Unity - Fap Nights at Frenni's Night Club [v0.2.6] [FATAL FIRE Studios]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    All of the FNAF pron games i've tried have had at least one jarring problem. Usually it's on the fapping end of the game. Thankfully, while this one's gameplay isn't amazing, it doable and the fapablility is pretty high even though it currently doesn't have much content. My biggest gripe is durring the story mode where your character faps to images of the Animatronics the view focuses too much on the guy's dick.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Graphics - 9/10
    +Some generic models with good amount of individuality
    +Animatronics models are jussy

    Sound - 9/10
    +All the old meme music and sounds resonate with me
    -Some sounds have bad quality

    Story - 9/10
    +Haha Memes : )
    -Too many Memes : (

    Gameplay - 10/10
    -Movement sucks
    +Everything else is interesting and intriguing

    Potential - 12/10
    +If the developer gets enough investment, don't slack off and add ton of animations, we will get good erotic game
    -If the developer concentrate on Memes it will become Meme game instead

  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the idea of the game. YES, there are many with this theme but this one might be my favourite.
    The graphics and gameplay are convincing, I think it's great that there's an arcade mode and you can adjust the difficulty. Since I don't normally play horror games, I'm very bad at it and am of course happy when I can still have a sense of achievement in easy mode. However, I have to say that even the easy mode is too difficult for me here, I hardly dare to go out because the rooms aren't very big and I don't know if she's right behind me or not. It's almost impossible for me to complete the tasks. Maybe they could make it a bit slower or make the area bigger.
    But I'm looking forward to the next version and will also support the developer when I see that they are working on it regularly and that the investment is worth it:)
    I would also be happy if you could make money even if you lose, so that you always have a small sense of achievement. Other hardcore gamers will surely be bothered by this, so maybe you could add this as a "baby" difficulty. It would be great, for example, if the deductions on the difficulty were completely omitted and only the earnings for the hours were given.
    A big thumbs up already! And good luck for the future!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The best fnaf clone atm. Shit is wild how adding just a little more gameplay shoots it above the rest. I can't wait to see how it shapes up. There's a lot of potential for it and would hate to see this one fall into obscurity.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid start for a 0.1 version, it doesn't have much content right now, but what it has show that a lot effort and thinking was put in the development of the game.

    The story mode has pretty good cutscenes and transitions with good usage of music and sound for key moments. Way better than most Renpy "fuck your mom" slideshow games we have been used to.

    If you like horror porn games, I highly recomend giving it a try. It is without a doubt the best fnaf game and one of the most promising horror game in general

    The downside is the lack of content and is quite buggy at the moment, but it is still version 0.1. Definitely a game keep an eye for in the future
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah, another porn game that's not really "porn" nor a "game". Some smartass dialogues and insults, cringy gameplay with unoptimzed graphics, and of course the main principle of "you need to avoid porn in order to win a game!". Holy smokes, why?

    While I appreciated the idea and, actually, the game already seems like someone had a lot of work on it, it's just... like the game itself doesn't wanted to be played. And spare my ass, please, I still need to shit on stuff like that.

    1 fucking star.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    "subjective judgment is not trying to claim professional analytics"

    well, at the moment the game has a pretty significant potential, although a small part of it was clearly presented in the proposed version, but even on the first night it is clear that the gameplay will be quite variable. I hope the project will get its development, personally I place a big bet on the game and its quality, because, at the moment, it stands out very positively among fnaf porn parodies.
    From the wishes, to get the opportunity to skip the plot cutscenes (even if such a chip becomes available only after re-passing) and fix bugs with animatronics passing through the doors
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Summary: Very promising start and feels the most creative FNAF Parody game but lacks content currently, a annoying system, Scenes that are boring to get and a arcade mode that lacks a proper tutorial.

    Story mode has a good start even if its quite short. Right now it just needs more reason to play through arcade mode aka the main game mode because of how useless cash is currently (Dev has mentioned scenes being unlocked via cash in the future ) you have to lose in arcade mode to get scenes which ruins the point of a H-Game but I digress. Doing tasks needs more involvement as the gameplay loop isn't that fun "Check on girls, leave office, do tasks for a minute, come back to office, check on girls, repeat" The graphics are very good looking, at least to me, and the system could easily be fun if the devs adds in more risk/reward in the gameplay and reward the player with scenes rather than punish (Why do all FNAF games do that also??) I can easily see this game become a 5 star in the future,

    High hopes for the future... please dont make me look bad :HideThePain:

    I DIDNT LOOK BAD!!! Consistent updates, a lot more scenes, gameplay has been slightly improved. Slowly but surely reaching 5/5 status
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    This H game has a lot more potential than the other FnaF H games currently; 3D movement and interactions with the map, as well as the character designs being much easier to get into. Unfortunately, the gameplay is lacking in fundamental understanding of how people enjoy fapping in an H game. Running around dark corridors actively avoiding sex, or risk getting a gameover instantly for 10~ minutes is a total boner killer. The game over H scene is just a simple loop slideshow moreover for all that effort. Needs more Hentai mechanics and content, otherwise this just won't pass muster for most fappers, outside of people who have been keeping up, or using saves to skip the tedium.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I guess i'll be writing this with the dorime theme :D

    Here's my review for the game. Written on version 0.1.0

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    The developer forces your to roam around the nightclub to do some tasks (rearrange a desk, clean toilets). You still have the basic office and the map sticks to it's original saga. You have the camera and you can check each rooms with the computer in the office OR an iPad you have on you. For most cases, each animatronic has a timer and you need to go back to your office and spam click on the footage to reset it. So you need to speed up when you're outside. You also have doors to lock in case you're chased, and vents.
    When the timers are out, the animatronic will start roaming free in the nightclub so tasks becomes harder to complete before 6AM.
    ATM the game is buggy, the animatronics can go through doors.

    Story mode:
    Actually, I'm quite surprised in the work done. Basic "you search a job, find one and try to survive 5days". In this one moreover, the male protag is a fap addict and he needs to resist the urge of submitting to them until weekend (you will get a free orgy as they say.)
    You can only play the first day. Only Freddy will be avaiable

    Arcade mode:
    Kind of like a sandbox, but as of now you cant choose which animatronic you play against. Maybe will be a new feature? Idk bout that.
    You have a salary for each night you do, if you fail the night the salary is reduced. You can then use the salary to unlock features AKA office upgrade, night vision camera, character costume etc.
    3 difficulties, easy, normal, hard. Only did the easy because i don't like to bother, but it's OK. Kinda hard to find for some objectives but doable with the huge timer you get.
    The computer you can access in Arcade mode has gallery features, email, and bonus files (yet to be added). You can also see your stats.

    The things that I Loved:
    • The art is Noice.
    • I can actually feel that the dev has put a LOT of work into this one and that it's a real fan
    • OMG. This main screen is litteraly one of the best i've seen in such a long time. Makes you want to play the game so badly
    • The osts. He reused The Living Tombestones songs and that's MARVELOUS.
    • Animations of the screen. (not meaning sex scenes.) The transitions feels so good. Camera, character moovements, and even the main screen with it's focus when you click.
    The things that I Hated:
    • The tasks. Not my thing at all, can become redundant.
    • The range of view of the animatronics.
    • The bugs of the current version.