Feedback on Gender Role-reversal Game: The Alpha Gender


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
No, it's not a story feature, it's a lack of imagination. Among the thousand of possible way to establish your setting, you're using the less realistic one. And it's lack of realism isn't due to the reason why the improvement happen, but to the fact that this improvement is needed to achieve such setting ; what is misogynistic.

No, I'm saying that your premise is purely based on the, not assumed judging by this comment, idea that men are superior by nature. What is pure bullshit.
Genders roles being nothing more than a societal construction, there's no need for an improvement to reverse those roles. There's as many women more intelligent than the average human, than there's men. There's as many women stronger than the average human, than there's men. There's as many women more aggressive, including sexually, than the average human, than there's men. The only thing preventing us to effectively see it, is that the society is led by men, dot. This put men at the first place, letting us see their intelligence, strength, aggressiveness, and anything else you can think about, more easily, while hiding the ones of women in their shadow.
Just put enough women in position of power, and you'll reach the same society than the one depicted in your setting. Being freed of there taught inferior status, women would start to act more freely, and you'll see what their effective strength, intelligence, and aggressiveness is. You'll also see men forced to bow their neck like in your setting, simply because being now the ones who make the rules, women will force them to act so ; exactly like men did all over history.

Well, then you should probably think.

The main difference isn't on the strength, but on the default muscular mass ; 10% superior in a male body due to the level of testosterone. At equal muscular mass, there's no real strength difference between a man and a woman. Plus, due to the metabolism difference, women would probably be able to apply this strength longer than men.
But anyway, if the average man is stronger than the average woman, it's not because men are stronger by nature. It's due to a societal construction, that also happen to be a vicious circle. Being assumed to be stronger, men are asked to perform the physical tasks, what put them in a position where their body build more muscles ; what then make them stronger. But put a woman in the same position, and you'll have an average woman as strong as the average man.
I don't think that men are superior by nature, and never said that. I agree that gender roles are a social construct. You keep talking about need. When did I say that to reverse roles there was a need to increase the intelligence and strength of females? Your syntax/grammar is a little messed up in your comparisons. You're saying that there are as many women stronger than the average person as there are men? That is definitely not true, as the numbers of all men and all women are roughly equal, and men are in fact significantly stronger than women (on average). You talk about muscle mass, and I agree that a woman with the same muscle mass as a man will generally be as strong as that man, but the fact is that the average man has significantly more muscle mass than the average woman. They are larger, and as Frosty2000 points out, build muscle more readily due to testosterone. It's just simple biology and statistics. I think that some of the strength differences between today's man and today's woman can be chalked up to societal roles and expectations, but certainly not all. Biologically men are taller regardless of societal roles, and there's the aforementioned testosterone. You're angry not at me but a strawman of my words and beliefs. Personally I LOVE strong women... I LOVE smart women... that's a big reason I'm developing this game.

Maybe you should develop your own game, where women have the power position through whatever means you want. I'd probably love it! But I'm developing this one.
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Jul 22, 2019
No, it's not a story feature, it's a lack of imagination. Among the thousand of possible way to establish your setting, you're using the less realistic one. And it's lack of realism isn't due to the reason why the improvement happen, but to the fact that this improvement is needed to achieve such setting ; what is misogynistic.

No, I'm saying that your premise is purely based on the, not assumed judging by this comment, idea that men are superior by nature. What is pure bullshit.
Genders roles being nothing more than a societal construction, there's no need for an improvement to reverse those roles. There's as many women more intelligent than the average human, than there's men. There's as many women stronger than the average human, than there's men. There's as many women more aggressive, including sexually, than the average human, than there's men. The only thing preventing us to effectively see it, is that the society is led by men, dot. This put men at the first place, letting us see their intelligence, strength, aggressiveness, and anything else you can think about, more easily, while hiding the ones of women in their shadow.
Just put enough women in position of power, and you'll reach the same society than the one depicted in your setting. Being freed of there taught inferior status, women would start to act more freely, and you'll see what their effective strength, intelligence, and aggressiveness is. You'll also see men forced to bow their neck like in your setting, simply because being now the ones who make the rules, women will force them to act so ; exactly like men did all over history.

