I started playing yesterday again with the (old) 1.5 version and I'm running in bugs I think.
- The street whores sometimes missing in the daily summary and the next day Matuba knocking on my door and take everything what i had
- When i buy a black girl in the black quarters bar, i get a white chick with two names (one random and one african-like name), and get zero black themed visual content (as before)
- When I assign 5 girl to work on the street I'm lucky if 2 are appear and countin in summary
Maybe this information is now obsolete, but maybe not. I updated the game with hotfix2 but the bugs still exist.
I'm not fixing bugs at the moment but I think I can shed some light on a few of these.
#1 & #3 - Haven't seen this problem. I can't remember if a whore or slave that earns nothing is shown in the summary or not. Matuba is the kingpen of street whores/slaves and you need to strike a deal with him before putting your whores and slaves on the street to work. Go back to an earlier save and find Matuba (stripclub). If he visits you in person it is too late and he will take most of your earnings.
You will need to periodically have a talk with all of your slaves and whores and encourage them to work harder, otherwise they will slowly earn less and less. All whores and slaves have to be assigned to work on the street, as a camwhore, or at the gloryhole before they will earn anything.
You also need the help of the police to look the other way. Making friends with the chief of police is helpful. You also need to assign protection for your whores or slaves or use the protection that Matuba provides (nigerans).
Eventually, there is a way to get rid of Matuba if you are creative (have him killed).
#2 - This is a known issue and will likely never be fixed (at least not by me). The name issue could be fixed easily enough but adding all the black female content (images and videos) would involve a lot of work and time.