So a game that I previously marked as Finished, gets an update and is supposed to get the Finished half check.
for the 4th time now, no, this is not what is intended to happen at all. the *installed* checkbox is half-set after an update. as you do not have the latest version installed. the finished checkbox indicates if what is installed is the same version that you finished. when theres an update, it doesnt magically install a new version, therefore the installed version is different than latest version, causing a half-set *installed* checkbox, but since its still the same installed version that you had marked as finished, finished is still fully set, as you did not install any new content to be marked as finished. youve already finished what you have installed. only after changing the installed checkbox from half set to fully set, the installed version will differ from the finished version, and thus the finished checkbox will be half set.
the filter you have was suitable for the old behavior, not the new. for 4 times now ive been asking you what the workflow was and repeating the same explanation that frankly it seems you never even bothered to read, but finally we know the sacred workflow you use, that my previous explanations wouldve explained to actually do the opposite of what you wanted if only they had been read.
snarky comments aside, i take it that you want to only see games you need to do whatever with, then when youre done with them hide them until the next update.
this is not really possible with the current filter system if you use both checkboxes (after an update installed is half set, then after installing the update the finished checkbox is half set) as filters do not have any logical "and/or" nor any grouping at this time.
i plan to have these in the future as part of the filter rework, but that is months if not even years away.
what you can do to preserve this workflow is change to using only 1 checkbox.
if the game is not marked installed (checkbox fully empty), the finished checkbox will relate to the latest version instead of the installed version (as there is none). this means you can use it as a simple marker for "i am done with this game" that gets half-set right after a game gets an update (again stress on the "if the game is not marked installed").
if this is what you want, you can proceed to:
- ctrl+a to select all games (repeat for all tabs if you have more than one
- right click > installed > click the X, this marks all games as not installed
- filter by finished, disable "include outdated", invert the filter (this will hide games that have finished fully checked)
now only games with finished half checked, or not checked, will show. and since all the installed checkboxes are empty, game updates will cause the finished checkbox to be half-set instead of the installed checkbox