VN - Ren'Py - Family Affair [v0.122] [PandaLover]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    My only issue is that I have no idea where this story is going if it's going anywhere at all but the scenes are pretty cool. If you have a problem with futa/trans characters tho, this game will fill a lil empty since every other update involves them so if you skip them you are skipping half the game. BUT if you are into that, support this game! There aren't many games with this much trans content! Support the patreon or subscribestar! We don't get these often!!!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is fun and occasionally humorous.
    The developer puts out updates on a regular schedule.
    For a first game there is a lot of good here. The situations seem to be very similar to vignette erotic settings. Each one is a self contained event. This really seems to work for the developer , because even small updates really don't leave you hanging , so to speak.
    The character models are interesting, there seems to be a bit of a parody going on behind the scenes ). Its not exactly subtle but it is funny.
    If I had one criticism it would be that the game need more consistent use of animation in the sex scenes. Having said that I truly look forward to each update to see what craziness panda is going to put out next.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game. Been playing it since the first launch and I fell in love instantly with the game.
    Wanna see more and more content of the game.
    One of the best games . The character of the game are jst perfect and the story related to each one is very much interesting
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it . Dev working on story but scenes are great. Make sure to appreciate his performance and well you know you can support him. You can love the game I'm sure you will enjoy it as much as everything. Have fun
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    [version reviewed : week 3 - v0.119] (I played every version since first release)

    I really like this game... it has a little something that makes it unique.

    Pros :
    - Original models
    - Humor
    - Good trans characters (optionnal) (but good) (don't skip it)
    - No grind
    - Decently written & rendered
    - Very frequent updates

    Cons :
    - I can't think of any real cons...
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, lots of sex, frequently updated, love it!

    Try this game if you're looking for lots of incest content, an okay storyline, trans content (optional). Incest characters include - Mom and Sisters. MC can be on the receiving end with trans characters if you want him to be. No NTR or sharing. Renders are top notch and characters are also beautiful.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I must say right away that you shouldn't expect any revelations from the plot yet - it looks like a collection of small sketches. But at the same time, this simplicity is one of the advantages of the project, since the game does not pretend to be a certain "elitism" and excessive complexity of the plot, in the end, if you just want to play a porn game, this is your choice. Very good graphics, rendering and design of almost all characters (among them you will probably find those you know from famous games). Good humor, funny dialogues and interesting situations are included, there are various romantic lines that will develop in the future. And of course, one of the main advantages is that the game is updated 2-3 times a month. In my opinion, the game is very good, but it would be possible to improve the animations and increase the "manhood" of the main character :).
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I think the game was good for the gen. Not interested in trans but had a loot of straight content. Updates are regular. Story was average but this content is be coming more hard to find. Art was not to bad . So I give a 4 for hard work.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Every side character is completely forgettable, everyone else is insufferable.

    The MC is a pathetically thirsty fuckboy who doesn't hesitate to trade his non-existent dignity for a glimpse at genitalia. He looks and acts about 14, his room mirrors that maturity level. I think it might be a running "joke" that everyone thinks that the MC is a loser, but it falls so flat I could be mistaken, either way everyone does in fact think he's a loser.

    All of the female LI's are massive sluts, regularly shown to fuck ALMOST anyone, but even most of them recognise that the MC is nigh-unfuckable. His list of conquests:

    1. A whore (who fakes cumming and lies about his dick size) his sister pays.

    2. Some grandmother bribes him to fuck her for a $5 bottle of gas station wine (she also makes fun of him for cumming too quickly).

    3. Next up is his desperate, nearly passed out drunk mom who's track record is fucking her daughters boyfriend on prom night.

    4. A toilet-cum licking skank (Jill Valentine) who is only fucking him to piss off his sister, and can't even remember his name. Jill straight up tells him he's a sickly pale nerd.

    Other "highlights": a bald alien looking bitch who is only with him to stalk Jill, and a whore he has been paying to fuck since, errr, highschool?

    Why does so much of the dialogue stop after each and every word requiring another click?

    Anyway, not recommended.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    R Voss

    An incest-focused game - which Family Affair at least purports to be - lives and dies on the interactions between characters. You, the player, must believe that the characters are related, that they have all the interesting and complicated baggage that comes with family, and that they're ignoring all that and moving past the normal social mores to something forbidden and, hopefully, erotic.

    Family Affair has none of that.

    Firstly, no character has a personality. Not one. They're all defined by their appearance or the way they fuck the protagonist. The MILF is just a MILF, nothing more. She has a job, but who cares what it is! Does she have friends? Preferences? Opinions? Nah. But after ONE glass of wine she'll fuck her son with no build-up or preamble.

    One sister was away from home from studying abroad and is now back. Where was she? What did she study? Why did she stop? Why is her friend - a friend she met abroad - suddenly in the family kitchen, apparently living in the same city as the protagonist? Who cares!

    The other sister is a ball-buster, but that's a single trait, not a character. She doesn't live at home because their mom fucked her boyfriend after prom. Wow! That's conflict! Could it be used in the story?! Nah, that's boring and isn't sex. Let's completely ignore it.

    The above applies to all characters, but calling them characters is wrong. They have no character. They are assigned a relation to the protagonist, from 'relative' to 'bar owner' to 'school friend,' and that's where they end. They have very few interactions that aren't sexual, and those rare moments don't advance story or character in any way.

    Oh, and there also isn't any story. None. Nothing we're moving towards. No goals. Nothing on the horizon. Literally not one character, protagonist included, cares about anything at all. But who cares! Story doesn't matter! There's porn!

