HTML - Female Agent [v1.20.1p] [Crushstation]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Ladies and gentlemen, I just seduced a Swedish man and acquired 2.4 billion dollars for the United States government. No need to thank me, drinks are on me.
    This is an amazing game, and I'll definitely be supporting.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I hope you like clicking multiple times, to get two lines of dialogues. Rolling dice, to see if you can unscrew a panel. Yes that is one of the checks. Make choices that in no way impact the story. I am giving it 2 stars only, because I like the premise and what story there is.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I was skeptical in the begin cause many stories try to be realistic but fail in the narrative, for my pleasant surprise is not the case here.
    The VN is very interesting and have one of the best pacing i've seen.
    Maybe my only critic is lack of CG's, but the high customization of the character, change of clothes, make up and etc compensates for this in part. Is one of rare games i dont want to reach its end cause i love the story.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has pretty good writing with a believable corruption progression. The characters feel pretty real, the story is adequate, and I think it has a fairly accurate portrayal of the included kinks.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually joined the patreon on this one. Female agent has absolutely stellar writing. Between that and the small yet important visual details like those expressions & state of your clothing etc. of your protagonist's paperdoll, the immersion really is on a whole other level here. As a huge fan of groping, light corruption & maledom, this is one of my favorites of the genre!
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    this "game" has been in development for 7 years and still has no content to speak of. the dev refuses to changes his ways and the writing it had on release is honestly miles ahead of what it has now. I'd give it 0 stars if I could.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite all the hate around this game, it is still one of my favorite porn games.

    Review for v1.20.1p:

    1)One of the best and rare game idea about heroine being a secret agent, forced to become a part of lewd industry with a lot of sexy situations and corruption progression (corruption progression is a bit awkward at this moment)
    2)One of the main focus on the game is emotions, reaction and personality changes which is really well written and described
    3)Game has a really beautiful avatar that is supported through the whole game, it changes face emotions during scenes and outfits
    4)There are a variety of different outfits combinations, makeup, body shapes, face shapes and others which makes you really enjoy your character, should be enough for most of the tastes
    5)Interface is really convenient, not a lot of text on page, pictures of most of the places and people you see during scenes, this all makes experience much better than other only (or mostly) text games.
    6)There are 3 game versions, in total they more than 8-10 hr of gameplay

    1)Development speed is not really fast, but for the game you can play for free this is not really a topic for discussion
    2)By the end of the v1.20.1p game needs some changes, heroine already fucked several men through the game on the job, but still feel deep and controversial emotions from doing blowjob to another one, it looks like developer overmilking this idea. Maybe this game need to move in another direction or get some progression on the main job. At least I hope it will not be abandoned, 4th rework to milk same idea is still better than being abandoned
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This "game" has no RPG or simulator elements to it, it's just a kinetic novel. That would be fine if the story were compelling, but the writing is slow and meandering and the corruption is non-existent. Worst of all, the espionage elements of this story are utterly amateurish. I'm not saying you have to be an expert in spy fiction to write a story for a porn game, but at least pick up a Tom Clancy novel or something.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all, let me say that I don't pay attention to what is written here, in Discord or on Patreon, or what the upgrade cycle is.
    I usually find games by accident, play them and then forget about them for a few years until I happen to find them again to see what's new.

    Same here. The last time I played it was a few years ago and even then I thought it had a hell of a lot of potential. It's a text-based game, so there's not much to see, but I really like the premise.

    This "new" version basically starts where the old version I played a few years ago ended. And I'm a little confused as to why the developers seem to have scrapped the whole "building up the entire background" thing, because at the time I thought it was a brilliant idea.

    But I can't deny that I really, really enjoy playing this game. There are perhaps a few inconsistencies in some of the actions our protagonist takes or reactions to previous situations. And the game is full of rather pointless decisions. It's also clearly not an RPG.

    But man, I love the idea and I'm really having a fantastic time with it.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of drama with this one. So much drama, in fact, that it would appear to has taken a life of its own. I will try to avoid it and judge the game solely on its merits, as much as I can.

    What we are dealing here is a simple kinetic novel about a rookie female spy who is supposed to go undercover as a topless waitress/prostitute in Bangkok, Thailand which would hopefully lead to a removal of a dangerous international criminal.
    You may be given a lot of false choices at various points in the game, but it doesn't really affect the story, almost at all.

    Graphics are almost non existent. You have a rudimentary paper doll for the MC that reacts to whatever clothes or makeup you put on the MC, but nothing of that has any influence on the plot.

    The writing is good. The sex scenes, although few a far between, are well written and hot. The game puts you in a proper vibe for a spy thriller and appears to be very well researched. All the "spy stuff" feels quite realistic and doesn't require a lot of suspension of disbelief.

    The game has been stuck in development hell and the progress is slow, but the worse part is that there have been constant revisions and reimaginings, so even when an update appears, you never know whether to expect new contact or just changes to existing content.

    I feel 3/5 is realistic for that reason. If you like well written kinetic novels with female protagonist, don't mind lack of visuals, meaningful choices and can accept extremely slow development pace, you should try it out.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Adam Rich

    This game boasts intricate and immersive storylines, offering players an unparalleled gaming experience that sets it apart from any other in the market. With its profound narratives and engaging plot twists, the game takes players on a journey that delves deep into its rich, multifaceted universe. Unlike any other gaming experience available, it provides an unparalleled level of immersion and captivation.

