Deviant Desires Alpha 1 [ Release Notes ]
The 1st version of the Deviant Desires Alpha has just been released for $20 patrons & will be available for everybody else in a few days! I wanted to make this post for everyone so I don't need to re-post it for every tier, makes sense just for everyone to see what the release notes are.
Personal Notes: My personal notes on the Alpha aren't very good to be honest, I feel the game's alpha could have been a lot better, however, with only having just over a month to develop a totally new game wasn't easy, I had to leave a few things out and leave a few things unfinished. But, it's now out and work on the next version is now underway. Below I'll talk a bit more about what is included in the 1st Alpha and what to expect in future releases.
What's included in the 1st Alpha:
Event Chains:
1) x3 Events in the bathroom - Each will be worked on and offer more down the line, for example, if you have 15 dom with younger sister, you'll be able to talk her into taking her towel off ect, eventually getting to a point where you shower together and so on.
2) x1 Event Chain with Mother - At this point it's not very polished, it still needs a lot of work and as of right now you can only do 1 thing with her, however, down the line you'll be able to drink with her, watch different films, watch porn ect ect
3) x1 Event Chain with Younger Sister - Again, like the event chain with Mother it's not 100% finished, still needs polishing and more adding to it, but it'll get better & she only appears 3 days in the week ( Monday, Wednesday & Friday ).
Core Systems:
1) Inventory System
2) Phone System - Still to be worked on, as of right now it only shows character stats, but you'll eventually be able to save photos ( take pictures ) & message other characters.
3) Room by Room Systems
4) Map System
5) Work System - Very basic at this point, but, it passes time & you earn cash. In a future update I hope to make it a paid weekly job system & also need to add a lot more content with Jessica.
6) Navigation System - All new menu system with a LEGENDS section for all you Legends xD
7) GUI Design - All new GUI design A walk through/guide will be coming in the next few days.
What will be in the next release?
In the next version I really want to focus on making everything look a lot more polished & smooth. So make the day/night cycle look a lot better, as of now not every room has a night version, it's really only you the Lounge that has a night version.
I also want to work on the following:
1) Store/Shop - A shop system in which to purchase things.
2) Computer - Add some features to the computer, possible an online store of sorts.
As of right now that's all I really want to focus on.
Don't get me wrong, that's not all I'll be doing, I'll also be working on making the events look smoother and work better.