    And the porn, by which I mean the renders, is....average to good, with one glaring exception. The pursuable characters all look decent, and notably one trans character has had an enormous amount of polish put in. But the glaring exception undermines all this: the protagonist looks awful. Of all the places to skip polish, the protagonist is not it.

    He looks amorphously young, somewhere between early teen and late-blooming adult. He is sickly pale; he literally looks ill, as though he's constantly pulling all-nighters and never sleeping. His face is hilariously ugly. A bulbous nose, bulging eyes, and awful hair complete his look. What look? Twat of the Year.

    The protagonist is so genuinely off-putting that he undermines any lust in a sex scene the second he appears on screen. But it's not as though there aren't normal looking men in the game. At one point his friend Dan is introduced. Dan is meant to be a generic, throw-away guy of absolutely zero importance, but compared to our hero, Dan is as handsome as a Greek statue. I wish Dan was the protagonist. Anything but what seems like deliberate ugliness.

    There are also 'video' sections, but they're just rendered stills repeating and are laughably bad, and should probably not even be bothered with by the dev.

    Gameplay-wise, there isn't any. You're presented with the occasional choice but they're all meaningless, since each one is choosing from '1) Obvious Sex Answer' and '2) Obvious Not-Sex Answer.' They don't offer insights into character, just useless punishments for picking wrong.

    All told, Family Affair is lacking in almost every context. If - if - you skip all meaningless text and jump from sex scene to sex scene, you might have a decent time, but you'll still have to stare at the ugliest protagonist I've ever seen. There's really no winning with this one.

    Unequivocally not recommended.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, thank you Mr PandaLOverGames <3

    This game is perfect for those looking for a fantastic adventure with many types of fetishes.
    Personally I love this kind of things.
    This game is well curated, with nice animations and cool characters, from amazing mom to beautiful Sydney. I hope Mr. Panda keeps creating new stories and scenes, and maybe new games too. Thanks again, and do not forget that your fans love u ;)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    well its a good game so far it has some fun in it and some good content make sure to support them and show some love its a good project so far it has future for a gaming ty and keep the good work up i like to see this through end
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 507366

    In summary this is your below average family incest game that has no coherent story. This exact theme (aside from the trans character) has been done a million times. There isn't anything really new here to enjoy.

    Top that off with characters that the author claims to be adults (18+), yet look like kids. I can't say for sure but I'm guessing this was intentional. The game has a kiddy porn vibe to it. The MC himself looks to be about 12 years old yet is supposed to be a college student. One of your sisters looks to be around 12-14 years old also. This isn't OK. I realize that some people look younger than they are but feel that this game took it to far with the super young looking character models (the MC and younger sister especially).

    Half of the females in the game look like males (their faces anyway). I'm guessing this was intentional also. The author has full control over the art. My guess is that the author loves trans and gay content but can't sell that to the masses so this is the next best thing. I have no issues with trans and gay people so don't flag the review falsely.

    If you want to play a below average typical family incest game then feel free to try this game. I personally didn't care for it and it wasn't my cup of tea.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2493138

    Fun game, the most realistic trans renders that I know on this site. Updates twice a month. Normally I do not like games about fucking everybody, but this one is more like separate short stories not related to each other. So I do not suggest to take it serious, just something you can play twice a month. If you do not like current update, forget about it and try next one.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    I read the mixed reviews and decided to give this game a try anyway (big mistake). Too many reviewers on this site hand out 5 star reviews like candy.

    • Pretty much everything
    • The character models are generally ugly
    • Boyish MC - looks like he's a freshman in High School
    • MC's room reflects that of a 10 year old boy (he's suppose to be in college)
    • Many of the females in the game have androgenic (male) faces, especially Rose. Change Rose's haircut and clothing and you have a guy. The author must love femboys (I don't).
    • Writing is all over the place
    • English has problems
    • Not a fan of dream sex. It cheapens the whole experience if it ever happens for real in the game. Dream sex is a way for an author to introduce lewd content early in the game, however I feel that this is a big mistake!
    • Below average, overused story

    Not too much else to say. The visuals and renders aren't too bad but the character models ruin the experience. Players don't want average or ugly looking characters even if it reflects real life. Players prefer fantasy over realism when it comes to looks. I appreciate the realistic body parts however (no huge breasts, hips, and asses). I do wish the mom had larger breasts though.

    The characters in the game don't act realistically at all. Too much of the game is over the top unbelievable. For example, the mother fucks her daughters boyfriend at her High School prom. Really??? There are too many examples to cover here!

    Overall, the game ended up being a bad experience and I can't recommend it unless you have very low standards.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    mr biscuits

    I tried this but found it one of the most unenjoyable games on here. The mother character is great but basically every other character is so ugly it's actually impressive the dev managed to achieve this.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    The models are really beautiful, and the sex scenes are nice, but the broken english and very poor dialogue are completely immersion breaking. If the dev could get someone to help with the grammer and dialogue side of things it could be really great. Until then, I have to pass.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The consistent updates are fucking amazing. Decent renders decentish story. Trans scenes pretty good. Mother scenes meh. No sister scenes yet unfortunately. Still pretty great in the end, I look forward to whats to come.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Game for everyone, if u want u can have gay/futa content, if u dont want it just turn it off. Also good story tellin and you dont have to play with incest on. So like i said everyone can have fun with this game + the animations and the characters are well made.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is not exactly top and all shiny. But it has its charm. In my opinion Sydney is really well though tout character. Very strong moments with Sydney. Keep the good work in that regard. It could be awesome game with more work.