Favorite Monster Girl Type(s)?

What's your favorite monster girl type? (See OP for descriptions)

  • Amphibian

    Votes: 35 10.4%
  • Bird

    Votes: 59 17.5%
  • Fish

    Votes: 43 12.8%
  • Humanoid

    Votes: 142 42.1%
  • Insectoid

    Votes: 65 19.3%
  • Invertebrate

    Votes: 43 12.8%
  • Mammal

    Votes: 137 40.7%
  • Plant

    Votes: 68 20.2%
  • Reptile

    Votes: 108 32.0%
  • Supernatural

    Votes: 147 43.6%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
I'm planning to add several monster girl encounters to my text-based game. So it got me curious what types of monster girls folks in these parts enjoy the most and decided to throw together this poll thread. I'm already planning to include several characters from the supernatural category, but I'd like to branch out a bit and include some from a few of the other categories.

Since there's an annoying limit of 10 poll choices, I had to break this down into very broad categories based on the general type of animal groupings they can fall into. The following is a break down of some common types from each category, feel free to elaborate on your favorites with a post in the thread!

Bullywug/Frog girls, Salamanders, Toad Girls
Harpies, Tengu
Fishfolk, Mermaids, Shark Girls
Akaname/Long-Tongue Girls, Dwarfs, Elves, Giantesses, Goblins, Monoeye/Cyclops, Ogres, Oni, Tetra Arms, Trolls
Arachne, Bee Girls, Caterpillar Girls, Crab Girls, Grasshoppers, Mosquitoes, Moth Girls, Papillon/Butterfly Girls
Leeches, Scylla/Octopus Girls, Slimes, Slug Girls
Bat Girls, Centaurs, Fauns, Kitsune/Fox Girls, Kobold/Dog Girls, Minotaurs, Nekomimi/Cat Girls, Orc, Satyrs, Usagimimi/Rabbit Girls
Dryads, Mandragora/Mandrakes, Matango/Mushroom Girls
Dragonfolk, Kappa, Lamia/Snake Girls, Lizardfolk
Angels, Demons/Devils, Dullahan, Faeries/Sprites, Ghosts, Ice Women, Invisible Women, Shapeshifters, Undead (Ghouls, Mummies, Zombies), Vampires, Werebeasts, Witches

Here are a few useful links if you feel like exploring some of the more popular monster girl fictional worlds and the types they have on offer:

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Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
So... replying in order based on what I like the most:
- Amphibian: no, no thanks at all.
- Bird: Meh, not at all.
- Fish: Absolutely not.
- Humanoid: one of my choices, that's for sure. But precisely the "Oni" one's and for taking an example, who's better than Yuugi from Touhou itself? Oh, maybe Ibaraki Douji & Shuten Douji from F/GO.
- Insectoid: Eeeeeeeee.....no. I already hate bees and such in real life, fucking a bee or anything of the sort inside a game could probably make me sick.
- Invertebrate: Where's the fun? In being completely absorbed by a slime girl? Maybe for someone it's fun, for me nope.
- Mammal: given the fact that I love Kitsune, Nekomimi and Usagimimi, this is my second choice without a doubt.
- Plant: Not so interesting, honestly.
- Reptile: Not a fan... but I could easily say "Yes" to a Lamia.
- Supernatural: how can I say no to Angels? Demons? Vampires? (the other maybe yes, I could say "No").

Sooo.... Humanoid, Mammal and Supernatural are my choices.


Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
So far I'm planning to have the following:

* Demons - In the form of a threesome of futanari succubi who you'll run into a number of times and they'll try to seduce you away from your primary goals.
* Vampire - She's a loner who tends to keep out of the affairs of the other inhabitants of the region unless she wants something.
* Undead - There'll be a lusty ghoul who goes around seeking out spiritual energy to steal through aggressive sexual acts.
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* Werebeast - This one isn't really fleshed out yet, but I'm thinking it would be fun to have a character that's a bit like from the Bakemonogatari series.
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* Lamia - I'd like to take a slightly darker approach with this one than many others tend to.
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* Matango/Mushroom Girl - This one is loosely based on a really weird dream I had a few years back.
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* Akaname - I haven't planned anything for this one yet, but they generally find a guy and lick him clean with their super long tongues, absorbing some of his spiritual energy in the process.
* Elves - I've always loved Terry Pratchett's take on elves in his Discworld book, Lords and Ladies; they are a cruel and tyrannical race who feel superior to the other races and tend to glory in hunting humans for sport. In this case they're meant to be more of a nebulous and ever present threat responsible for chasing you out of the forest surrounding the castle where the story takes place and keeping you in there.


Latina midget, sub to my Onlyfans - cash for gash
Game Developer
Jul 28, 2017
I only voted plant for dryads. Not sure if they are sake acrosa the board, but in D&D they are hot. :heartcoveredeyes:
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Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
I only voted plant for dryads. Not sure if they are sake acrosa the board, but in D&D they are hot. :heartcoveredeyes:
Ya, I'd imagine when most folks think of dryads in a more erotic setting they have the sexy versions in mind, rather than TES-style Lovecraftian Spriggans, heh.

