That's entirely true, but it's not even the main reason we need to differentiate between them in this case. Novels require no mechanics and no variables, you just get a story and you progress through it like a paper novel or a movie. Games require mechanics that A) have to be devised and balanced, B) implemented across the whole game, and C) have a meaningful impact on play. That's a lot of work, and it's compounded by the fact that Crush would need to retrofit those mechanics to everything that's happened up to know, which not only requires the labor of coding but also the labor of writing many variations of, and alternatives to, a huge number of situations past, present, and future. Crush is a man who is either a complete scammer or paralyzed by the prospect of writing more than ten words a week, and either way this is 100% guaranteed to bring to a halt whatever notional progress is being made.
I've said that it would take two years for him to finish implementing the lifepath, but upon reflection I think that it might easily be four or five years even for a halfassed rendering to be completed. This is a guy who hasn't produced a meaningful update in...what, seven months now? Even someone who works faster and is both honest and competent might well conclude that it would be easier and faster just to start the project over from scratch than take on the awkward and frustrating task of figuring out how to apply all the mechanics he's introduced and abandoned both to everything that has come before and everything that will come in the future as well as writing who-knows-how-many variations of scenes he's already written, provide new paths in already existing material that would open or close depending on your variables. And we all know Crush loves to restart this game.
Again, the main problem with the lifepaths isn't that it's not required for the novel that this venture currently is, it's that it would be an effort toward converting a half-written novel to a game, with all that entails. Half a dozen personality types (which is what he's established the lifepath would produce) require not just half a dozen variations of each scene, but half a dozen alternate paths through major sections of the game, with unique scenes in each and...well, look, Crush can't even write a consistent portrayal of one personality type, how's he gonna handle six? He can't handle writing scenes to progress the default, so he's suddenly going to handle his workload sextupling?
Diversion into lifepaths is just Crush's way of throttling back expectations to zero and keeping that sweet, sweet Patreon tit squirting the milk for another ten years or more.