Feedback on Gender Role-reversal Game: The Alpha Gender


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
This is my first game, a visual novel with as much player choice as I can muster. Graphics will be 3dcgi, using the Ren'Py engine.

I'll call it "sci-fi lite" for want of a better term. You play a young career guy with a hot girlfriend, also career-oriented. Over the last year or two biological changes have come over females worldwide. Physical strength has increased, intelligence too by an average of 15 IQ points, reflexes are faster, sense perception has been amplified. There are also other changes that reveal as the story progresses, along with some minor changes to males as well later. Along with the biological and neurophysiological enhancements to women, they have also become more aggressive and competitive in every way, including sexual. You're finding yourself out-distanced by women at work, and valued more for physical attractiveness, sexual characteristics and what you can "do for" women than anything. Men are protesting worldwide due to their lower socio-economic status, hypothesizing all sorts of conspiracy theories as to "who's responsible", but so far scientists believe it's an epigenetic change triggered by as-yet undetermined environmental factors. Throughout the game you are simply trying to stay relevant, cope with changes as they occur, and survive. There are elements of femdom, but for the most part only as they blend effectively with the story.

I've written this story (a text story of 15 chapters, 126 pages so far) and have been designing the world for some time now. I'll begin rendering next week. All main characters created, all of at least the initial environments too. Some minor coding has already begun. The women have high attractiveness, tending to be athletic, taller than average and busty. I will open a Patreon this week but would post it here and other places. Not worried about "piracy" in favor of making sure that people looking for content like this can find it. I have just completed a 50 second intro video with some simple character animations. music and graphics that gives the flavor of the story. The idea is to include it in the opening of the game and to use it as a teaser/promotion but honestly I'm not sure if there's a way to post it here, or where to spread it to generate interest. Would it be reasonable to share a link here to my Instagram of it?

TBH even if I get low response to this game idea I'm doing it anyway, so this isn't a "should I do it?" post, but fishing for advice and reactions. Do you have any interest in this? Any suggestions for elements to include?



Game Developer
Sep 16, 2020
I’m a person of few words and also illiterate. Can I summarize your plot as “here’s a fancy reason for my MC to be dominated/sexually harassed by Amazon mommies”?


Active Member
Jun 25, 2017
I’m a person of few words and also illiterate. Can I summarize your plot as “here’s a fancy reason for my MC to be dominated/sexually harassed by Amazon mommies”?
Yeah that's pretty much the TLDR of his post.

Although I also suspect it's a low key political commentary on how evil men are and how women are just used for looks and shit as well and what would it be like if things switched.

It could go either way.

Oh Carrera, you've internalized way to much mysoginy.
Yes bobby, now STFU and fix my spell checker!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
Over the last year or two biological changes have come over females worldwide. Physical strength has increased, intelligence too by an average of 15 IQ points, reflexes are faster, sense perception has been amplified. There are also other changes that reveal as the story progresses, along with some minor changes to males as well later. Along with the biological and neurophysiological enhancements to women, they have also become more aggressive and competitive in every way, including sexual.
That honestly seems a bit fast and thin for a new social stratification to set in. That kind of shift in IQ could mean a career upgrade for most women and a downgrade for most men, but the bulk of variability would still be independent of gender. It hardly means societal irrelevance. (Also, IQ =/= intelligence.) An epigenetic change being triggered worldwide in two years also looks like a stretch, it would have to result from an environmental change that occurred worldwide. I'd say give the biological changes some more time and maybe make them a little more drastic. Good luck with your game.
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Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
Wow! No my game is not a political statement guys. There are plenty of games where as a male protagonist you are encouraged to mistreat women and treat them as objects, but do you claim that those games are politically motivated? If not, why would this be any different?

You can dislike a fetish, that's your prerogative. There are plenty of fetishes in games here that I have no interest in, but I simply avoid commenting on them since it's not my thing. I don't feel a need to insult others because they get turned on by something I don't.


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
That honestly seems a bit fast and thin for a new social stratification to set in. That kind of shift in IQ could mean a career upgrade for most women and a downgrade for most men, but the bulk of variability would still be independent of gender. It hardly means societal irrelevance. (Also, IQ =/= intelligence.) An epigenetic change being triggered worldwide in two years also looks like a stretch, it would have to result from an environmental change that occurred worldwide. I'd say give the biological changes some more time and maybe make them a little more drastic. Good luck with your game.
Reasonable points. I'll consider how to ease it in better. Thanks for the feedback!


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
I’m a person of few words and also illiterate. Can I summarize your plot as “here’s a fancy reason for my MC to be dominated/sexually harassed by Amazon mommies”?
In fact, you could probably summarize every adult game plot in a similar way: "Here's a fancy reason for my MC to get to screw every girl he meets" or "Here's a fancy reason for my MC to get it on with his sister and mother."