Edit: Here are a few variants from the Monster Musume series, a tree dryad, a flower dryad and a mandragora.
MM Dryad Variants.jpg


Oct 3, 2017
I almost feel too normal with my choices, maybe thats something to worry when it comes to this topic.

After long consideration I have my answer: Nah.

Picked humanoid, mammal and supernatural for (obvious?) reasons. And added in fish for mermaid and plant because the first occurence of a dryad for me was in the Secret of Mana series, I was young and somehow it oddly worked for me. Half lady half tree can work just as much as half lady half fish, probably, maybe?

Also would pick different ones, or at least add more for a female character. Other games, especially text games opened that up for me. But really only for a female character.

Edit: ok fine Invertebrate too, slime girls and all.
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Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
In terms of my own poll choices, I'm a big monster girl fan, so it's hard for me to narrow this down. I can think of examples I love from all of the categories here. But it would be a bit silly of me to just pick them all, so I decided to limit my own choices down to 5 picks. XD

* Bird - always been one of my favorites from the main cast of Monster Musume and there are some really hot tengu images out there, this one in particular is among my all time favorites:
* Humanoid - the ogre from the M.O.N. squad in Monster Musume is super sexy and probably just about my all time favorite monster girl. Then there is Sachi from , who's a super cute cyclops. And if we're talking cute cyclopes there's always as well. Some giantess art can do it for me too.
* Mammal - Who doesn't love ? from 12 Beasts is a pretty hot minotaur blacksmith and somewhat similar to Tionishia above in character design. The girls from have always been among my favorites as well.
* Reptile - Two words: . Lamia can be pretty hot too, especially . I also have another story on the backburner featuring the descendants of a legendary hero who won the favor of a dragon who gifted him a drop of his blood that turned him into a semi-immortal weredragon. Those who come from his line have a number of dragon like traits and some can even semi-transform into a dragon-like form. One of the main characters is a pretty hot girl that will always have a spot in my heart.
* Supernatural - This is probably my favorite overall. The entire lineup from are way high up on my list. There are probably too many vampire fictions I'm into to name here, heh. from Sankarea is a sexy zombie girl. I've also always had a soft spot for succubi in fiction.


I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
I quite agree on the Dragon Maid part,
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Back on topic, I'd include some varying degrees of monster for all tastes, considering the small number of monster waifus too choose.

-Bird wise, I think an Harpy like Papi would be a good choice, though I like the design for Dragonus from DotA, wings+claws on hands and feet look really cool.

-I'm very biased towards catgirls, so I'll just say any half-animal can look good (or be written in your case).

-Supernatural is a tough choice, one could make a game of vampires and demons alone, but for the sake of uniqueness, I support zombies, I don't remember seeing any good zombie girls in games.
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Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
@increals For me it's mostly about the face that generally needs to stay pretty human in appearance, as well as the torso in most cases I suppose. I can deal with fangs, animal ears and maybe a short muzzle shaped mouth/nose area if it's done in a cute way. But once it gets into full animal head furry territory I lose all interest.


Jul 18, 2017
@increals For me it's mostly about the face that generally needs to stay pretty human in appearance, as well as the torso in most cases I suppose. I can deal with fangs, animal ears and maybe a short muzzle shaped mouth/nose area if it's done in a cute way. But once it gets into full animal head furry territory I lose all interest.
Yeah man, if it gets too much it's not monster girl anymore, might as well go full monster :pokerFace:

just add a little monster gimmick to a girl.l, now that's a monster girl i want
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Compulsive Gambler
Jun 2, 2017
@increals For me it's mostly about the face that generally needs to stay pretty human in appearance, as well as the torso in most cases I suppose. I can deal with fangs, animal ears and maybe a short muzzle shaped mouth/nose area if it's done in a cute way. But once it gets into full animal head furry territory I lose all interest.
Like Tamamo No Mae, just for mentioning someone famous enough. Right?
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Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
@brynhildr Ya, considering she's usually portrayed as a pretty standard nekomimi with just cat ears and tail, she is all good and at the most mild end of the monster girl spectrum. Though I can also get into quite a bit more extreme variants from the norm if they are done well. Like from Monster Musume, who has a mostly human head, except for the extra eyes and pointy teeth, and she has a human torso for the most part, except below the hips she's attached to a spider body. Also, even though her arms have everything in the right place to be a human's, they're quite distinctly insect like with an exoskeleton that reads as long gloves at first glance (and in fact she's a bit self-conscious about them, so she often has them covered with actual long gloves.

I can't say I'm actually into the spider body part of her, at least not in any sexual fetish kinda way, but it does look pretty bad ass and they did such a great job of developing her character with a complex over her appearance due to how scared most people are of her at first sight. It's made her a bit of a jaded loner who tends to avoid all but those who've proven themselves as friends (or enemies, when she's looking to punish those who've wronged her or her friends). They also gave her a rope bondage fetish, where she uses her own spider silk to string everyone up in erotic poses all the time, lol.
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