The division by episodes is quite arbitrary. There are no major events or endings that determine that one episode ended and another began. I think the main determinant is the size of the each episode - when it gets too big, it is time to move to the next one.
Yes the size is probably the reason like the last time combined with Ape's greed to milk more before ending the game as a whole and dragging it to yet another episode
Ostego the investor part of this game we're now was supposed to happen 5-6 updates ago but The Ape added tons of irrelevant to the game's actual plot path branches in order to milk more money rather than bringing it to a conclusion and starting a whole new game or continuation of FB just from different perspective and characters. (some other games did that and they've great success)
But i couldn't know since I've quit supporting this game year ago when the ape decided he will only please few of his "investors" and all of the supporters and grad this game forever in order to milk more money.
Don't bother to replay I don't need to know your opinion.