VN - Others - Completed - Fallen Part-Time Wife: Succumbing to an Affair with a Younger Man... [v1.00] [Studio Pork]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story.. it was a bit of roller coaster but in the end they are happy .. even though he's not the main one , its a WIN WIN, you get the wife and the daughter and had 3 kids with the wife !!! and incoming kid with the daughter .. this is nice
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay, to preface this, I've played one of studio pork's other games, the Delinquent Wife Hinako one, and to be honest, I thought this would be a similar experience.

    That wasn't exactly the case. Here, they do the same male/female perspective thing that most of studio pork games do. They build up the affair/NTR to not seem as bad, as more of a inevitable corroding of morals. What they also do, is take like 1-2 hours before getting a single sex scene, but after that first one, it's like a flood came through and it's just sex sex sex.

    I will say that I'm not a big fan of NTR. If anything I prefer netori, but only under certain circumstances. In netori, you either cuck a shitty husband or a good husband. Here, it's somewhere in between, which made me a little uncomfortable, but not enough to stop. The art/CG's are great, the voice acting is good enough, but can sound a little off during normal dialogue (from the FMC). There's enough here to warrant a sit-through, but if you're not a fan, do what I did: just hold down ctrl until you hit a sex scene and just skim the dialogue text log. Again, they have the options for each CG/scene to modify it's perspective a little with X-ray, hairy, zoom in/out, etc. It's always a nice touch.

    Story Stuff --- SPOILERS HERE

    I will say, I didn't expect this game to end the way it did, considering how Hinako ended. This one ends with brood parasitism and in a sort of weird, fucked-up way.
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    I deducted a star because of how the story and dialogue was a little dumb, but honestly - give it a good try, despite disliking NTR, studio pork games are always a good ride.
    Likes: mc247
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    as always pork studio with those amazing job, really nice to see this VN, nothing to say more about, well done and it is worth it to play, the endings are one of the best from this studio 5 star, art sublime, those who give less than 5 don't know what is good
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Before I played this VN, NTR Homestay was my favourite. This VN is now my favourite. So off the rip there is no gameplay, there are no animations (unless you count quickly switching between CG's), there is one choice with minimal consequence and there are no unique gimmicks that differentiate this VN from others.

    The reason I like it so much is that the art is amazing, the scenario's are hot as fuck and so is the wife. The build up to the cheating and breaking down the wife's walls was given ample time to develop so as not to feel completely forced, however that doesn't mean the story is "realistic", this is still NTR at the end of the day, it isn't real and it can't hurt you there, there... I also think the voice actor for Ayano was top tier, she was a perfect fit for the role.

    I think the translation was written very well, I don't think I noticed a spelling or grammar error once in the entire playthrough. I can't vouch for the overall accuracy of the translation however and if I had an extremely minor gripe it would be that even with my very limited knowlege of nihongo, there were some liberties taken with spoken dialogue, I assume to make it more interesting instead of reading "Amazing!" for the 100th time.

    Anyway, that's the review. If you like Netori and/or thicc MILF's this VN was made for you.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I don't know how I feel about this game. Is it bad...No! Is it good....No! The game is the typical clueless idiot husband who cant pleasure his wife and the young stud comes in and does the job.

    What I liked is that I'm a huge fan of internal view. However the kink isnt really satisfied as the developer barely animated the scenes. Some he did most he did not.

    I liked the body of the wife. I'm a fan of big ass and big tits.

    I liked that there is pregnancy. Combined with internal view its gold in my book.

    What I disliked:

    The story drags for about 2 hours. The husband would fuck his wife and they wouldnt even show it. Thats the only action for those first 2 hours.

    When the wife finally fucks the young stud they use condoms for 3/4 of the h-scenes. Its annoying. Internal view for condom sex is pointless. I know theyre trying to build into raw sex and pregnancy but its just poorly done. He'll enter her raw and then the next time theyre back to condoms again.

    Finally the laziness of the animations. With internal view the scenes need to be animated. The developer just seems to have tired of the project and stop animating scenes from the midway point.

    This could of been a 5 star game if executed properly. But it fails at a lot of things. If you're a pregnancy fan the stud knocks her up a few times and a surprise character.

    Finally when you complete the main story two bonus stories or epilogues follow. Make sure you play those too.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is pretty good, and the relationship the main character and the wife is well developed for a netori game. The art and the wife's voice are a plus. I really enjoyed this game. And for the people looking for the preg tag, theres a scene but only in the ending, I would like it to be in mid game but still is kinda ok.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    3 stars from me.

    -Its a visual novel, so no gameplay.
    -After 20 minutes of careful reading and no action i gave up and engaged skipperino mode for H scenes. Story seems acceptable but im not gonna spend 4 hours of reading story of generic unhappy wife with clumsy husband to see few H scenes. Not my type of niche.
    - Didnt like VA and moaning, it was rather mid
    - I liked artstyle, its at least 4 stars, animations however are lazy, few small visual changes and simple movement (sometimes) thats all you gonna get
    - overall 3 stars i think is fair score, could be 4 if i did like animations and H scenes more, for people who love visual novels its probably 4 star game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Why 5*? Bcs this game deserve it. It has a very good development of heroine. And the start of interest from her for him is pretty real and understandable, what is an improvement from latest creations from this creator(s). I also want to praise the work of seiyu, i don't want to spoiler but I think she covered at 150% the role of married women int voice acting.
    In general, if you like netori and vanila action then this creation is for you!
    I enjoyed it very much!