I ask that before and nothingI am begging the Dev to take an update or two and just please fix the broken english and bugs in the game. This game was a top tier HTML game, now its a mess. Please, ignore story progress and focus on fixing what is there already.
I like how you reminded me of the blackscreens because I thought I remembered saying something about it before on how to fix it. I said some of the exact videos that had pathing issues and I just looked into the folder and saw that the names and pathing issues were never fixed in the latest release...even though I shined a spotlight on them.To me the creator doesn’t care to fix the problems just to add more, tips still bug, loading a save nothing updated , videos just a black screen, said fix bugs but nothing fix, so I am done with this may come back if it improved not downgrade
Seriously, You can't look 2 comments before you decided to ask?Most recent (0.76) Cheat codes, What are they?
Its a twine sugarcube game, the platform comes with the ability to have a back button. Its up to the dev whether they add it or not. Its a single line of code.How can someone design a html software, that does not have back feature or autosave, with html pages containing no links. Just retorically.
Cheat 0.78 VersionThose cheats are out of date, here are the new ones from 0.64:
IR2sF1Dh1S - +500 cash
ISd2mWDmUw - cheat panel
PO7Y17EV9B - gift items one of each
c3pj2LOK1C - quest items
s85MblqY5a - qualification +1
uc0FICoBKa - maxstamina +1
XsBEACBq6o - back button
PS: I shouldn't have to say this but, watch that you don't enter the space after the letters... else the codes won't work.
Tip: I should follow Monica to the beach. Had a bad feeling about that…I'm stuck with Monica...
Tip: I should follow Monica to the beach. Have bad feeling about that...
this is the clue, I've done that part and helped with the cheer squad using the gym but the hint doesn't update.
I've tried hanging around at the beach to see if she shows but nada...
Any help would be appreciated.