Hmmm, I may have to look at an auto clicker then, derp just saw the link above... I really don't want to burn out another high dollar mouse. I have no issues right now with the cleaning mini-game, I'm getting good results (if lowish money) there, and I managed to make the pie after figuring out the stinky ingredients were bad, mkay.
But I cannot at this time cook to work, I understand, work in progress, and the dev is looking at it, that's great to hear. One thing I did notice, when I saved on the "inn" area, when I logged back in after coming back to the game from dinner, the whole screen was black, and I could only see my character. Fortunately I had saved just to the left of the exit, so when I exited the area and came back, the map was visible again.
I then did a test save inside the Inn, and made sure I was standing right above the staircase, and the same issue repeated. I'll admit I skimmed most of the posts so I'm not sure if this issue has been raised yet.
Okay, bumped cleaning up to 3, left cooking at one for the moment, and got the pass for the noble's quarters for 500 gold. The auto clicker made the difference, now I just need to finds a new game pad, because using the mouse with the right hand, and navigating the arrow keys with the left, while trying to click enter to intereact with the dirt/money spots is not working out for me.
Keep up the good work and keep fine tuning the game, you'll get there.