As of v1.24.2(patreon version)
So, after FINALLY getting the hang of this game and playing up to the latest build release... here is where I am.
With the exception of endurance, I've maxed my stats after some low to moderate grinding. YMMV on this seeing as some folks have next to no patience, and others might be used to playing old school RPGs where grinding was just what you did and don't mind. I'm in that camp so I don't really mind grinding so long as it's not excessive. Interactions are varied, plentiful, and implemented well enough so it's just a matter of adding more over time so meh. Same with the sex animations and interactions. Verdict atm? Stable, functional game loop that's obviously early in dev but has PLENTY of room to grow.
- The player experience has a fair bit of customization . From the PC's gender, appearance, and even backstory to what sort of relationships you have with the NPCs, right down to what genders and ratios you want to populate the game world... like all girls, all men, add in some futa, mixed... whatever really. Which is great if you love the idea of tailoring your experience to something fairly vanilla and tame... to utterly as degenerate as could be (with respect to the limits of what the game can do, anyway).
- Custom art and animations that are, at least in my view, charming.
- LOTS of room to grow and add in new/refine existing features/interactions/etc, etc. I call it a pro bc the game is in active development and the dev does their best to stay in touch with the fanbase, which is a plus in my book since it means the game will only get better and improve as time goes on.
- There really aren't many cons here bc it's still SUPER early in development... about the only one one might call a con would be that once you play for long enough, and because there just isn't a huge amount of content yet, the game 'can' begin to feel a tad repetitive after awhile. Again, YMMV on where your limits fall on this point as this will will vary from player to player. Overall, I didn't see it as an issue myself but recognize that others might think differently..
- Like with the above, this is less of a con so much as a sign of how it's too early to really complain about it... that is to say, there are minor graphical glitches that pop here and there that kinda mess with assets popping up when they shouldn't, not being there when they should... etc, etc.
- If you like RPGs, sandbox style VNs, customization, and games with lots of options to live out the most debauched and perverse fantasies you could have... then this game is DEFINITELY worth giving a try, or at least keeping an active eye on.
Just, temper your expectations. Remember, this is an indie game made by just one person who is busy doing other things and offering up the fruits of their labor for free with the option to support if you want. It's got a ways to go but already shows a lot of potential and promise.
I'd give it a score if I could, but it's just too early for that so I just scored it based on what experience I'm having right now and its potential to be really something awesome in the future.