    Players are not just participants; they are active protagonists within the game's expansive world, where every decision made and every action taken resonates within the intricately woven narrative. The game's creators have meticulously crafted a universe filled with diverse characters, intricate lore, and compelling dialogues, allowing players to truly lose themselves in the storyline.

    Moreover, the game offers a level of emotional engagement that is unmatched, eliciting a wide range of feelings from players as they navigate through its complex and thought-provoking scenarios. It is not merely a game but a profound and transformative experience that leaves a lasting impression on those who venture into its virtual realm.

    In essence, this game stands as a testament to the extraordinary heights that gaming can achieve, providing an experience that transcends traditional boundaries and immerses players in a world where storytelling reaches unparalleled depths, setting a new standard for the gaming industry.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Text based erotic novel lacking good visuals (other than 3d models of the MC) and with frankly terrible writing. It has a railroaded plot but uses false choices to give the impression that it was something you had chosen. The MC reacts to events extremely arbitrarily as well, almost like it was written by different authors each with a different view of how the character works.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    A solid 3.5/5 with most of those being points for creativity, originality and completeness. Unfortunately the mains drawback of the 'game' is simply because it is what it is; a glorified picture book. The story wanders a bit but ultimately stays in the pure smut neighborhood; well written but just overall lacking in inspiration after you realize it's the same thing written over and over and over.

    Not to say I mind reading but ultimately there comes a point where there isn't any light at the end of the tunnel. 'If I read a novela then I can see some boobies' only works for so long before you realize you can go to google, type in "TIG ol' BITTIES" and get massively more enjoyment in .001% of the time playing the game.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    First of all I want to mention that tags under this game are misleading. It’s not an RPG or Simulator. It’s a text-based kinetic novel. That means it’s like a book with very few illustrations and text divided into the slides.

    There are no any particular branching (or routes) that you can follow, no rpg elements like character page with attributes that can be updated during the game according to your play style, because there are no choices

    Writing are not consistent. Earlier you character may have a forced sex and it’s not a big deal for her and later simple blowjob is like an end of the world

    It had a potential to became one of the gems of this site, but all in all we have here not even a game, but a kinetic novel

    My score is 2/5,
    1 - for engaging writing and
    1 - character creation screen, because avatar is cute and very customizable

    Someone said that Crush used to be a bad manager, because his project management skills are very bad: small progress, almost no functionality and etc.
    From my point of view Crush is fucking genious. Instead of working and progress the game futher, hire professionals and expand the team, he works with his patrons. And it works! He continues to milk them in such amount like he is making a full blown AAA RPG.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    a lot of interaction and an interesting story that had me thinking some of the optionm for a good ammount of time
    beutifuly rendered caracter and very well written story
    realy well playable would have loved a way to go back to look at more path that wasnt saving and reloading
    this also contains a good ammount of conent and is being updated regularly
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4124359

    one day your agent can take drugs and have unprotected sex with random guy and her manager, next day she will have mental breakdown over sucking vip client cock, kind of lacks consistency sometimes, but overall decent game
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best writen stories here. The development and the odd task our herorin is droped into is great. And looking forward for even more.

    The development of the herorin char. Is going to be interesting to look into as the story develop. And she is drop further and further into the mission.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not typically a fan of text heavy games, but the female agent has great story writing and (hold your breath) a really good story worth reading. I'll need to go replay and see if the choices affect the game much (they seem like they just select levels of indecency the agent is willing to go through for the job) - but I liked the story enough it will be worthwhile having a second play through to see if it does change things.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    So the premise and writing quality of the game is quite good but it's main issues are as follows:

    The game has been reworked a lot of times over the years with content and plans scraped and redone and the current pace of release is obscenely slow in comparison so what other projects with a fraction of the funding pump out.

    The illusion of choice breaks often when you're scripted to make characters react in specific ways which at first makes you feel tension but once you've realized that there is no way to avoid the outcome and how at the end regardless of your choices, it eventually becomes a non issue. (Specifically i'm looking at you forced rep loss and gain)

    9/10 of the patron release notes are I shit you not: "It's delayed again/ I feel like the quality was not up to snuff so I rewrote it all/ it's not ready yet" in order of frequency.

    There is enough clicking between transitions only for a hundred words or less that it becomes tiresome, this exacerbates the lack of fun and enjoyment when creating new characters and playing a differing route.

    The once every few months release adds an average of two smutty events is I'm my humble opinion not worth keeping track of this game actively.

    TLDR: Good but flawed and trying my patience mightily.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice story telling and well constructed plot. Also a nice twist to allow the MC to have varying backgrounds and traits and better still this now develops as the story progresses depending upon her actions.
    There are also some side missions which, so far have been fun.
    This game took an age to get going with numerous starts which were subsequently abandoned but can be replayed using earlier versions of the game. I had given up on it because of this but nice to see it moving forward now.
    From a personal perspective I hope that the track to getting the MC to work as a bar girl is believable when implemented but based on the story so far (including V1.19.1) that should be the case.
    The only real improvement I'd like to see would be short clips of some of the acts rather than only photos.