Far to many people write bullshit reviews


Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
there's a reason why, either here or on amazon or goodreads and/or tripadvisor, I gravitate towards reading the negative reviews (and potential reactions to those), over the good ones.
And yes, negative reviews aren't necessarily more honest than the positive ones by default, but I find that they often go into detail and mention specific grievances that I might have an interest in knowing about.
Jul 11, 2017
Such is the nature of reviews. Take a gander at some IMDB ratings, it's no different.

When it comes to entertainment, I think people in general are more likely to bother posting a review of something they liked than they are to go out of their way to review something they didn't like.

And while I'm sure there are plenty of bullshit or unreliable reviews here, too, to be fair, given the typical long, incremental development and update cycle of games posted here, it's very possible that many reviews are simply dated.

I'd also add that something doesn't necessarily need to be technically sound in order for someone to like it, and I'm sure that adds to the issue as well.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2020
there's another point that I feel needs to be made.
the expectations of the players tremendously colour their perception of the quality of the game.
just now I read someone asking if in a certain game there was going to be a specific scene/scenario with detailed caveats.. the presence of that scene being what his potential patronage would hinge upon, as he explicitly stated.
I don't get that at all..
Correction, I get it in porn, where maybe you want to see a specific kink so you google that one thing and land on a clip that contains just that, either because that's all she wrote or because the rest of the scene or movie is excluded...and you're looking for your 5 minutes of gratification and visual titilation.
In games I don't understand it.
If you really only want one specific uber-detailed thing, why bother playing anything?
That question aside, the lense through which that particular player plays a game will make it so that if it corresponds to the exact specifications he asks for in one minute detail, the game will be good in his eyes, and if it doesn't no matter the quality, the content, the overal scope of the project, he might just leave a negative review.

Now I am not saying that he'd do that, or bother to review at all, or indeed play it should he not be reassured in his request... but it does make me think that if many people look at the games they play through a similar narrow focus, really no value at all can be given to any single review, and only an average star rating can be sort of embraced in the hopes of it reflecting a commonly held view on the quality of the game.
But then you go on amazon and it's hard to ever find a book that doesn't have at least 4 stars..so what the hell?


Active Member
Sep 22, 2020
Honestly I almost always automatically discard every 5 and 1 star review. Way too many people that give games high ratings because "gud renders" and likewise too many people giving one stars because of similar dumbshit. 90% of people who write reviews have no idea what they are even writing themselves.
late to this thread but i totally agree with this i look at the 3 of 4 star reviews before anything
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Apr 25, 2020
late to this thread but i totally agree with this i look at the 3 of 4 star reviews before anything
It's funny lately I've gone back and reduced a few reviews to one star because the story and plot got that much worse that any credit they earned from art work was greatly over shadowed by shit writing. The writing is literally so bad the game would be improved if they just made it a slide show. I'd give them a star back just on that alone.
One issue with the rating system on here is you can't give less than one stars. In most rating systems you have to earn even the first star. Here at this site I look at it as the participation award. So giving you a one star is like saying you would been better off not even showing the hell up.

Generally it's better to read reviews. Anything that is simply a few lines you should just ignore. Especially one liners.
That said there are plenty of long reviews on here I thought might be a good indication of the game but were far from it.
I came off feeling like did we play the same game. Does this person not even understand what a plot hole is. I try to be kind and ignore spelling and grammar issues because English is many developers 2nd or even 3rd language. Basic story flow problems, character development issues, characters ignoring mammoth options just so the author can drive the story to a fap scene and other lazy writing issues those can't be ignored. Like I said many times before on here we aren't talking professional level writing this is crap you should have gotten between 5th and 8th grade depending on where you went to school. So there is no real excuse for it.

That said there are plenty of substandard school systems in the world sadly that can't be said for. If anyone on here is a product of one of those systems props to you for not letting it hold you back. I have nothing against a person working hard fight the odds. I do have an issue with people that have the tools given to them but choose to be lazy.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2020
[B]Diconica[/B] got to say i admire and hate all the thoughts;) you put in to reviews because with me most i think about with reviews is this review is right or this review is crap and throw my hands up in the air and move on
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