Anyone know roughly about how many episodes are there likely to be in this remake? The extra thicc bodies look good to me. 
Wow tomorrow already? Time surely flies man... I can't wait to play once again this masterpiece ✌View attachment 3470252 ESPAÑOL:
¡Hola Everyone!
Espero que estén teniendo una buena noche. Quería compartirles que he tenido un pequeño contratiempo (Tenia que entregar un estupido proyecto de la escuela), pero ya he logrado resolverlo. Ahora solo me queda trabajar en la traducción al inglés. Me pondré manos a la obra de inmediato y lo más probable es que la nueva actualización esté disponible para mañana.
Lamento mucho la demora y les agradezco su comprensión. ¡Gracias por estar siempre ahí!
Hello everyone!
I hope you're having a good night. I wanted to let you know that I've had a little setback (I had to submit a stupid school project), but I've managed to sort it out. Now, all that's left is to work on the English translation. I'll get right to it, and it's most likely that the new update will be available by tomorrow.
I apologize for the delay and appreciate your understanding. Thank you for always being there!
View attachment 3470253
i will upload itWhen should it be up here? Is it 2 weeks after the last patreon tier?
You are our hero.i will upload it