Unity Fap Nights at Frenni's Night Club [v0.2.7x] [FATAL FIRE Studios]

3.70 star(s) 81 Votes


New Member
May 16, 2023
No es necesario actualizar MoneyEdit siempre que el ID siga siendo el mismo, el archivo SceneUnlock debe actualizarse para cada nueva versión.
Debes jugar a la sala de juegos al menos una vez para que el archivo MoneyEdit funcione.
Es la primera vez que hago esto, pero no sé cómo instalar los scripts en el juego, ya que es la primera vez que lo hago y no quiero volver a hacerlo todo, me gustaría que me ayudaras, te lo agradecería mucho


New Member
Oct 20, 2023
How do you unlock the other dances to view in the costume section? (Obviously view them in-game but where?)
you have to be hidden and see them dance on stage or use the scanner near the bar (there is a TV) just hit space and move the scanner toward the TV to unlock videos, poses, dances and money.

Freeni is easiest one because when she gets out she dances on stage , the same applies to chiku she will walk toward stage and dance.
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Jan 24, 2022
MoneyEdit does not need to be updated as long as the ID remains the same, the SceneUnlock file needs to be updated for each new version.
You need to play the arcade at least once for the MoneyEdit file to work.
do i just load the files into the game files?


Aug 2, 2017
Haven't checked thread since Nov/Dec. Any noteworthy news? Have animations been improved? Change log is a bit sparse.


Jan 30, 2019
El modo arcade es la peor mierda que jugue en mi vida, basicamente tenes que hacer trampa para lograr algo, la camara no deja de temblar, hay que adivinar los controles, por que no estan en ninguna parte, no podes saltar cinematicas, lo que hace tedioso repetir las noches una y otra vez. En resumen un monton de mierda
The arcade mode is the worst shit I've ever played in my life, you basically have to cheat to achieve something, the camera won't stop shaking, you have to guess the controls, why aren't they anywhere, you can't skip cutscenes, it which makes it tedious to repeat the nights over and over again. In short a lot of shit
Re que no, es bastante simple pasar las noches, ni hablar si usas la costume de Baki, podes vender cum, sale 200 cada frasquito y los vendes por 1500, podes armar el puzzle de Marie sin peligro alguno al terminar las tareas, es facil hacer dinero y con dinero es facil hacer cualquier cosa simplemente comprando las herramientas de la tienda, practica y error mi amigo, no esperes todo regalado.
PD: Las escenas si se pueden saltar cuando ya las has visto una vez solo hay que darle al botonsito con la doble flechita (>>).....
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Active Member
Mar 11, 2019
Does anyone know were the threesome puzzle is? Iirc from v0.1.9, it was here in the hall. However, I can't find it in v0.2.3.
3.70 star(s) 81 Votes