Game Developer
Sep 16, 2020
In fact, you could probably summarize every adult game plot in a similar way: "Here's a fancy reason for my MC to get to screw every girl he meets" or "Here's a fancy reason for my MC to get it on with his sister and mother."
You’re not wrong and I actually like your premise. What concerns me is you seem really invested in the world building and I hope it doesn’t distract you from what brings everyone to the table. If I were a hack Hollywood writer, I could summarize your premise with a news montage: “Recent data shows women outnumber men on hookup apps 90 to 1, with reports of unwanted sexual messages skyrocketing.” “There was a recent strike among male strippers demanding harassment free work conditions. One man we interviewed said he was tackled by five clients in a single night and was then forced to perform oral sex on them.” “Global shortages of dildos is causing widespread outrage as women demand men make their penis sizes public to ease a woman’s search for adequate sexual gratification.” Etc etc etc.

My point is, I’ve seen too many really good porn concepts get consumed by their own lore and I’d hate for your idea to end up like that. Good luck with the project!
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Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
You’re not wrong and I actually like your premise. What concerns me is you seem really invested in the world building and I hope it doesn’t distract you from what brings everyone to the table.

I’ve seen too many really good porn concepts get consumed by their own lore and I’d hate for your idea to end up like that. Good luck with the project!
That's fair criticism, and I'm aware that might be a distraction for me, but since you've raised the alarm I'll give it more attention. It's one reason I posted this here. There are a lot of people on this site who know what makes a good game, and I know I can benefit from that. Thanks for the caution, and the well-wishes.
Jul 22, 2019
Ok, I love it. Though this sort of setting has been done before, you know the land of the amazons trope, but I haven't really seen any good porn games come out of it. The best example I can think of that is somewhat similar is FutaDom World. But yeah definitely, go for it, I'll be looking forward to it.

I do agree with arcaos. I do love me some worldbuilding, but just don't get too hung up on it when it comes to the narrative, (and also try not to make it too story heavy or wordy imo cuz I think you might have a propensity for that sort of thing). Keep in mind that it is a porn game at the end of the day and the porn should always be first and foremost. Also femdom is one of my fetishes, and I think that will be an inventible result of this setting so hurray.


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
Ok, I love it. Though this sort of setting has been done before, you know the land of the amazons trope, but I haven't really seen any good porn games come out of it. The best example I can think of that is somewhat similar is FutaDom World. But yeah definitely, go for it, I'll be looking forward to it.

I do agree with arcaos. I do love me some worldbuilding, but just don't get too hung up on it when it comes to the narrative, (and also try not to make it too story heavy or wordy imo cuz I think you might have a propensity for that sort of thing). Keep in mind that it is a porn game at the end of the day and the porn should always be first and foremost. Also femdom is one of my fetishes, and I think that will be an inventible result of this setting so hurray.
Argh, yes this (wordiness) will be a challenge, lol. There's a lot of emphasis on difference in intelligence between the MC and certain of the female characters (I say above "15 IQ point increase" but MC believes it's much higher). I will have to find ways to show this using fewer words. Np, this can be done but thanks for pointing it out, it'll make the game better I'm sure.
Jul 22, 2019
Argh, yes this (wordiness) will be a challenge, lol. There's a lot of emphasis on difference in intelligence between the MC and certain of the female characters (I say above "15 IQ point increase" but MC believes it's much higher). I will have to find ways to show this using fewer words. Np, this can be done but thanks for pointing it out, it'll make the game better I'm sure.
Once you're far enough into the development to feel comfortable to share the progress (like renders etc.) you can make a dev thread on the Programming and Development forum. Its another way to get the word out and get more people waiting for your game.
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Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
Okay I re-encoded my intro video to make it small enough to post here. Attached. Please let me know your impressions.


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
Once you're far enough into the development to feel comfortable to share the progress (like renders etc.) you can make a dev thread on the Programming and Development forum. Its another way to get the word out and get more people waiting for your game.
Much appreciated, I'll do that. See intro video attached above.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
Although I also suspect it's a low key political commentary on how evil men are and how women are just used for looks and shit as well and what would it be like if things switched.
With a strong touch of misogyny. Where's the need for the IQ increase, when the first person to receive a Nobel Price twice, and one of the fourth to whom it happened, is a woman ? And where's the need for strength increase, when all the women competing in force sports can already lift an average (none US) guy without much problems ?


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
With a strong touch of misogyny. Where's the need for the IQ increase, when the first person to receive a Nobel Price twice, and one of the fourth to whom it happened, is a woman ? And where's the need for strength increase, when all the women competing in force sports can already lift an average (none US) guy without much problems ?
I must be slow since I'm not understanding you. "Where's the need?" There's no need, it's a story feature - an alteration in relative abilities between males & females to throw a wrench into social structure and make the story interesting. You seem to be claiming that since a woman was the first to receive 2 Nobels, they are by extension smarter than men. Not sure why that would be. I think that in reality women and men are about the same intelligence overall. Physically I don't think there's a question that men are on average stronger than women. Not sure what being able to lift non-US men has to do with anything. And I'm a misogynist now? Okay...


