but I'm not sure if that it's just real servers (like that really being part of a game or program) and maybe some others are real worlds.
It was revealed by someone in the Ulysses party that NPCs have a neural implant that control their behavior (and could be acting as an inhibitor collar that prevents them from doing shit). It was also revealed by said someone that the neural implant could be hacked so that NPCs could do all sorts of behavior that they would not likely want to do (i.e. having sex with players).

Assuming that the "NPCs are the consciousness of dead people trapped in Eternum through excommunication" theory is true, then taking off the neural implant from an NPC would likely result to them going batshit crazy once they realize their status ( ). Another theory is that the ones who managed to have their implants removed (either by accident or by some YOLO player who does things for science) and have...well, accepted their status as deceased have formed the Syndicate, probably in the hopes of taking the fight to Ulysses since whatever the corporation has done to them is still keeping them bound to Eternum and not allowing them to pass over to the afterlife (which is likely where the issue of Acheron being sealed until the ten gems are found/gates are opened by Calypso comes into play).
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2021
It was revealed by someone in the Ulysses party that NPCs have a neural implant that control their behavior (and could be acting as an inhibitor collar that prevents them from doing shit). It was also revealed by said someone that the neural implant could be hacked so that NPCs could do all sorts of behavior that they would not likely want to do (i.e. having sex with players).

Assuming that the "NPCs are the consciousness of dead people trapped in Eternum through excommunication" theory is true, then taking off the neural implant from an NPC would likely result to them going batshit crazy once they realize their status ( ). Another theory is that the ones who managed to have their implants removed (either by accident or by some YOLO player who does things for science) and have...well, accepted their status as deceased have formed the Syndicate, probably in the hopes of taking the fight to Ulysses since whatever the corporation has done to them is still keeping them bound to Eternum and not allowing them to pass over to the afterlife (which is likely where the issue of Acheron being sealed until the ten gems are found/gates are opened by Calypso comes into play).
The inhibitor chip really reminds me of Detroit: Become Human with the deviants.
Kinda gives me Get Out vibes as well, when one of the dudes breaks his state and reveals his true self going crazy about the experiments, before returning back to normal.
I could've sworn someone say that Alex's brother's friend became an NPC in the game, not sure if thats a theory or a spoiler but definitely seems like itll be the case.

Speaking of vibes, that dude talking to MC about the statues and eternum reminded me of the Creator in Sword Art Online, I feel like he might be the true "founder", maybe stuck inside the system/killed by Ulysses, or could be the other way around (Ulysses is the dead one/stuck inside the system)


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
That makes sense. But why Calypso herself seems to not even know who Atlas is and has a personal background? And what about Eternum being more real than life itself? do you think it's like a game or a program? What I said was in the contexto of Eternum being a kind of reality (maybe another plane, or a parallel something) so it doesn't make a lot of sense Calypso being a IA, but Idriel maybe was created by others, and IA is the "lie" that they tell us so we believe Eternum is just a game.
I rerply with a list of points, in order to be more concise.

1) Eternum is a Caribdis' game and if there is a thing in which he is very good, that is make a mess with our expectations.
2) It was stated that Calypso wasn't ready to be free, so we can assume something went wrong with her programming; maybe she has a too strong and independent will.
3) In a server Orion, Annie and Luna have discussed about the fact the various Eternum's NPCs don't act like the other games' NPCs, but more like real human beings, so it is possible all the Eternum's NPCs aren't aware of the fact they are AI.
4) In truth we don't know nothing about the reality of Eternum, because Caribdis loves very much disguise the truth behind a lot of misleading hints.
5) "More real than the life itself" can be a simply commercial, used by the Ulysses Syndicate to promote Eternum.

My theory is Eternum is an actual RPG in which the NPCs are AIs so evolved to have gained the self-awareness and some of them want to be free from the constrains imposed by the Eternum's OS; do you remember the phone call that Orion has received in the train station and the various Orion's dreams?
But again we don't know anything about what Caribdis is actually plotting, if not a bunch of confused and misleading hint, so I may be wrong. The only thing I can say for sure is, all other theories I'm able to elaborate are more based on my speculations and less grounded on the facts we actually know.
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