Well, then you should probably think.

The main difference isn't on the strength, but on the default muscular mass ; 10% superior in a male body due to the level of testosterone. At equal muscular mass, there's no real strength difference between a man and a woman. Plus, due to the metabolism difference, women would probably be able to apply this strength longer than men.
But anyway, if the average man is stronger than the average woman, it's not because men are stronger by nature. It's due to a societal construction, that also happen to be a vicious circle. Being assumed to be stronger, men are asked to perform the physical tasks, what put them in a position where their body build more muscles ; what then make them stronger. But put a woman in the same position, and you'll have an average woman as strong as the average man.
Ok anne O'nymous, with all due respect, if you don't have knowledge on a subject, please refrain from talking about it. It is clear you are not well versed in biology, and you have most definitely not done your research and don't know the current scientific consensus on such matters. So please don't speak on such matters and don't make blanket statements unless fully informed. Because what you have said is scientifically inaccurate, and purely ideological and politically driven propaganda speak.

Ok so regarding the story, I don't see any problem at all using this premise, it is just an artistic choice, the author can better defend himself.

However, on everything else, you are so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to start. Men and women ARE NOT EQUAL. We are DIFFERENT. Yes we should have the same value as humans, but to suggest that across the board we are equal is so false and delusional. And as someone who has studied evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology, your ignorance is awfully apparent and insulting.

The main difference isn't on the strength.
Wrong, you are talking about strength and muscle mass as if they are separate unrelated things. MAN HAVE MORE MUSCLE MASS THERFORE THEY ARE STRONGER. That is an established biological reality [1][2], IT IS NOT A SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION. If you say such things to doctor or a biologist, they'll laugh at your face.

Men produce testosterone, over 20 times more than women. Testosterone promotes muscle synthesis. Men on average have higher strength NOT because of social differences, but because of BIOLOGICAL differences. Such sexual dimorphism can be seen in almost all other mammals, it is not unique to humans.

Being assumed to be stronger, men are asked to perform the physical tasks, what put them in a position where their body build more muscles ; what then make them stronger.
Wrong. Men and women both start seeing a difference in muscle growth after puberty [3], REGARDLESS of physical activity. Even if you take into account physical activity, with the same amount of strength training, on average MEN WILL BUILD MORE MUSCLE AND MORE EASILY THAN WOMEN, simply due to the hormonal advantage [5]. That's why male and female sports are separated. The strongest man in the world is stronger than the strongest women in the world for precisely such reasons.

At equal muscular mass, there's no real strength difference between a man and a woman.
Wrong again. Although the entire premise of this statement is wrong, the statement in itself is wrong as well. The matter on this is unsettled and the jury is still out. Some studies suggest that strength relative to lean body mass is [roughly] equal in men and women, however, some studies show difference muscle construction. A study (one of many) [4] I linked shows obvious differences in muscle fiber structure of both men and women:

[...] As mentioned earlier, studies of vastus lateralis biopsies show fiber-type CSA to be larger in men than in women. Specifically, type-I fibers are 19% larger, type-IIA fibers are 59% larger, and type-IIX fibers are 66% larger in men than in women (normalized to total biopsy section analyzed) [...]
But even though, it is irrelevent as men simply have more muscle mass due to hormonal and biological advantage, period.

Now when it comes to IQ. You are right, many many studies have consistently shown, the average male and female IQ is pretty much the same. But there are some interesting differences in there as well. Some studies have indicated that men show a greater variability in their IQ distribution. Which would mean that men are both, dumber and smarter than women on a population scale. Its called the , but still more research needs to be done on the matter.

