- Dec 14, 2023
- 66
- 458
Well, if it takes that many hits to kill an enemy, my guess is you didn't use any skills or items but just plain attack. Have you ever tried a massage in the East End? That will let the MC gets full recovery of strength and mind power to continue with her daily tasks and avoid paying the rent.it takes like 15-20 hits to kill an enemy, plenty of time for them to start corrupting her. It's also not obvious that unlocking the dogs causes them to multiply until after you've done it - so you're forced to start over if you want to grind before unlocking them.
This is a Battle Rape corruption game, every design is for encouraging you to battle and for helping the corruption. It requires some exploration and experimenting to find a balance between progressing the corruption to see more scenes and not losing the game. If you feel this is annoying, then this game is perhaps not for you.
No brainwash or go evil. The MC is a noble goddess. It's just the corruption that makes her more and more difficult to control her body and recover from lust.This Game looks Awesome,how does the corruption work?. Does the Female protagonist go evil,has a choice to join the bad guys, becomes very slutty and brainwashed. Corruption within these cool looking games are always used differently. Some of them are Corruption Heavy others it is very subtle and is barely part of the plot.
There are some new items in this update that can help you progress when being stuck in a battle. For example, the scroll of town portal can be used in battle to return home instantly (assuming she is not pregnant). Some items can kill an non-boss monster in one shot. Some other items or skills help you control her sexual desire, estrus state and so on.same thing as in update 0.7, they werent translated there as well.
If she gets corrupted enough, you can easily get stuck in an almost infinite loop of not being able to do anything because of 'stunlock' from estrus state taking a turn, squirt taking two turns and submissive taking two turns. To get out of that you basically have to get lucky RNG that the enemy uses several skills back to back that dont force stun her again. To mediate that, you could e.g. add an item or skill that forces a first-turn for her, or make the stuns on cooldown, so they cant happen back to back to back.
The more useful skills for ahyana get unlocked a bit too late imo. Especially the one that lets you reduce the 'dick-meter' of the enemies. Without that it's almost impossible to win fights with higher corruption.
2001 damage.. that's over 180 powerups, which costs 5,400 golds... Have you ever thought about changing the strategy, for example, to fuse tons of Banshee rune, or other items to help you fight the boss? There's no useless item or skill in this game.Have literally 0 corrpution and still virgin, but it is still impossible to win, since heat passive activates literally every turn durring boss fight.
ps: lvl 46 and 2001damage. Guess I need to grind more...