I'm happy to see someone decided to continue development of this game no matter of the filesize. It's very easy to critisize others but instead you could really try to help.
Alternative but also easy way around it is to have the dev cut the roughly 9gbs of file bloat from the game (as of the previous update) since it adds quite literally nothing and would cause basically every size complaint to vanish instantly since the game would now be of a reasonable size. It's easy enough for the average user to do manually (I've done it myself) so there's no reason the dev shouldn't be able to do it on their end.
If you already done the work. Why don't you share it instead of demanding someone else to do the same?
Welp guess I won't be supporting this game then
I don't understand if a dev clearly states he or she won't add a certain kind of contend, there are still people who find it necessary to respond in certain ways like Trololol85. In this case it's already clearly stated the wanted contend won't be added so in my opinion it's a waste of your own energy to write such comments and a waste of everybodies elses energy who still has to read it.
Now on the game itself. I always found it weird that every action takes one or more full hours. This was already like this in the original EVIL. After diving into the code I noticed the minut (minute) option was already available but deactivated. I activated this and changed most "hour+=**" into "minut+=**" vallues. Other changes with this:
- Changed "Wait one hour" into "Wait till next hour" and "walk for an hour" into "Walk for a while" which simply ads one hour and resets the minutes to 0. So 7 h 20 becomes 8 h 00 etc.
- Changed the date / time / money / debt in the "additional desc" window from 2 row table to everything underneath eachother. This is because my personal choise is to play with the "additional desc" in the full left column and this way you can keep the column smaller.
For me the games plays much nicer this way because more can be done in one day. I've attached the QSP. The changes were made from 0.59 hotfix 1 file
For the current dev. If you decide to use it, keep in mind i did this in a little rush so the time settings for each action might need some finetuning.