Also I haven't even gotten into the personality differences in men and women, that arise due to the underlying biological differences. Like for example men are on average more violent than women, but differences become a deciding factor at the extremes, (almost all prison inmates and criminals are men). This btw also seems to be a product of testosterone (though still needs more research), as in men, the testosterone levels are directly related to aggressive behavior [7], but doesn't seem to have any long term affects in aggression in trans-men [6]. So it seems like a complex interplay between male biology and hormonal makeup.

On a personal note:
Again, please please please, I am so sick and tired of people (mostly from the left) propagating this unscientific and ultimately harmful ideology, if you are a man of science, don't do this. It deeply bothers me and many other fellows, as this mentality is slowly seeping into the academic fields as well. What I explained above with proper references, shouldn't even have to be explained. Anyone with half a brain can see and tell yeah men and women seem to be different. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH IT.

I hope you take heed and learn from this.

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Aug 10, 2018
Good premise, but I would add a spin- the male MC was considered a genius/successful person before this 'change' to emphasize how 'big' this change is.
As usual, plan,plan,plan.Create an outline, add in events, create your characters and take as much time as you need to get the world building correct.


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
Good premise, but I would add a spin- the male MC was considered a genius/successful person before this 'change' to emphasize how 'big' this change is.
As usual, plan,plan,plan.Create an outline, add in events, create your characters and take as much time as you need to get the world building correct.
Thanks! Yeah, all over the planning thing with this. Since this started out as more or less an exercise in novel-writing, one of my big challenges is going to be creating and managing decision branches. That's where I haven't put enough thought and planning in yet!
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2017
Thanks! Yeah, all over the planning thing with this. Since this started out as more or less an exercise in novel-writing, one of my big challenges is going to be creating and managing decision branches. That's where I haven't put enough thought and planning in yet!
What I like in this regard is that we would be able to influence some of our characters sexual preferrences. I mean being into strong dominant woman should be a given, but having some control about certain preferrences and fetishes would be nice.
Jul 22, 2019
Thanks! Yeah, all over the planning thing with this. Since this started out as more or less an exercise in novel-writing, one of my big challenges is going to be creating and managing decision branches. That's where I haven't put enough thought and planning in yet!
You can try using Campfire Blaze. It has a free version but also you can pay for features. It will 100% help you in the worldbuilding aspects and keeping track of characters, their relationships, and their arcs. Though I don't think it has any tools to help with a branching narrative as of yet. But you can use the stuff it already has, like a manuscript for that purpose probably.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2017
Good premise, but I would add a spin- the male MC was considered a genius/successful person before this 'change' to emphasize how 'big' this change is.
As usual, plan,plan,plan.Create an outline, add in events, create your characters and take as much time as you need to get the world building correct.
If the character would be a genius I would have a hard time to identify with him... :confused: So I would prefer him to be smart, but still be in a normal range. ;)


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
If the character would be a genius I would have a hard time to identify with him... :confused: So I would prefer him to be smart, but still be in a normal range. ;)
Yeah that's my view as well. Players have to relate to the MC, and the average person is not a genius. MC is good looking, smart, late 20s to early 30s, financial career guy with a good salary, up for "the big promotion"...


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
You can try using Campfire Blaze. It has a free version but also you can pay for features. It will 100% help you in the worldbuilding aspects and keeping track of characters, their relationships, and their arcs. Though I don't think it has any tools to help with a branching narrative as of yet. But you can use the stuff it already has, like a manuscript for that purpose probably.
Thanks for that - never heard of it before, but it looks pretty cool.


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
What I like in this regard is that we would be able to influence some of our characters sexual preferrences. I mean being into strong dominant woman should be a given, but having some control about certain preferrences and fetishes would be nice.
Can you expound? Not sure what you mean. Like the player should have control of the sexual prefs of other characters? Or maybe their sexual characteristics?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
I have checked your video, while the presentation was nice it also confirmed to me that you're mostly approaching it from a uniform biological angle. It looked as if the women in the trailer were quite uniformly stronger, more intelligent and more competitive than the male POV in the trailer. You may need a larger shift and optionally more compression in the shifted variables for that, though maybe that's not necessary for the increase in strength.

