Holy shit you can't actually get ahold of the money string in save editor, they hid the hell out of it. They really must think people are paying for a money cheat.
Yeah, I'm using URM and I can't find the string or variable for money. It is indeed well hidden.
But hey, it's the dev's game. More power to them.
EDIT: Hah, just found it. I forgot in URM, you can search things by Variable and Value.
If you use URM:
Search "argent." I am assuming maybe that's the name of the currency, or the dev didn't want to use "money" or "cash" so it would be harder to find. Change "argent" to whatever value you want. You'll notice "store.argent" will change as well. I am assuming that is because the game "stores" your money each week.
If you use console commands:
Press "shift+o" to bring up the console. Type "argent = <#>". I would also change "store.argent = <#>" to the same number just in case. Wouldn't want to break the game.
And that's that. There's your money cheat.