Active Member
Nov 16, 2017
Really like the premise of the story. Would like to see the boyfriend being more and more outclassed by his girlfriend over time. For example see him being demoted to lower and lower positions at work, while his girlfriend would move up the ranks. Once he would be down to cleaning the toilets, his girlfriend or some other women might offer him a personal assistant job to move up a bit again? Just an idea.;) I think this scenario has a lot of interesting story opportunities from a femdom perspective, which are somewhat grounded in reality. What I also would find interesting would be seeing black, Indian, east Asian women etc. outclassing our MC in this society. This could give some other interesting angles to this scenario.

Also regarding it to be a femdom themed game. Certain people get always triggered by it and will complain about that theme. That usually happens at the start of those projects, when they see a chance to persuade the dev not to make or include anything femdom related. Since you seem to be set in what you want to do, these people should move on relatively quick though.
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anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
I must be slow since I'm not understanding you. "Where's the need?" There's no need, it's a story feature
No, it's not a story feature, it's a lack of imagination. Among the thousand of possible way to establish your setting, you're using the less realistic one. And it's lack of realism isn't due to the reason why the improvement happen, but to the fact that this improvement is needed to achieve such setting ; what is misogynistic.

[...] You seem to be claiming that since a woman was the first to receive 2 Nobels, they are by extension smarter than men.
No, I'm saying that your premise is purely based on the, not assumed judging by this comment, idea that men are superior by nature. What is pure bullshit.
Genders roles being nothing more than a societal construction, there's no need for an improvement to reverse those roles. There's as many women more intelligent than the average human, than there's men. There's as many women stronger than the average human, than there's men. There's as many women more aggressive, including sexually, than the average human, than there's men. The only thing preventing us to effectively see it, is that the society is led by men, dot. This put men at the first place, letting us see their intelligence, strength, aggressiveness, and anything else you can think about, more easily, while hiding the ones of women in their shadow.
Just put enough women in position of power, and you'll reach the same society than the one depicted in your setting. Being freed of there taught inferior status, women would start to act more freely, and you'll see what their effective strength, intelligence, and aggressiveness is. You'll also see men forced to bow their neck like in your setting, simply because being now the ones who make the rules, women will force them to act so ; exactly like men did all over history.

Physically I don't think there's a question that men are on average stronger than women.
Well, then you should probably think.

The main difference isn't on the strength, but on the default muscular mass ; 10% superior in a male body due to the level of testosterone. At equal muscular mass, there's no real strength difference between a man and a woman. Plus, due to the metabolism difference, women would probably be able to apply this strength longer than men.
But anyway, if the average man is stronger than the average woman, it's not because men are stronger by nature. It's due to a societal construction, that also happen to be a vicious circle. Being assumed to be stronger, men are asked to perform the physical tasks, what put them in a position where their body build more muscles ; what then make them stronger. But put a woman in the same position, and you'll have an average woman as strong as the average man.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2017
Also to Anne's point, I actually agree with the intelligence aspect. Women being superior in that regard wouldn't really need some type of virus or whatever to make them superior. Just some social engineering could achieve that. Concerning the strength issue I see it quite differently though. Testosterone is a real thing. So for women to become on average clearly superior to men would need more than simply social engineering.

So yeah for the sake of the story I don't see an issue to have some deus machina to enhance women average strength. In terms of intelligence I don't see it necessary to use some deus machina, but using it too for this area doesn't make it misogynistic, as long as women weren't shown as inferior to men before, what I can't see you implying anyway.


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
Really like the premise of the story. Would like to see the boyfriend being more and more outclassed by his girlfriend over time. For example see him being demoted to lower and lower positions at work, while his girlfriend would move up the ranks. Once he would be down to cleaning the toilets, his girlfriend or some other women might offer him a personal assistant job to move up a bit again? Just an idea.;) I think this scenario has a lot of interesting story opportunities from a femdom perspective, which are somewhat grounded in reality. What I also would find interesting would be seeing black, Indian, east Asian women etc. outclassing our MC in this society. This could give some other interesting angles to this scenario.

Also regarding it to be a femdom themed game. Certain people get always triggered by it and will complain about that theme. That usually happens at the start of those projects, when they see a chance to persuade the dev not to make or include anything femdom related. Since you seem to be set in what you want to do, these people should move on relatively quick though.
Thanks for the interest! What you describe doesn't unfold that way exactly, but in general that's what happens. Things get a little complicated for the MC. Unexpected challenges and opportunities...

Yeah I know, femdom always makes people uncomfortable. But to have female characters with demonstrated superiority over males, especially in physical strength? Look out...
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