I don't think that a career downgrade all the way down to cleaning the toilets as suggested above makes a lot of sense, keeping the 15-point IQ difference stated in the OP in mind, unless it is a vindictive demotion by a higher-up. Whatever skills he had that made him successful before aren't going to make him totally useless in a lower-ranking office job.

As for the increase in sexual aggression, do you have any specific consequences in mind other than sexual objectification? Do you plan on the MC's girlfriend becoming more jealous or less interested in him because of it?

You should by the way definitely brace for harsher reactions accusing you of misogyny or misandry (or why not both?). The ones you've had so far were quite mild.
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Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
I have checked your video, while the presentation was nice it also confirmed to me that you're mostly approaching it from a uniform biological angle. It looked as if the women in the trailer were quite uniformly stronger, more intelligent and more competitive than the male POV in the trailer. You may need a larger shift and optionally more compression in the shifted variables for that, though maybe that's not necessary for the increase in strength.

I don't think that a career downgrade all the way down to cleaning the toilets as suggested above makes a lot of sense, keeping the 15-point IQ difference stated in the OP in mind, unless it is a vindictive demotion by a higher-up. Whatever skills he had that made him successful before aren't going to make him totally useless in a lower-ranking office job.

As for the increase in sexual aggression, do you have any specific consequences in mind other than sexual objectification? Do you plan on the MC's girlfriend becoming more jealous or less interested in him because of it?

You should by the way definitely brace for harsher reactions accusing you of misogyny or misandry (or why not both?). The ones you've had so far were quite mild.
There are 3 main female characters to start. Two are (due to what's just known as "the change") significantly stronger than the MC and the average man (2-3 times as strong), but with only modest changes in appearance. One would have actually been stronger and more muscular even before the change. She is an outlier. Naturally gifted and driven, further enhanced by the change.

You're absolutely right re: MC's worth. He is considered a "catch" by women, post-change. He is smart and organized, but only "as a man". Most women post-change do a lot of head-shaking and eye-rolling when working with or trying to explain something to males. I'll clarify that while the base measurement across the female population is that the boost is 15 IQ points, this is preliminary and assessed while changes are apparently still occurring. The MC's subjective experience is that he's seeing greater enhancement than that, though since other abilities are also boosted, such as sense perception, it might be difficult to get a handle on what exactly he's experiencing. In weather reporting you've got the actual temperature, and you've got the "feels like" temperature. Similar to that.

Sexual aggression. Female sex drive is up... way up. For some, including one of the 3 main female characters, it can almost be like vampiric blood-lust at times. Men aren't necessarily safe on the street at night. Incidents of rape are reported. The sex changes are complex, because there are some reproductive changes taking place as well. Nothing freaky in appearance, but imagine a turbo-charged vagina: enhanced sensitivity, enhanced strength, enhanced ability to control vaginal muscles... There are also changes with regard to a woman's ability to predict the outcome of sex with a particular man, as well as the ability to affect those outcomes.

I won't go into detail here, but pheromones will also play a part.

Oh, I know I'll get more negative reactions. I've seen it on other social media networks. It's not pretty.

Edit: Sorry, realized I didn't answer your last question. The question about the MC's girlfriend is hard to answer without giving away key plot points. I'll say that she's torn: at times she becomes jealous and at times shows less interest in him.
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2017
Can you expound? Not sure what you mean. Like the player should have control of the sexual prefs of other characters? Or maybe their sexual characteristics?
Well female domination can entail a lot of different kinks. What I meant is that I would like some control in that regard for the main character. Like for example if you would want to include pegging, it would be nice for me to refuse that as the MC or have an alternate choice there. But well will have to see what you want to include first to comment in more depth on it.


