So, gave this a short try, got through the basic intro where you make your avatar.
Basic idea has some promise, like doing a training / corruption story line using a sort of VR game as it's medium is nifty and buyable. The Avatar art isn't great,it has a little charm but it's miles away from sexy which of course is pretty imporant for a porn game. The writing needs a lot of love too. It's servicable and generally you understand what's happening, but it's extremely uninspired and sorta just skips to the point when it shouldn't (i.e the sex), while the parts it should be to the point, it often drags on with un colored conversation. And I don't mean the speakers aren't using colored text, but that each character doesn't have a 'voice', they're all speaking exactly the same ways with no subtext.
I could get into a ton of details in the whys and hows in the writing, but I don't mean to say the game is at its core back, because it does have some promise. Just feels like a game sorta doomed as it's being run by one person doing code, art and writing, instead of three people doing the three tasks (ignoring 'game design' a 4th job, almost no hentai has good game design). I'd love to see this concept expanded with a part time writer and either good character portrate art, or good art for particular scenes.