Every game should end with pregnancy or have atleast choices to impregnate npcs

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I understand that some people will read a book, watch a movie, go to a play, or experience a plot based game and have no emotional attachment throughout the plot.
Which, as I explicitly said in the message you answer to, is not my case.

Therefore, your following :
I understand that. But, what is interesting, is the people who apparently cannot understand that is not the norm.
Is as stupidly out of place than your previous comment regarding NTR lovers who can't understand that there's other peoples.

Would you be on topic, that I, perhaps, would have made a last attempt to explain you that there's a difference between reacting and over reacting ; between emotions triggered and inherent disgust. But well, firstly you're off topic, secondly I already gave two detailed examples of this difference, and finally you clearly prefer your own assumption over what is effectively said. So, there's no point in going further ; it will always be the others who can't understand, never you who missed two third of what you answer to.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
You tried to use my logic to state that yes, footjobs and NTR are comparable. I stated that, no, on every existing level of measurement, they are not for people who don't like NTR. I'm not sure what you are failing to see.

I honestly think that most of the people who are arguing with me in this thread think I'm telling them not to like what they like, which isn't the case. My entire point is this: If you like NTR, great! So do I (to a degree). But understand why so many people react to it so very negatively and stop being so defensive about it.
Sorry but I still can understand what you mean, I guess at this point is that lenguage barrier what's playing a role here. According to your own logic when you compared two thing without understanding at least one of them first, yes, they're comparable. Of course they won't be comparable for those who don't like NTR but it's precisely because they don't understand NTR and/or they think they know what it's about and say that NTR is about getting cucked. You literally said " Getting cucked on the other hand. That's visceral. It's emotionally devastating in every sense of the word. At no point is seeing a loved one nailed by someone else not devastating. For some people, that's the fetish." and that's almost like understanding so little about incest to say that everyone who likes that fetish wants to fuck their moms-sister, and that must be true for some people but it's less than (let's say) 5% of these people.

I understand why people reacts so negatively, but you where talking about inmersion and escaping so I guess in the end everything fits. A lot of people like to play in an inmersive way and that's good for them, but those games aren't about them or made for them. If you fit into the MC's shoes and then you saw something you didn't like, then that's your problem and nobody else. I usally see people victimizing themselves when something that they don't like appears on screen saying "Why are you ruining my experience?" as if the dev ever thought on making a games just for their experience and now everything is trash because the dev broke their inmersion, and I'm not even talking about NTR here, literally everything can break some one else's experience. It's like The Last Of Us 2, if someone dislikes it and he/she wants to go online and say it then sure, please go ahead, but if someone dislikes it so much to the point of not understanding why others can enjoy it, go online to talk shit about the game and fight those who enjoyed, and/or even writing threats to the developers then that person has a problem.

But anyway, as was said before, this is getting too off-topic and there is no point in going further. No matter if it's NTR, pregancy, scat, bunny ears or whatever, no game has why to end/start/have X thing. The only reason why X thing should be in the game is because the dev wants it that way, and that shouldn't make anyone upset.


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Game Developer
Aug 6, 2019
The only reason why X thing should be in the game is because the dev wants it that way, and that shouldn't make anyone upset.
Exactly. When a sentence starts with "Every game should ...." it's bullshit no matter what kind of requirement follows.
However, players have a right to be upset if a developer has promised that something will be in the game/vn and it's not there, or vice versa.
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Aug 16, 2018
I like impregnation and pregnancy as a fetish a lot as you might be able to tell from my avatar but different strokes for different folks, it's not for everyone. People have different interests in porn and that's fine and good.

Also, funnily enough, I strongly prefer impregnation/pregnancy without the actual consequence of becoming a parent (for either party) like in Hazumi and the Pregnation or Haramase Quest, probably because I don't intend to have kids in real life. So I don't really agree with the "weight" argument either. Again I love impregnation and pregnancy fetish stuff but a childless relationship can be just as valid and meaningful as one with kids.
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Jul 14, 2017
Exactly. When a sentence starts with "Every game should ...." it's bullshit no matter what kind of requirement follows.
However, players have a right to be upset if a developer has promised that something will be in the game/vn and it's not there, or vice versa.
The only reason why i named the title like that was to get devs attention lol, and perhaps persuade some to add impregnation to their games, obviously i was being hyperbolic


New Member
Jan 31, 2018
I love pregnant women, and am always really disappointed when I game will include pregnancy, but you stop fucking that character. Even looking at it as a fetish, just make easily avoidable scenes like we do with all the foot stuff. I can't imagine any fewer people would be down to fool around with a pregnant woman, than use somebody's feet to rub one out. It's strange that with all the outlandish, or outright illegal kinks we indulge here, that something comparatively basic/commonplace doesn't get much play.