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
Well female domination can entail a lot of different kinks. What I meant is that I would like some control in that regard for the main character. Like for example if you would want to include pegging, it would be nice for me to refuse that as the MC or have an alternate choice there. But well will have to see what you want to include first to comment in more depth on it.
Okay yeah that makes sense, and it's not too hard to provide those kinds of choices, though to get there I'd have to add questions at game start to get those preferences. I didn't plan on putting a ton of traditional femdom kink moments like that in the game but I'm open to adding a few. For example I do have pegging specifically planned for a scene, but it's not for a while into the game, and done for a definite purpose. Even though I hadn't planned on it, a lot of kinds I could add without moving the story in new directions so I'm not opposed. I'll do some research into popularity of those specific kinks and add a list at the start to at least generate variables.

Open to a list of favorites from likely game-players via DM or however.

Edit: Did a quick online review of most popular femdom fetishes. These are apparently the most common from top to bottom, and my assessment of the possibility of each in The Alpha Gender:

1) Facesitting/Smothering - Doable
2) Foot Domination - Doable
3) Ballbusting – Doable, though not as capricious torture
4) Strapon/Pegging – Doable but later chapters
5) Sissification – Not sure. In the context of the story not sure how I could work it in
6) Spanking - Doable
7) Whipping – Not likely
8) CBT - No
9) Electrical Torture - No
10) Trampling - No
11) CFNM – This scenario will be very common
12) Scat - No
13) Piss - No
14) Forced Bisexuality - No
15) Cuckolding – In a male harem, this is standard

Some of my negative answers are determined by my own hard limits, but others are because I know the nature of the female characters and can't imagine why they'd do it, or how to work it into the story. None of the women are really "mistresses" but women with specific goals and plans. If they do one of these things it won't generally be out of cruelty or personal enjoyment, but to achieve a desired end.
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Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
I will add that the game will have an element of smoking fetish, since that's one of my kinks. It's not going to be unrestrained, since I know that not a lot of people share this, but the female character who will likely have the most screen time smokes cigarettes occasionally, and another female character who has a chapter or two of relevance (but might return later!) is a regular cigarette smoker.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
Overall what you have written about the change in gender roles reminds me a lot of the sexual dimorphism commonly found in non-mammals but then transposed to humans; sperm is cheap, ova aren't. The moving parts of the setting are biological and social changes develop from them. That is justified by the main change being biological in nature so that will take centre stage, but social factors could also play an independent role. Are all societies affected equally or do the societal changes depend on previous gender equality? Are urban communities affected in a different way than rural ones? You probably don't need more lore, though.

Edit: Sorry, realized I didn't answer your last question. The question about the MC's girlfriend is hard to answer without giving away key plot points. I'll say that she's torn: at times she becomes jealous and at times shows less interest in him.
It's okay, I guess I was just curious whether the girlfriend was going to put a chastity cage and an anal shield on the MC if she feels that he isn't man enough to get other women off his back... or that he enjoys that too much. But it looks like that's classified information. ;)


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
Overall what you have written about the change in gender roles reminds me a lot of the sexual dimorphism commonly found in non-mammals but then transposed to humans; sperm is cheap, ova aren't. The moving parts of the setting are biological and social changes develop from them. That is justified by the main change being biological in nature so that will take centre stage, but social factors could also play an independent role. Are all societies affected equally or do the societal changes depend on previous gender equality? Are urban communities affected in a different way than rural ones? You probably don't need more lore, though.
Absolutely right: I don't need more lore! The story and game deal only with what transpires in Los Angeles among a core group of characters, with some occasional bits of outside news for color and context.
It's okay, I guess I was just curious whether the girlfriend was going to put a chastity cage and an anal shield on the MC if she feels that he isn't man enough to get other women off his back... or that he enjoys that too much. But it looks like that's classified information. ;)
There is a development that makes cock cages essentially unnecessary... :unsure:


Game Developer
Mar 14, 2019
Additional Info. If I had planned this better I'd have put this in the first post!

3dcg, Animated, BDSM, Big Tits, Female Domination, Harem, Humiliation, Male Protagonist, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Sci-Fi, Sexual Harassment, Spanking, Superpowers, Teasing, Vaginal Sex

Not all of these in first release.

Lesbian, Anal Sex
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